Source code for geomfile

##  This file is part of pyFormex 2.0  (Mon Sep 14 12:29:05 CEST 2020)
##  pyFormex is a tool for generating, manipulating and transforming 3D
##  geometrical models by sequences of mathematical operations.
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"""Export/import of files in pyFormex's native PGF format

This module defines a class to work with files in the native
pyFormex Geometry File (PGF) format.

import re
from distutils.version import StrictVersion as Version

import numpy as np

import pyformex as pf
from pyformex import Path
from pyformex import utils
from pyformex import filewrite
from collections import OrderedDict
from pyformex import arraytools as at
from pyformex.formex import Formex
from pyformex.mesh import Mesh
# We need to import the Mesh subclasses that can be read !
from pyformex.trisurface import TriSurface

[docs]class GeometryFile(object): """A class to handle files in the pyFormex Geometry File format. The pyFormex Geometry File (PGF) format allows the persistent storage of most of the geometrical objects available in pyFormex using a format that is independent of the pyFormex version. It guarantees a possible read back in future versions. The format is simple and public, and hence also allows read back from other software. See for a full description of the file format(s). Older file formats are supported for reading. Other than just geometry, the pyFormex Geometry File format can also store some attributes of the objects, like names and colors. Future versions will also allow to store field variables. The GeometryFile class uses the utils.File class to access the files, and thus provides for transparent compression and decompression of the files. When making use of the compression, the PGF files will remain small even for complex models. A PGF file starts with a specific header identifying the format and version. When opening a file for reading, the PGF header is read automatically, and the file is thus positioned ready for reading the objects. When opening a file for writing (not appending!), the header is automatically written, and the file is ready for writing objects. In append mode however, nothing is currently done with the header. This means that it is possible to append to a file using a format different from that used to create the file initially. This is not a good practice, as it may hinder the proper read back of the data. Therefore, append mode should only be used when you are sure that your current pyFormex uses the same format as the already stored file. As a reminder, warning is written when opening the file in append mode. The `filename`, `mode`, `compr`, `level` and `delete_temp` arguments are passed to the utils.File class. See :class:`utils.File` for more details. Parameters ---------- filename: :term:`path_like` The name of the file to open. If the file name ends with '.gz' or '.bz2', transparent (de)compression will be used, as provided by the :class:`utils.File` class. mode: 'rb', 'wb' or 'ab' Specifies that the file should be opened in read, write or append mode respectively. If omitted, an existing file will be opened in read mode and a non-existing in write mode. Opening an existing file in 'wb' mode will overwrite the file, while opening it in 'ab' mode will allow to append to the file. compr: 'gz' or 'bz2' The compression type to be used: gzip or bzip2. If the file name is ending with '.gz' or '.bz2', this is set automatically from the suffix. level: int 1..9 Compression level for gzip/bzip2. Higher values result in smaller files, but require longer compression times. The default of 5 gives already a fairly good compression ratio. delete_temp: bool If True (default), the temporary files needed to do the (de)compression are deleted when the GeometryFile is closed. sep: str Separator string to be used when writing numpy arrays to the file. An empty string will make the arrays being written in binary format. Any other string will force text mode, and the ``sep`` string is used as a separator between subsequent array elements. See also :func:`numpy.tofile`. ifmt: str Format for integer items when writing in text mode. ffmt: str Format for float items when writing in test mode. version: str Version of PGF format to use when writing. Currently available are '1.9', '2.0', '2.1'. The