## This file is part of pyFormex 2.0 (Mon Sep 14 12:29:05 CEST 2020)
## pyFormex is a tool for generating, manipulating and transforming 3D
## geometrical models by sequences of mathematical operations.
## Home page: http://pyformex.org
## Project page: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/pyformex/
## Copyright 2004-2020 (C) Benedict Verhegghe (benedict.verhegghe@ugent.be)
## Distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
# This is the only pyFormex module that is imported by the main script,
# so this is the place to put startup code
"""pyFormex command line tools
This module contains some command line tools that are run through the
pyformex command, but do not start a full pyFormex program: just execute
some small task and exit.
Furthermore it contains some functions for handling the user preferences.
import sys
import os
import warnings
import pyformex as pf
from pyformex import Path
from pyformex import utils
from pyformex import software
# Note: This module and all of the above should NOT import numpy
########################### main ################################
[docs]def list_modules(pkgs=['all']):
"""Return the list of pure Python modules in a pyFormex subpackage.
pkgs: list of str
A list of pyFormex subpackage names. The subpackage name is a
subdirectory of the main pyformex package directory.
Two special package names are recognized:
- 'core': returns the modules in the top level pyformex package
- 'all': returns all pyFormex modules
An empty list is interpreted as ['all'].
list of str
A list of all modules in the specified packages.
This implements the ``pyformex --listmodules`` functionality.
modules = []
if pkgs == []:
pkgs = ['all']
for subpkg in pkgs:
return modules
[docs]def run_pytest(modules):
"""Run the pytests for the specified pyFormex modules.
modules: list of str
A list of pyFormex modules in dotted Python notation,
relative to the pyFormex package. If an empty list is supplied,
all available pytests will be run.
Test modules are stored under the path `pf.cfg['testdir']`, with the
same hierarchy as the pyFormex source modules, and are named
`test_MODULE.py`, where MODULE is the corresponding source module.
This implements the `pyformex --pytest` functionality.
import pytest
except Exception:
print("Can not import pytest")
testpath = pf.cfg['testdir']
args = ['--maxfail', '10']
if not modules:
pytest.main(args + [testpath])
print("Running pytests for modules %s" % modules)
for m in modules:
path = Path(*m.split('.'))
path = testpath / path.with_name(f"test_{path.name}.py")
if path.exists():
pytest.main(args + [path])
print("No such test module: %s" % path)
[docs]def run_doctest(modules):
"""Run the doctests for the specified pyFormex modules.
modules: list of str
A list of pyFormex modules in dotted Python notation,
relative to the pyFormex package. If an empty list is supplied,
all doctests in all pyFormex modules will be run.
Doctests are tests embedded in the docstrings of the Python source.
To allow consistent output of floats independent of machine precision,
numpy's floating point print precision is set to two decimals.
This implements the `pyformex --doctest` functionality.
import numpy
if software.Module.check('numpy', '< 1.14'):
# does not have the legacy argument
numpy.set_printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True)
numpy.set_printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True, legacy='1.13')
from pyformex import arraytools
# set verbosity to 0
pf.options.verbose = 0
if not modules:
modules = ['all']
todo = []
for mod in modules:
if mod in ['all'] or mod.endswith('.'):
todo.extend(utils.moduleList(mod.replace('.', '')))
# Temporary hack moving 'software' module to the end,
# as it causes failures for some other modules
m = 'software'
if m in todo:
pf.debug(f"Final list of modules to test: {todo}", pf.DEBUG.DOCTEST)
# Now perform the tests
FAILED, failed, attempted = 0, 0, 0
for m in todo:
result = doctest_module(m)
failed += result.failed
attempted += result.attempted
except Exception as e:
result = f"FAIL\n Failed because: {e}"
print(f"Module {m}: {result}")
if len(todo) > 1:
print(f"Totals: attempted={attempted} tests, failed={failed} tests, "
f"FAILED={FAILED} modules")
[docs]def doctest_module(module):
"""Run the doctests in a single module's docstrings.
All the doctests in the docstrings of the specified module will be run.
module: str
A pyFormex module in dotted path notation. The leading 'pyformex.'
can be omitted.
import doctest
import importlib
if not module.startswith('pyformex'):
module = 'pyformex.' + module
mod = importlib.import_module(module)
pf.options.verbose = 0
with warnings.catch_warnings():
pf.debug(f"Running doctests on {mod}", pf.DEBUG.DOCTEST)
return doctest.testmod(
mod, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE | doctest.ELLIPSIS)
[docs]def migrateUserConfig():
"""Migrate the user preferences in $HOME/.config
Conversion of old style has been abandoned.
