## This file is part of pyFormex 1.0.7 (Mon Jun 17 12:20:39 CEST 2019)
## pyFormex is a tool for generating, manipulating and transforming 3D
## geometrical models by sequences of mathematical operations.
## Home page: http://pyformex.org
## Project page: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/pyformex/
## Copyright 2004-2019 (C) Benedict Verhegghe (benedict.verhegghe@ugent.be)
## Distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
"""View and manipulate 3D models in your browser.
This module defines some classes and function to help with the creation
of WebGL models. A WebGL model can be viewed directly from a compatible
browser (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebGL).
A WebGL model typically consists out of an HTML file and a Javascript file,
possibly also some geometry data files. The HTML file is loaded in the
browser and starts the Javascript program, responsible for rendering the
WebGL scene.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import numpy as np
import pyformex as pf
from pyformex import utils
from pyformex import Path
from pyformex.opengl import colors
from pyformex.olist import List, intersection
from pyformex.mydict import Dict
from pyformex.arraytools import checkFloat, checkArray, checkInt
from pyformex.mesh import Mesh
from pyformex.attributes import Attributes
from pyformex.geometry import Geometry
exported_webgl = None
# Formatting a controller for an attribute
# %N will be replaced with name of object,
# %A will be replaced with name of attribute,
controller_format = {
'visible': "add(%N,'%A')",
'opacity': "add(%N,'%A',0,1)",
'color': "addColor(%N,'%A')"
default_control = ['visible', 'opacity', 'color', 'face opacity', 'face color',
'show edges', 'edge opacity', 'edge color',
'show wires', 'wire opacity', 'wire color']
def saneSettings(k):
"""Sanitize sloppy settings for JavaScript output"""
ok = {}
ok['color'] = checkArray(k['color'], (3,), 'f')
c = checkInt(k['color'][0])
print("COLOR INDEX %s" % c)
colormap = pf.canvas.settings.colormap
ok['color'] = colormap[c % len(colormap)]
print("Unexpected color: %s" % k['color'])
ok['alpha'] = checkFloat(k['alpha'], 0., 1.)
ok['caption'] = str(k['caption'])
ok['control'] = intersection(k['control'], controller_format.keys())
return ok
def properties(o):
"""Return properties of an object
properties are public attributes (not starting with an '_') that
are not callable.
keys = [k for k in sorted(dir(o)) if not k.startswith('_') and not callable(getattr(o, k))]
return utils.selectDict(o.__dict__, keys)
class WebGL(object):
"""A class to export a 3D scene to WebGL.
Exporting a WebGL model creates:
- a HTML file calling some Javascript files. This file can be viewed
in a WebGL enabled browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
- a Javascript file describing the model. This file relies an other
Javascript files to do the actual rendering and provide control menus.
The default rendering script is
and the gui toolkit is
The user can replace them with scripts of his choice.
- a number of geometry files in pyFormex PGF format. These are normally
created automatically by the exportScene method. The user can optionally
add other files.
An example of its usage can be found in the WebGL example.
- `name`: string: the base name for the created HTML and JS files.
- `scripts`: a list of URLs pointing to scripts that will be needed
for the rendering of the scene.
- `bgcolor`: string: the background color of the rendered page. This
can be the name of a color or a hexadecimal WEB color string like
- `title`: string: an optional title to be set in the .html file. If not
specified, the `name` is used.
- `description`, `keywords`, `author`: strings: if specified, these
will be added as meta tags to the generated .html file. The first two
have defaults if not specified.
- `htmlheader`: string: a string to be included in the header section
of the exported html file. It should be al legal html string.
- `jsheader`: string: a string to be included at the start of
the javascript file. It should be a legal javascript text.
Usually, it is only used to insert comments, in which case
all lines should start with '//', or the whole text should
be included in a '/*', '*/' pair.
- `dataformat`: string: the extension of the data files used for storing
the geometry. This should be an extension supported by the webgl
rendering script.
The default (https://net.feops.com/public/webgl/fewgl-0.2.js")
will always support pyFormex native formats '.pgf' and '.pgf.gz'.
Some other formats (like .stl) may also be supported, but the use of
the native formats is prefered, because they are a lot smaller.
Default is to use the compressed '.pgf.gz' format.