default is '2.1'. """ _version_ = '2.1' # Changes in 2.1: # Always read/write in binary mode def __init__(self, filename, mode=None, compr=None, level=5, delete_temp=True, sep=' ', ifmt=None, ffmt=None, version=None): """Create the GeometryFile object.""" filename = Path(filename) if version is None: version = GeometryFile._version_ if version not in ['1.9', '2.0', '2.1']: raise ValueError(f"Can not read/write GeometryFile " f"of version {version}") self.version = version if mode is None: if filename.exists(): mode = 'rb' else: mode = 'wb' # Always force binary mode if 'b' not in mode: mode += 'b' # Check final mode if mode not in ['rb', 'wb', 'ab']: raise ValueError(f"Invalid file open mode {mode} ") pf.debug(f"Opening PGF file {filename} in {mode} mode", pf.DEBUG.PGF) self.file = utils.File(filename, mode, compr, level, delete_temp) self._autoname = None if self.writing: self.sep = sep self.fmt = {'i': ifmt, 'f': ffmt}
[docs] def readline(self): """Read a line from the file""" s = self.fil.readline() s = s.decode('latin1') # accepts all 256 bytes as chars return s
[docs] def writeline(self, s): """Write a text line to the file""" if not s.endswith('\n'): s += '\n' s = s.encode('latin1') # accepts all 256 bytes as chars self.fil.write(s)
@property def writing(self): return self.file.mode[0:1] in 'wa' @property def autoname(self): if self._autoname is None: self._autoname = utils.autoName(utils.projectName( return self._autoname def open(self): self.fil = if self.writing: self.writeHeader() else: self.readHeader()
[docs] def reopen(self, mode='rb'): """Reopen the file, possibly changing the mode. The default mode for the reopen is 'rb' """ self.fil = self.file.reopen(mode) if self.writing: self.writeHeader() else: self.readHeader()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the file. """ self.file.close()
def checkWritable(self): if not self.writing: raise RuntimeError("File is not opened for writing") if not self.header_done: self.writeHeader()
[docs] def writeHeader(self): """Write the header of a pyFormex geometry file. The header identifies the file as a pyFormex geometry file and sets the following global values: - `version`: the version of the geometry file format - `sep`: the default separator to be used when not specified in the data block """ self.writeline(f"# pyFormex Geometry File ( " f"version='{self.version}'; sep='{self.sep}'") self.header_done = True
[docs] def writeData(self, data, sep): """Write an array of data to a pyFormex geometry file. If fmt is None, the data are written using numpy.tofile, with the specified separator. If sep is an empty string, the data block is written in binary mode, leading to smaller files. If fmt is specified, each """ if not self.writing: raise RuntimeError("File is not opened for writing") filewrite.writeData(self.fil, data, sep=sep, fmt=self.fmt[data.dtype.kind]) self.writeline('') # Add a '\n'
[docs] def write(self, geom, name=None, sep=None): """Write a collection of Geometry objects to the Geometry File. Parameters ---------- geom: object An object of one the supported Geometry data types or a list or dict of such objects, or a WebGL objdict. Currently exported geometry objects are :class:`Coords`, :class:`Formex`, :class:`Mesh`, :class:`PolyLine`, :class:`BezierSpline`. Returns ------- int The number of objects written. """ self.checkWritable() nobj = 0 if isinstance(geom, dict): for name in geom: nobj += self.writeGeometry(geom[name], name) elif isinstance(geom, list): for obj in geom: ## if hasattr(obj, 'obj'): ## # This must be a WebGL object dict ## nobj += self.writeDict(obj) ## else: nobj += self.writeGeometry(obj, sep=sep) else: nobj += self.writeGeometry(geom, name, sep) return nobj