Currently this does nothing.
def _sanitize_warnings_filters(c):
"""Sanitize the 'warnings/filters' setting.
The setting should be a set (to avoid doubles) and not contain
Returns the corrected setting, possibly None.
if isinstance(c, set):
# Accept as is
elif isinstance(c, list):
# Remove the obsolete filters
c = set(f for f in c if isinstance(f, tuple) and
not (len(f) > 2 and f[2] == 'D'))
# Remove the setting
c = None
return c
[docs]def apply_config_changes(cfg):
"""Apply incompatible changes in the configuration
cfg is the user configuration that is to be saved.
# Safety checks
# Warning filters
if 'warnings' in cfg and 'filters' in cfg['warnings']:
# We need to check if the cfg really owns the setting
pf.debug('Sanitizing settings', pf.DEBUG.CONFIG)
c = _sanitize_warnings_filters(cfg['warnings/filters'])
cfg['warnings/filters'] = c
# Path required
for p in ('workdir', ):
if p in cfg and not isinstance(cfg[p], Path):
cfg[p] = Path(p)
# Adhoc changes
if isinstance(cfg['gui/dynazoom'], str):
cfg['gui/dynazoom'] = [cfg['gui/dynazoom'], '']
for i in range(8):
t = "render/light%s" % i
cfg[t] = dict(cfg[t])
except Exception:
for d in ['scriptdirs', 'appdirs']:
if d in cfg:
scriptdirs = []
for i in cfg[d]:
if i[1] == '' or Path(i[1]).is_dir():
elif i[0] == '' or Path(i[0]).is_dir():
scriptdirs.append((i[1], i[0]))
cfg[d] = scriptdirs
# Rename settings
for old, new in [
('history', 'gui/scripthistory'),
('gui/history', 'gui/scripthistory'),
('raiseapploadexc', 'showapploaderrors'),
('webgl/xtkscript', 'webgl/script'),
if old in cfg:
if new not in cfg:
cfg[new] = cfg[old]
del cfg[old]
# Delete settings
for key in [
'Save changes',
if key in cfg:
del cfg[key]
def printcfg(key):
print("!! refcfg[%s] = %s" % (key, pf.refcfg[key]))
except KeyError:
print("!! cfg[%s] = %s" % (key, pf.cfg[key]))
[docs]def savePreferences():
"""Save the preferences.
The name of the preferences file is determined at startup from
the configuration files, and saved in ``pyformex.preffile``.
If a local preferences file was read, it will be saved there.
Otherwise, it will be saved as the user preferences, possibly
creating that file.
If ``pyformex.preffile`` is None, preferences are not saved.
pf.debug("savePreferences to: %s" % pf.preffile, pf.DEBUG.CONFIG)
if pf.preffile is None:
# Create the user conf dir
# try:
pf.preffile.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# except Exception:
# print("The path where your user preferences should be stored can"
# "not be created!\nPreferences are not saved!")
# return
# print("""
# ############################
# ## Currently I can not save the preferences in the new format!
# ## After all, this is a development version ;)
# ###############################################################
# """)
# return
# Do not store the refcfg warning filters: we add them on startup
a = set(pf.prefcfg['warnings/filters'])
b = set(pf.refcfg['warnings/filters'])
pf.prefcfg['warnings/filters'] = a-b
# Currently erroroneously processed, therefore not saved
del pf.prefcfg['render/light0']
del pf.prefcfg['render/light1']
del pf.prefcfg['render/light2']
del pf.prefcfg['render/light3']
pf.debug("=" * 60, pf.DEBUG.CONFIG)
pf.debug("!!!Saving config:\n%s" % pf.prefcfg, pf.DEBUG.CONFIG)
pf.debug("Saving preferences to file %s" % pf.preffile, pf.DEBUG.CONFIG)
res = "Saved"
except Exception:
res = "Could not save"
pf.debug("%s preferences to file %s" % (res, pf.preffile), pf.DEBUG.CONFIG)
return res == "Saved"
[docs]def activateWarningFilters():
"""Activate the warning filters
First time activation of the warning filters and customized
warning formatting.
from pyformex import messages
def _format_warning(message, category, filename, lineno, line=None):
"""Replace the default warnings.formatwarning
This allows the warnings being called using a simple mnemonic
string. The full message is then found from the message module.
message = messages.getMessage(message)
message = """..
pyFormex Warning
`%s called from:` %s `line:` %s
""" % (message, category.__name__, filename, lineno)
if line:
message += "%s\n" % line
return message
if pf.cfg['warnings/nice']:
warnings.formatwarning = _format_warning
# End