- `urlprefix`: string: if specified, this string gets prepended to the
exported .js filename in the .html file, and to the datafiles in the
exported .js file. This can be used to serve the models from a web
server, where the html code is generated dynamically and the model
script and data can not be kept in the same location as the html.
- `gui`: bool: if True, a gui will be added to the model,
allowing some features to be changed interactively.
- `cleanup`: bool: if True, files in the output directory (the current
work directory) starting with the specified base name and having a name
structure used by the exported, will be deleted from the file system.
Currently, this includes files with name patterns NAME.html*, NAME.js*
NAME_*.pgf* and NAME_*.stl*.
def __init__(self,
"""Create a new (empty) WebGL model."""
if not scripts:
if pf.cfg['webgl/devel']:
scripts = ['fewgl.js']
if gui:
scripts = [
(pf.cfg['webgl/devpath'] / f).as_uri() for f in scripts
scripts = [pf.cfg['webgl/script']]
if gui:
self.scripts = scripts
print("WebGL scripts: %s" % self.scripts)
self.name = Path(name)
if title is None:
title = 'WebGL model %s, created by pyFormex' % name
if description is None:
description = title
if keywords is None:
keywords = "pyFormex, WebGL, FEops, XTK, HTML, JavaScript"
self.title = title
self.description = description
self.keywords = keywords
self.author = author
self.jsfile = None
self.htmlheader = htmlheader
self.jsheader = jsheader
self.pgfheader = pgfheader
self.sep = sep
self.dataformat = dataformat
self.urlprefix = urlprefix
self.scenes = []
if cleanup:
existing = []
for g in ['*.html', '*.js', '_*.pgf*', '_*.stl*']:
existing += (self.name + g).glob()
print("Removing existing files: %s" % existing)
for f in existing:
def addScene(self, name=None, camera=True):
"""Add the current OpenGL scene to the WebGL model.
This method adds all the geometry in the current viewport to
the WebGL model. By default it will also add the current camera
and export the scene as a completed WebGL model with the given
- `name`: a string with the name of the model for the current
scene. When multiple scenes are exported, they will be identified
by this name. This name is also used as the basename for the
exported geometry files. For a single scene export, the name may
be omitted, and will then be set equal to the name of the WebGL
exporter. If no name is specified, the model is not exported.
This allows the user to add more scenes to the same model, and
then to explicitely export it with :func:`exportScene`.
- `camera`: bool or dict : if True, sets the current viewport camera as the
camera in the WebGL model. If False the default camera values of WebGL
will be used. If dict the camera values will be taken from the dictionary.
self._actors = List()
self._gui = []
self.bgcolor = pf.canvas.settings.bgcolor
print("Exporting %s actors from current scene" % len(pf.canvas.actors))
sorted_actors = [a for a in pf.canvas.actors if a.opak] + [a for a in pf.canvas.actors if not a.opak]
for i, a in enumerate(sorted_actors):
o = a.object
atype = type(a).__name__
otype = type(o).__name__
pf.debug("Actor %s: %s %s Shape=(%s,%s) Color=%s"% (i, atype, otype, o.nelems(), o.nplex(), a.color), pf.DEBUG.WEBGL)
if camera is True:
ca = pf.canvas.camera
if not np.allclose(ca.area, ((0., 0.), (1., 1.))):
pf.warning("You current display uses soft zooming. The exported WebGL model currently does not have that feature, so the displayed area may be different from the pyFormex view.\nTo create a pyFormex display without soft zooming, use Camera->ZoomAll and the zoom in or out using only the Camera->DollyIn and/or Camera->Dolly/Out.")
self.setCamera(focus=ca.focus, position=ca.eye, up=ca.upvector)
elif camera is False:
self._camera = None
if name:
def addActor(self, actor):
"""Add an actor to the model.
The actor's drawable objects are added to the WebGL model
as a list.