[docs] def writeGeometry(self, geom, name=None, sep=None): """Write a single Geometry object. Writes a single Geometry object to the Geometry File, using the specified name and separator. Parameters ---------- geom: a supported Geometry type object Currently supported Geometry objects are :class:`Coords`, :class:`Formex`, :class:`Mesh`, :class:`TriSurface`, :class:`PolyLine`, :class:`BezierSpline`. Other types are skipped, and a message is written, but processing continues. name: str, optional The name of the object to be stored in the file. If not specified, and the object has an `attrib` dict containing a name, that value is used. Else an object name is generated from the file name. On readback, the object names are used as keys to store the objects in a dict. sep: str The separator to be used for writing this object. If not specified, the value given in the constructor will be used. This argument allows to override it on a per object base. Returns 1 if the object has been written, 0 otherwise. """ self.checkWritable() if isinstance(geom, (Formex, Mesh, TriSurface)): writefunc = self.writeFMT else: try: writefunc = getattr(self, 'write'+geom.__class__.__name__) except Exception: pf.warning(f"Can not (yet) write objects of type " f"{type(geom)} to geometry file: skipping") return 0 if name is None: name = if name is None: name = next(self.autoname) try: writefunc(geom, name, sep) except Exception: pf.warning(f"Error while writing objects of type " f"{type(geom)} to geometry file: skipping") return 0 if geom.attrib and Version(self.version) >= Version('2.0'): try: self.writeAttrib(geom.attrib) except Exception: pf.warning(f"Error while writing objects of " f"type {type(geom)} to geometry file: skipping") return 0 return 1
[docs] def writeFMT(self, F, name=None, sep=None): """Write a Formex, Mesh or TriSurface. Parameters ---------- F: :class:`Formex`, :class:`Mesh` or :class:`TriSurface` The object to be written. name: str See :meth:`writeGeometry` sep: str See :meth:`writeGeometry` Notes ----- This writes a header line with these attributes and arguments: objtype, ncoords, nelems, nplex, props(True/False), eltype, normals(True/False), color, sep, name. This is followed by the array data for: coords, elems, prop, normals, color The objtype can/should be overridden for subclasses. """ objtype = F.__class__.__name__ if objtype not in ['Mesh', 'Formex', 'TriSurface']: raise ValueError(f"Invalid object type {objtype}") if sep is None: sep = self.sep hasprop = F.prop is not None hasnorm = hasattr(F, 'normals') and \ isinstance(F.normals, np.ndarray) and \ F.normals.shape == (F.nelems(), F.nplex(), 3) color = None colormap = None Fc = F.attrib['color'] if Fc is not None: if isinstance(Fc, str): color = Fc else: try: Fc = at.checkArray(Fc, kind='f') colormap = None colorshape = Fc.shape except Exception: Fc = at.checkArray(Fc, kind='i') colormap = 'default' colorshape = Fc.shape + (3,) if colorshape == (3,): color = tuple(Fc) elif colorshape == (F.nelems(), 3): color = 'element' elif colorshape == (F.nelems(), F.nplex(), 3): color = 'vertex' else: raise ValueError(f"Incorrect color shape: {str(colorshape)}") head = ( # use parentheses to allow string continuation f"# objtype='{objtype}'; " f"ncoords={F.npoints()}; nelems={F.nelems()}; nplex={F.nplex()}; " f"props={hasprop}; normals={hasnorm}; " f"color={repr(color)}; sep='{sep}'" ) if name: head += f"; name='{name}'" if F.elName(): head += f"; eltype='{F.elName()}'" if colormap: head += f"; colormap='{colormap}'" self.writeline(head) # Apply a fix to avoid a fewgl bug # # pyFormex webgl exporter exports in pgf format. # Unfortunately, due to a bug in fewgl pgf reader, geometries # having a first value in the coords block that starts with a # bit pattern corresponding with a '#' byte, (dec 35), can not # be read back. The solution is to force the first bit (the least # significant bit of the mantisse) to zero. This will make sure # the bit pattern does not match dec 35 ('#'), and have a # neglectable influence on the value. (Still the solution below # resets the original value). if pf.cfg['webgl/avoid_fewgl_read_pgf_bug']: save_first = F.coords[0, 0] # Force least significant bit of the first byte to zero F.coords.view(np.int32)[0, 0] &= -2 self.writeData(F.coords, sep) if pf.cfg['webgl/avoid_fewgl_read_pgf_bug']: F.coords[0, 0] = save_first if not objtype == 'Formex': self.writeData(F.elems, sep) if hasprop: self.writeData(F.prop, sep) if hasnorm: self.writeData(F.normals, sep) if color == 'element' or color == 'vertex': self.writeData(Fc, sep) for field in F.fields: fld = F.fields[field] self.writeline(f"# field='{fld.fldname}'; fldtype='{fld.fldtype}'; " f"shape={repr(}; sep='{sep}'") self.writeData(, sep)
