Source code for gui.viewport

##  This file is part of pyFormex 2.0  (Mon Sep 14 12:29:05 CEST 2020)
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##  geometrical models by sequences of mathematical operations.
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"""Interactive OpenGL Canvas embedded in a Qt widget.

This module implements user interaction with the OpenGL canvas defined in
module :mod:`canvas`.
`QtCanvas` is a single interactive OpenGL canvas, while `MultiCanvas`
implements a dynamic array of multiple canvases.

import math
import numpy as np
from OpenGL import GL
# TODO: this should be removed !
from numpy import *

import pyformex as pf
from pyformex import utils

from pyformex.opengl import canvas
from pyformex.gui import (
    QtCore, QtGui, QtOpenGL, QtWidgets,
    image, toolbar, qtutils,

from pyformex.collection import Collection
from pyformex.config import Config
from pyformex.coords import Coords
from pyformex.arraytools import isInt, unitVector, stuur, checkInt
from pyformex.gui.signals import *

# Some 2D vector operations
# We could do this with the general functions of,
# but that would be overkill for this simple 2D vectors

[docs]def dotpr(v, w): """Return the dot product of vectors v and w""" return v[0]*w[0] + v[1]*w[1]
[docs]def length(v): """Return the length of the vector v""" return math.sqrt(dotpr(v, v))
[docs]def projection(v, w): """Return the (signed) length of the projection of vector v on vector w.""" return dotpr(v, w)/length(w)
# signals # keys ESC = QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape RETURN = QtCore.Qt.Key_Return # Normal Enter ENTER = QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter # Num Keypad Enter # mouse actions PRESS = 0 MOVE = 1 RELEASE = 2 # mouse buttons LEFT = QtCore.Qt.LeftButton MIDDLE = QtCore.Qt.MidButton RIGHT = QtCore.Qt.RightButton _buttons = [LEFT, MIDDLE, RIGHT] # modifiers NONE = QtCore.Qt.NoModifier SHIFT = QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier CTRL = QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier ALT = QtCore.Qt.AltModifier META = QtCore.Qt.MetaModifier ALLMODS = SHIFT | CTRL | ALT | META _modifiers = [NONE, SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, META] _modifiername = ['NONE', 'SHIFT', 'CTRL', 'ALT', 'META'] def modifierFlag(mod): try: return _modifiers[_modifiername.index(mod)] except Exception: return NONE def modifierName(mod): try: return _modifiername[_modifiers.index(mod)] except Exception: return 'UNKNOWN' # mouse modifiers used during picking actions _PICK_MOVE = [modifierFlag(i) for i in pf.cfg['gui/mouse_mod_move']] _PICK_SET = modifierFlag(pf.cfg['gui/mouse_mod_set']) _PICK_ADD = modifierFlag(pf.cfg['gui/mouse_mod_add']) _PICK_REMOVE = modifierFlag(pf.cfg['gui/mouse_mod_remove']) ############### OpenGL Format ################################# opengl_format = None
[docs]def setOpenGLFormat(): """Set the correct OpenGL format. On a correctly installed system, the default should do well. The default OpenGL format can be changed by command line options:: --dri : use the Direct Rendering Infrastructure, if available --nodri : do not use the DRI --opengl : set the opengl version --(no)multisample """ global opengl_format fmt = QtOpenGL.QGLFormat.defaultFormat() if pf.options.debuglevel & pf.DEBUG.OPENGL: pf.debug(OpenGLVersions(fmt), pf.DEBUG.OPENGL) if pf.options.debuglevel & pf.DEBUG.OPENGL: pf.debug("Inital " + OpenGLFormat(fmt), pf.DEBUG.OPENGL) if pf.options.dri is not None: fmt.setDirectRendering(pf.options.dri) if pf.options.opengl: try: major, minor = [int(o) for o in pf.options.opengl.split('.')] fmt.setVersion(major, minor) except Exception: pass if pf.options.multisample: fmt.setSampleBuffers(True) QtOpenGL.QGLFormat.setDefaultFormat(fmt) #QtOpenGL.QGLFormat.setOverlayFormat(fmt) #fmt.setDirectRendering(False) opengl_format = fmt if pf.options.debuglevel & pf.DEBUG.OPENGL: pf.debug("Set " + OpenGLFormat(fmt), pf.DEBUG.OPENGL) return fmt