The actor's controller attributes are added to the controller gui.
drawables = []
controllers = []
# add drawables
for i, d in enumerate(actor.drawable):
attrib = Attributes(actor, d)
attrib.file = '%s_s%s_%s%s' % (self.name, len(self.scenes), actor.name, self.dataformat)
# write the object to a .pgf file
# we do not store the back faces, reuse the front faces file instead
if not attrib.name.endswith('_back'):
coords = np.asarray(attrib.vbo)
if attrib.ibo is not None:
elems = np.asarray(attrib.ibo)
nelems, nplex = coords.shape[:2]
elems = np.arange(nelems*nplex).reshape(nelems, nplex).astype(np.int32)
coords = coords.reshape(-1, 3)
obj = Mesh(coords, elems)
if attrib.nbo is not None:
normals = np.asarray(attrib.nbo).reshape(-1, 3)
if attrib.cbo is not None:
if attrib.useObjectColor != 0:
# skip the fake cbo buffer
# !!!! QUICK FIX for correctly reading colors
# from the fewgl.js, which only has RGB no RGBA
color = np.asarray(attrib.cbo).reshape(-1, 4)
obj.attrib(color=color[elems, :3])
#print("WRITING %s" % attrib.name)
Geometry.write(obj, attrib.file, sep=self.sep)
# add missing attributes
if attrib.lighting is None:
attrib.lighting = pf.canvas.settings.lighting
if attrib.useObjectColor is None:
attrib.useObjectColor = 1
attrib.color = pf.canvas.settings.fgcolor
if attrib.alpha is None:
attrib.alpha = pf.canvas.settings.transparency
# add controllers
if actor.control is not None:
control = actor.control
elif pf.cfg['webgl/autogui']:
# Add autogui
control = default_control
if len(control) > 0:
for attrib in drawables:
name = attrib.name.split('_')[-1]
if 'show ' + name in control:
controllers.append((attrib.name, 'show ' + name, 'visible'))
if name[:-1] + ' opacity' in control:
controllers.append((attrib.name, name[:-1] + ' opacity', 'opacity'))
if name[:-1] + ' color' in control and attrib.useObjectColor:
controllers.append((attrib.name, name[:-1] + ' color', 'color'))
# add faces if there are drawables for the front and back faces
names = [attrib.name for attrib in drawables]
#print("NAMES: %s" % names)
if actor.name+'_front' in names and actor.name+'_back' in names:
attrib = Attributes(dict(name=actor.name+'_faces', children=[actor.name+'_front', actor.name+'_back']))
contr = []
if 'show faces' in control:
contr.append((attrib.name, 'show faces', 'visible'))
if 'face opacity' in control:
contr.append((attrib.name, 'face opacity', 'opacity'))
attrib.alpha = drawables[names.index(actor.name+'_front')].alpha
if 'face color' in control and drawables[names.index(actor.name+'_front')].useObjectColor:
contr.append((attrib.name, 'face color', 'color'))
# use frontface color
attrib.useObjectColor = drawables[names.index(actor.name+'_front')].useObjectColor
attrib.color = drawables[names.index(actor.name+'_front')].color
controllers = contr + controllers
# add actor
attrib = Attributes(dict(name=actor.name, children=names))
contr = []
if 'visible' in control:
contr.append((attrib.name, 'visible', 'visible'))
if actor.visible is not None:
attrib.visible = actor.visible
controllers = contr + controllers
if len(controllers) > 0:
self._gui.append((actor.name, actor.caption, controllers))
def setCamera(self, **kargs):
"""Set the camera position and direction.
This takes two (optional) keyword parameters:
- `position=`: specify a list of 3 coordinates. The camera will
be positioned at that place, and be looking at the origin.
This should be set to a proper distance from the scene to get
a decent result on first display.
- `upvector=`: specify a list of 3 components of a vector indicating
the upwards direction of the camera. The default is [0.,1.,0.].
self._camera = Dict(kargs)
def format_actor(self, actor):
"""Export an actor in Javascript format for fewgl."""