[docs] def writeCurve(self, F, name=None, sep=None, objtype=None, extra=None): """Write a Curve to a pyFormex geometry file. This function writes any curve type to the geometry file. The `objtype` is automatically detected but can be overridden. The following attributes and arguments are written in the header: ncoords, closed, name, sep. The following attributes are written as arrays: coords """ if sep is None: sep = self.sep head = (f"# objtype='{F.__class__.__name__}'; " f"ncoords={F.coords.shape[0]}; " f"closed={ F.closed}; sep='{sep}'") if name: head += f"; name='{name}'" if extra: head += extra self.writeline(head) self.writeData(F.coords, sep)
[docs] def writePolyLine(self, F, name=None, sep=None): """Write a PolyLine to a pyFormex geometry file. This is equivalent to writeCurve(F,name,sep,objtype='PolyLine') """ self.writeCurve(F, name=name, sep=sep, objtype='PolyLine')
[docs] def writeBezierSpline(self, F, name=None, sep=None): """Write a BezierSpline to a pyFormex geometry file. This is equivalent to writeCurve(F,name,sep,objtype='BezierSpline') """ self.writeCurve(F, name=name, sep=sep, objtype='BezierSpline', extra=f"; degree={}")
[docs] def writeNurbsCurve(self, F, name=None, sep=None, extra=None): """Write a NurbsCurve to a pyFormex geometry file. This function writes a NurbsCurve instance to the geometry file. The following attributes and arguments are written in the header: ncoords, nknots, closed, name, sep. The following attributes are written as arrays: coords, knots """ if sep is None: sep = self.sep head = (f"# objtype='{F.__class__.__name__}'; " f"ncoords={F.coords.shape[0]}; nknots={F.knots.shape[0]}; " f"closed={F.closed}; sep='{sep}'") if name: head += f"; name='{name}'" if extra: head += extra self.writeline(head) self.writeData(F.coords, sep) self.writeData(F.knots, sep)
[docs] def writeNurbsSurface(self, F, name=None, sep=None, extra=None): """Write a NurbsSurface to a pyFormex geometry file. This function writes a NurbsSurface instance to the geometry file. The following attributes and arguments are written in the header: ncoords, nknotsu, nknotsv, closedu, closedv, name, sep. The following attributes are written as arrays: coords, knotsu, knotsv """ if sep is None: sep = self.sep head = (f"# objtype='{F.__class__.__name__}'; " f"ncoords={F.coords.shape[0]}; nuknots={F.uknots.shape[0]}; " f"nvknots={F.vknots.shape[0]}; " f"uclosed={F.closed[0]}; vclosed={F.closed[1]}; sep='{sep}'") if name: head += f"; name='{name}'" if extra: head += extra self.writeline(head) self.writeData(F.coords, sep) self.writeData(F.uknots, sep) self.writeData(F.vknots, sep)
[docs] def writeAttrib(self, attrib): """Write the Attributes block of the Geometry Parameters ---------- attrib: :class:`Attributes` The Attributes dict of a Geometry object. Warning ------- This is work in progress. Not all Attributes can currently be stored in the PGF format. """ def filter_attrib(attrib): """Filter the storable attributes. Currently, only bool, int, float and str types are stored. """ okkeys = [k for k in attrib if (k != 'color') and (isinstance(attrib[k], (bool, int, float, str)) or at.isInt(attrib[k]) or at.isFloat(attrib[k]))] return utils.selectDict(attrib, okkeys) # We rely on Attributes __repr__ method, but multiple line # representations are coerced to a single line to allow readback # Select the exportable attributes okattr = filter_attrib(attrib) if okattr: # In case we would allow array attributes, We need to set # numpy printoptions to display the full array, not a truncated one opt = np.get_printoptions() np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf) # Get a reversible representation of the attrib dict s = repr(filter_attrib(okattr)) # Restore the numpy printoptions np.set_printoptions(**opt) # Remove the newlines, so everything can be read as a single line s = re.sub('\n *', '', s) # In case arrays are stored, remove the dtype (only int and float # dtypes are supported, and type is obvious from the stored values) s = re.sub(r', *dtype=[^)]*\)', ')', s) # Write the result to the file self.writeline(f"# attrib = {s}")
####################################################################### ### READING ###
[docs] def read(self, count=-1, warn_version=True): """Read objects from a pyFormex Geometry File. This function reads objects from a Geometry File until the file ends, or until `count` objects have been read. The File should have been opened for reading. A count may be specified to limit the number of objects read. Returns a dict with the objects read. The keys of the dict are the object names found in the file. If the file does not contain object names, they will be autogenerated from the file name. Note that PGF files of version 1.0 are no longer supported. The use of formats 1.1 to 1.5 is deprecated, and users are urged to upgrade these files to a newer format. Support for these formats may be removed in future. """ if self.writing: print("File is opened for writing, not reading.") return {} self.results = OrderedDict() self.geometry = None # used to make sure fields follow geom block if Version(self.version) < Version('1.6'): if warn_version: pf.warning( f"This is an old PGF format ({self.version}). " "We recommend you to convert it to a newer format. " "The geometry import menu contains an item to upgrade " "a PGF file to the latest format " f"({GeometryFile._version_}).") return self.readLegacy(count) while True: s = self.readline() if len(s) == 0: # end of file break if s.startswith('#'): # Remove the leading '#' and space s = s[1:].strip() if s.startswith('objtype'): if count > 0 and len(self.results) >= count: break self.readGeometry(**self.decode(s)) elif s.startswith('field'): self.readField(**self.decode(s)) elif s.startswith('attrib'): self.readAttrib(**self.decode(s)) elif s.startswith('pyFormex Geometry File'): # we have a new header line self.readHeader(s) # Unrecognized lines are silently ignored, whether starting # with a '#' or not. # We recommend to start all comments lines with a '#' though. self.file.close() return self.results
[docs] def decode(self, s): """Decode the announcement line. Returns a dict with the interpreted values of the line. """ # Empty dict for return value kargs = {} # Dict with defined symbols used in the string repr in PGF format loc = {'array': np.array} try: exec(s, loc, kargs) except Exception: raise RuntimeError( "This does not look like a regular pyFormex geometry file. " f"I got stuck on the following line:\n==> {s}") return kargs
[docs] def readHeader(self, s=None): """Read the header of a pyFormex geometry file. Without argument, reads a line from the file and interpretes it as a header line. This is normally used to read the first line of the file. A string `s` may be specified to interprete further lines as a header line. """ if s is None: s = self.readline() pf.debug(f"PGF header line: {s}", pf.DEBUG.PGF) pos = s.rfind(')') s = s[pos+1:].strip() kargs = self.decode(s) self.version = kargs['version'] self.sep = kargs['sep'] self.header_done = True
[docs] def doHeader(self, version='1.1', sep='', **kargs): """Read the header of a pyFormex geometry file. Sets detected default values """ self.version = version self.sep = sep self.header_done = True
[docs] def readGeometry(self, objtype='Formex', name=None, nelems=None, ncoords=None, nplex=None, props=None, eltype=None, normals=None, color=None, colormap=None, closed=None, degree=None, nknots=None, sep=None, **kargs): """Read a geometry record of a pyFormex geometry file. If an object was successfully read, it is set in self.geometry """ pf.debug(f"Reading object of type {objtype}", pf.DEBUG.INFO) self.geometry = None if objtype == 'Formex': obj = self.readFormex(nelems, nplex, props, eltype, sep) elif objtype in ['Mesh', 'TriSurface']: obj = self.readMesh(ncoords, nelems, nplex, props, eltype, normals, sep, objtype) elif objtype == 'PolyLine': obj = self.readPolyLine(ncoords, closed, sep) elif objtype == 'BezierSpline': obj = self.readBezierSpline(ncoords, closed, degree, sep) elif objtype == 'NurbsCurve': obj = self.readNurbsCurve(ncoords, nknots, closed, sep) elif objtype in globals() and hasattr(globals()[objtype], 'read_geom'): obj = globals()[objtype].read_geom(self, **kargs) else: print(f"Can not (yet) read objects of type {objtype} " "from geometry file: skipping") if obj is not None: if color is not None: if isinstance(color, str): # Check for special values: if color == 'element': colorshape = (nelems,) elif color == 'vertex': colorshape = (nelems, nplex,) elif color == '': # Fix for pre 1.9 versions using color='' for no color color = colorshape = None else: # string should be a color name colorshape = None if colorshape: if colormap == 'default': colortype = at.Int else: colortype = at.Float colorshape += (3,) try: # Read the color array color = at.readArray(self.fil, colortype, colorshape, sep=sep) except Exception as e: print("Invalid color array on PGF file: skipped. " f"Traceback: {e}") color = None else: # A single color encoded in the attribute if colormap == 'default': colortype = 'i' else: colortype = 'f' colorshape = (3,) try: color = at.checkArray(color, colorshape, colortype) except Exception as e: print("Invalid color attribute on PGF file: skipped. " f"Traceback: {e}") color = None obj.attrib.color = color # store the geometry object, and remember as last if name is None: name = next(self.autoname) self.results[name] = self.geometry = obj