s = ""
for attr in actor:
name = attr.name
s += "var %s = new X.mesh();\n" % name
if len(attr.children) > 0:
s += "%s.children = new Array();\n" % name
for child in attr.children:
s += "%s.children.push(%s);\n" % (name, child)
if attr.file is not None:
if self.urlprefix:
url = self.urlprefix + attr.file
url = attr.file
s += "%s.file = '%s';\n" % (name, url)
if attr.caption is not None:
s += "%s.caption = '%s';\n" % (name, attr.caption)
if attr.useObjectColor == 2 and attr.drawface == -1:
# we have back faces with different color
s += "%s.color = %s;\n" % (name, list(attr.objectBkColor))
elif attr.useObjectColor is not None and attr.useObjectColor > 0 \
and attr.objectColor is not None:
# front faces or back faces same color as front
s += "%s.color = %s;\n" % (name, list(attr.objectColor))
# TODO: THIS is experimental
# IT WILL DISABLE different front/back colors
# Copy _front color to _faces
if attr.name.endswith("_faces"):
parent_name = attr.name[:-6]
front_name = parent_name+"_front"
if front_name in attr.children:
s += "%s.color = %s.color;\n" % (name, front_name)
if attr.alpha is not None:
s += "%s.opacity = %s;\n" % (name, attr.alpha)
if attr.lighting is not None:
s += "%s.lighting = %s;\n" % (name, str(bool(attr.lighting)).lower())
if attr.cullface is not None:
s += "%s.cullface = '%s';\n" % (name, attr.cullface)
if attr.magicmode is not None:
s += "%s.magicmode = '%s';\n" % (name, str(bool(attr.magicmode)).lower())
if attr.visible is not None:
s += "%s.visible = %s;\n" % (name, str(bool(attr.visible)).lower())
if len(attr.children) == 0:
s += "r.add(%s);\n" % name
s += "\n"
return s
def format_gui_controller(self, name, attr):
"""Format a single controller"""
if attr in controller_format:
return controller_format[attr].replace('%N', name).replace('%A', attr)
raise ValueError("Controller for attribute '%s' not implemented")
def format_gui(self):
"""Create the controller GUI script"""
s = """
r.onShowtime = function() {
var gui = new dat.GUI();
the_controls = gui;
for name, caption, attrs in self._gui:
guiname = "gui_%s" % name
if not caption:
caption = name
s += "var %s = gui.addFolder('%s');\n" % (guiname, caption)
for objname, name, attr in attrs:
cname = "%s_%s" % (guiname, "".join(name.split()))
s += "var %s = %s.%s.name('%s');\n" % (cname, guiname, self.format_gui_controller(objname, attr), name)
# add camera controls
guiname = "gui_camera"
s += """
var %s = gui.addFolder('Camera');
var %s_reset = %s.add(r.camera,'reset');
""".replace('%s', guiname)
# add global controls
s += """
var gui_global = gui.addFolder('Global');
var gui_global_alphablend = gui_global.add(r,'toggleAlphablend');
s += "}\n"
return s
def start_js(self, name):
"""Export the start of the js file.
- `name`: string: the name of the model that will be shown
by default when displaying the webgl html page
This function should only be executed once, before any
other export functions. It is called automatically by
the first call to exportScene.
jsname = self.name.with_suffix('.js')
print("Exporting WebGL script to %s" % jsname.resolve())
if self.urlprefix:
jsurl = self.urlprefix + jsname
print("Include it in the .html page as '%s'" % jsurl)
jsurl = jsname
s = "// Script generated by %s\n" % pf.fullVersion()
if self.jsheader:
s += str(self.jsheader)
s += """
var the_renderer;
var the_controls;
window.onload = function() {
"""% name
self.jsfile = jsname.open('w')
def exportScene(self, name=None):
"""Export the current OpenGL scene to the WebGL model.
- `name`: string: the name of the model in the current
scene. When multiple scenes are exported, they will be identified
by this name. This name is also used as the basename for the
exported geometry files. For a single scene export, the name may
be omitted, and will then be set equal to the name of the WebGL
if name is None:
name = self.name
if self.jsfile is None:
s = """
show%s = function(renderer) {
if (typeof renderer === 'undefined') {
if (the_renderer != null) the_renderer.destroy();
var r = new X.renderer3D();
the_renderer = r;
} else {
r = renderer
if (the_controls != null) the_controls.destroy();
""" % name
js_alphablend = str(pf.canvas.settings.alphablend).lower()
s += "r.setAlphablend(%s);\n" % js_alphablend
s += '\n'.join([self.format_actor(a) for a in self._actors])
if self._gui:
s += self.format_gui()
if self._camera:
s += '\n'
if 'position' in self._camera:
s += "r.camera.position = %s;\n" % list(self._camera.position)
if 'focus' in self._camera:
s += "r.camera.focus = %s;\n" % list(self._camera.focus)
if 'up' in self._camera:
s += "r.camera.up = %s;\n" % list(self._camera.up)
if 'zoomstep' in self._camera:
s += "r.camera.zoomstep = %s;\n" % self._camera.zoomstep
if 'fovy' in self._camera:
s += "r.camera.fovy = %s;\n" % self._camera.fovy
s += """
def export(self, body='', createdby=-1):
"""Finish the export by creating the html file.