[docs] def readField(self, field=None, fldtype=None, shape=None, sep=None, **kargs): """Read a Field defined on the last read geometry. """ data = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, shape, sep=sep) self.geometry.addField(fldtype, data, field)
[docs] def readAttrib(self, attrib=None, **kargs): """Read an Attributes dict defined on the last read geometry. """ try: self.geometry.attrib(**attrib) except Exception: # Attributes readback may produce an error with # complex data types, e.g. vertex color array pf.warning(" Error while reading an Attribute " "block. The current version does not support the " "readback of some complex attribute data types " "(like a vertex color array). All attributes in " "this block will be skipped.")
[docs] def readFormex(self, nelems, nplex, props, eltype, sep): """Read a Formex from a pyFormex geometry file. The coordinate array for nelems*nplex points is read from the file. If present, the property numbers for nelems elements are read. From the coords and props a Formex is created and returned. """ ndim = 3 f = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (nelems, nplex, ndim), sep=sep) if props: p = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Int, (nelems,), sep=sep) else: p = None return Formex(f, p, eltype)
[docs] def readMesh(self, ncoords, nelems, nplex, props, eltype, normals, sep, objtype='Mesh'): """Read a Mesh from a pyFormex geometry file. The following arrays are read from the file: - a coordinate array with `ncoords` points, - a connectivity array with `nelems` elements of plexitude `nplex`, - if present, a property number array for `nelems` elements. Returns the Mesh constructed from these data, or a subclass if an objtype is specified. """ ndim = 3 x = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (ncoords, ndim), sep=sep) e = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Int, (nelems, nplex), sep=sep) if props: p = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Int, (nelems,), sep=sep) else: p = None M = Mesh(x, e, p, eltype) if objtype != 'Mesh': try: clas = locals()[objtype] except Exception: clas = globals()[objtype] M = clas(M) if normals: n = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (nelems, nplex, ndim), sep=sep) M.normals = n return M
[docs] def readPolyLine(self, ncoords, closed, sep): """Read a Curve from a pyFormex geometry file. The coordinate array for ncoords points is read from the file and a Curve of type `objtype` is returned. """ from pyformex.plugins.curve import PolyLine ndim = 3 coords = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (ncoords, ndim), sep=sep) return PolyLine(control=coords, closed=closed)
[docs] def readBezierSpline(self, ncoords, closed, degree, sep): """Read a BezierSpline from a pyFormex geometry file. The coordinate array for ncoords points is read from the file and a BezierSpline of the given degree is returned. """ from pyformex.plugins.curve import BezierSpline ndim = 3 coords = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (ncoords, ndim), sep=sep) return BezierSpline(control=coords, closed=closed, degree=degree)
[docs] def readNurbsCurve(self, ncoords, nknots, closed, sep): """Read a NurbsCurve from a pyFormex geometry file. The coordinate array for ncoords control points and the nknots knot values are read from the file. A NurbsCurve of degree p = nknots - ncoords - 1 is returned. """ from pyformex.plugins.nurbs import NurbsCurve ndim = 4 coords = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (ncoords, ndim), sep=sep) knots = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (nknots,), sep=sep) return NurbsCurve(control=coords, knots=knots, closed=closed)