- `body`: an HTML section to be put in the body
- `createdby`: int. If not zero, a logo 'Created by pyFormex'
will appear on the page. If > 0, it specifies the width of the
logo field. If < 0, the logo will be displayed on its natural
Returns the full path of the created html file.
if self.jsfile:
self.jsfile = None
htmlname = self.name.with_suffix('.html')
if createdby:
if isinstance(createdby, int):
width = createdby
width = 0
body += createdBy(width)
if len(self.scenes) > 1:
body += createSceneButtons(self.scenes)
exported_webgl = createWebglHtml(
htmlname, self.scripts, self.bgcolor, body,
self.description, self.keywords, self.author, self.title)
print("Exported WebGL model to %s" % exported_webgl)
return exported_webgl
raise ValueError("No jsfile created yet")
def createSceneButtons(scenes):
body = "<div style='position:absolute;top:150px;left:10px;'>"
for name in scenes:
body += "<button onclick='show%s()'>Show %s</button><br />" % (name, name)
body += "</div>"
return body
def createdBy(width=0):
"""Return a div html element with the created by pyFormex logo"""
if width > 0:
width = ' width="%s%%"' % width
width = ''
return """<div id='pyformex' style='position:absolute;top:10px;left:10px;'>
<a href='%s' target=_blank><img src='%s' border=0%s></a>
</div>""" % (pf.cfg['webgl/logo_link'], pf.cfg['webgl/logo'], width)
def createWebglHtml(name, scripts=[], bgcolor='white', body='',
description='WebGL model', keywords="pyFormex, WebGL",
author='', title='pyFormex WebGL model', header=''):
"""Create a html file for a WebGL model.
Returns the absolute pathname to the created HTML file.
s = """<html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="generator" content="%s">
""" % pf.fullVersion()
if description:
s += '<meta name="description" content="%s">\n' % description
if keywords:
s += '<meta name="keywords" content="%s">\n' % keywords
if author:
s += '<meta name="author" content="%s">\n' % author
s += "<title>%s</title>\n" % title
if header:
s += header
for scr in scripts:
s += '<script type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script>\n' % scr
s += """
<body bgcolor='%s'>
""" % (colors.WEBcolor(bgcolor), body)
htmlfile = Path(name)
return htmlfile.resolve()
def surface2webgl(S, name, caption=None):
"""Create a WebGL model of a surface
- `S`: TriSurface
- `name`: basename of the output files
- `caption`: text to use as caption
W = WebGL()
W.add(obj=S, file=name)
s = S.dsize()
W.view(position=[0., 0., s])
W.export(name, caption)
def createMultiWebGL():
"""Creates a multimodel WebGL from single WebGL models"""
from pyformex.gui.draw import askFilename, askNewFilename, ack, showHTML
models = askFilename(filter=['html', 'js'], multi=True)
if not models:
combined = askNewFilename(filter=['html', 'js'], caption="Enter name of the combined model")
if not combined:
with combined.with_suffix('.js').open('w') as fout:
print("""// Script generated by %s
var the_renderer;
var the_menu;
window.onload = function() {
""" % (pf.fullVersion(), utils.projectName(models[0])), file=fout)
body = createdBy()
body += "<div style='position:absolute;top:150px;left:10px;'>"
for model in models:
name = model.stem
body += "<button onclick='show%s()'>Show %s</button><br />" % (name, name)
print('', file=fout)
print("show%s = function() {" % name, file=fout)
with model.with_suffix('.js').open('r') as f:
s = f.readlines()
while len(s) > 0:
line = s.pop(0)
if line.startswith("window.onload = function"):
line = s.pop(0)
if line.startswith("var r = new X.renderer3D"):
print("""if (the_menu != null) the_menu.destroy();
if (the_renderer != null) the_renderer.destroy();
the_renderer = new X.renderer3D();
var r = the_renderer;
""", file=fout)
raise ValueError("Invalid WebGL script %s" % fn)
while len(s) > 0:
line = s.pop(0)
print(line, file=fout)
if line.startswith("var gui = new dat.GUI"):
print("the_menu = gui;", file=fout)
body += "</div>"
fn = createWebglHtml(
if ack("Show the scene in your browser?"):
# End