[docs] def readNurbsSurface(self, ncoords, nuknots, nvknots, uclosed, vclosed, sep): """Read a NurbsSurface from a pyFormex geometry file. The coordinate array for ncoords control points and the nuknots and nvknots values of uknots and vknots are read from the file. A NurbsSurface of degree ``pu = nuknots - ncoords - 1`` and ``pv = nvknots - ncoords - 1`` is returned. """ from pyformex.plugins.nurbs import NurbsSurface ndim = 4 coords = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (ncoords, ndim), sep=sep) uknots = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (nuknots,), sep=sep) vknots = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (nvknots,), sep=sep) return NurbsSurface(control=coords, knots=(uknots, vknots), closed=(uclosed, vclosed))
####################################################################### ### OLD READ FUNCTIONS ###
[docs] def readLegacy(self, count=-1): """Read the objects from a pyFormex Geometry File format <= 1.7. This function reads all the objects of a Geometry File. The File should have been opened for reading, and the header should have been read previously. A count may be specified to limit the number of objects read. Returns a dict with the objects read. The keys of the dict are the object names found in the file. If the file does not contain object names, they will be autogenerated from the file name. """ if not self.header_done: self.readHeader() eltype = None # for compatibility with pre 1.1 .formex files while True: objtype = 'Formex' # the default obj type obj = None nelems = None nplex = None ncoords = None sep = self.sep name = None normals = None color = None props = None closed = None nparts = None nknots = None s = self.readline() if len(s) == 0: # end of file break if not s.startswith('#'): # not a header: skip continue # TODO: !! THIS WILL USE UNDEFINED VALUES FROM A PREVIOUS OBJECT # !! THIS SHOULD THEREFORE BE CHANGED !!!! try: exec(s[1:].strip()) # pf.debug(f"READ COLOR: {str(color)}",pf.DEBUG.INFO) except Exception: nelems = ncoords = None if nelems is None and ncoords is None: # For historical reasons, this is a certain way to test # that no geom data block is following pf.debug(f"SKIPPING {s}", pf.DEBUG.LEGACY) continue # not a legal header: skip pf.debug(f"Reading object of type {objtype}", pf.DEBUG.INFO) # OK, we have a legal header, try to read data if objtype == 'Formex': obj = self.readFormex(nelems, nplex, props, eltype, sep) elif objtype in ['Mesh', 'TriSurface']: obj = self.readMesh(ncoords, nelems, nplex, props, eltype, normals, sep, objtype) elif objtype == 'PolyLine': obj = self.readPolyLine(ncoords, closed, sep) elif objtype == 'BezierSpline': if 'nparts' in s: # This looks like a version 1.3 BezierSpline obj = self.oldReadBezierSpline(ncoords, nparts, closed, sep) else: if 'degree' not in s: # compatibility with 1.4 BezierSpline records degree = 3 obj = self.readBezierSpline(ncoords, closed, degree, sep) elif objtype == 'NurbsCurve': obj = self.readNurbsCurve(ncoords, nknots, closed, sep) elif objtype in globals() and hasattr(globals()[objtype], 'read_geom'): obj = globals()[objtype].read_geom(self) else: print(f"Can not (yet) read objects of type {objtype} " "from geometry file: skipping") continue # skip to next header if obj is not None: try: color = at.checkArray(color, (3,), 'f') obj.color = color except Exception: pass if name is None: name = next(self.autoname) self.results[name] = obj if count > 0 and len(self.results) >= count: break self.file.close() return self.results
[docs] def oldReadBezierSpline(self, ncoords, nparts, closed, sep): """Read a BezierSpline from a pyFormex geometry file version 1.3. The coordinate array for ncoords points and control point array for (nparts,2) control points are read from the file. A BezierSpline is constructed and returned. """ from pyformex.plugins.curve import BezierSpline ndim = 3 coords = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (ncoords, ndim), sep=sep) control = at.readArray(self.fil, at.Float, (nparts, 2, ndim), sep=sep) return BezierSpline(coords, control=control, closed=closed)
[docs] def rewrite(self): """Convert the geometry file to the latest format. The conversion is done by reading all objects from the geometry file and writing them back. Parts that could not be successfully read will be skipped. """ self.reopen('r') obj = self.version = GeometryFile._version_ if obj is not None: self.reopen('w') self.write(obj) self.close()
# End