def getOpenGLContext(): ctxt = QtOpenGL.QGLContext.currentContext() if ctxt is not None: printOpenGLContext(ctxt) return ctxt
[docs]def OpenGLFormat(fmt=None): """Report information about the OpenGL format.""" if fmt is None: fmt = opengl_format flags = fmt.openGLVersionFlags() s = ["OpenGL Format", "OpenGL: %s" % fmt.hasOpenGL(), "OpenGl Version: %s.%s (%x)" % (fmt.majorVersion(), fmt.minorVersion(), int(flags)), "OpenGLOverlays: %s" % fmt.hasOpenGLOverlays(), "Double Buffer: %s" % fmt.doubleBuffer(), "Depth Buffer: %s" % fmt.depth(), "RGBA: %s" % fmt.rgba(), "Alpha Channel: %s" % fmt.alpha(), "Accumulation Buffer: %s" % fmt.accum(), "Stencil Buffer: %s" % fmt.stencil(), "Stereo: %s" % fmt.stereo(), "Direct Rendering: %s" % fmt.directRendering(), "Overlay: %s" % fmt.hasOverlay(), "Plane: %s" % fmt.plane(), "Multisample Buffers: %s" % fmt.sampleBuffers(), ] return '\n'.join(s)
[docs]def OpenGLSupportedVersions(flags): """Return the supported OpenGL version. flags is the return value of QGLFormat.OpenGLVersionFlag() Returns a list with tuple (k,v) where k is a string describing an Opengl version and v is True or False. """ flag = QtOpenGL.QGLFormat.OpenGLVersionFlag keys = [k for k in dir(flag) if k.startswith('OpenGL') and not k.endswith('None')] return [(k, bool(int(flags) & int(getattr(flag, k)))) for k in keys]
[docs]def OpenGLVersions(fmt=None): """Report information about the supported OpenGL versions.""" if fmt is None: fmt = opengl_format flags = fmt.openGLVersionFlags() s = ["Supported OpenGL versions:"] for k, v in OpenGLSupportedVersions(flags): s.append(" %s: %s" % (k, v)) return '\n'.join(s)
def printOpenGLContext(ctxt): if ctxt: print("context is valid: %d" % ctxt.isValid()) print("context is sharing: %d" % ctxt.isSharing()) else: print("No OpenGL context yet!") ### Some (OLD) drawing functions ############################################
[docs]def drawDot(x, y): """Draw a dot at canvas coordinates (x,y).""" GL.glBegin(GL.GL_POINTS) GL.glVertex2f(x, y) GL.glEnd()
[docs]def drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2): """Draw a straight line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) in canvas coordinates.""" GL.glBegin(GL.GL_LINES) GL.glVertex2f(x1, y1) GL.glVertex2f(x2, y2) GL.glEnd()
[docs]def drawGrid(x1, y1, x2, y2, nx, ny): """Draw a rectangular grid of lines The rectangle has (x1,y1) and and (x2,y2) as opposite corners. There are (nx,ny) subdivisions along the (x,y)-axis. So the grid has (nx+1) * (ny+1) lines. nx=ny=1 draws a rectangle. nx=0 draws 1 vertical line (at x1). nx=-1 draws no vertical lines. ny=0 draws 1 horizontal line (at y1). ny=-1 draws no horizontal lines. """ GL.glBegin(GL.GL_LINES) ix = range(nx+1) if nx==0: jx = [1] nx = 1 else: jx = ix[::-1] for i, j in zip(ix, jx): x = (i*x2+j*x1)/nx GL.glVertex2f(x, y1) GL.glVertex2f(x, y2) iy = range(ny+1) if ny==0: jy = [1] ny = 1 else: jy = iy[::-1] for i, j in zip(iy, jy): y = (i*y2+j*y1)/ny GL.glVertex2f(x1, y) GL.glVertex2f(x2, y) GL.glEnd()
[docs]def drawRect(x1, y1, x2, y2): """Draw the circumference of a rectangle.""" drawGrid(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1, 1)
################# Canvas Mouse Event Handler #########################
[docs]class CursorShapeHandler(object): """A class for handling the mouse cursor shape on the Canvas. """ cursor_shape = {'default': QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor, 'pick': QtCore.Qt.CrossCursor, 'busy': QtCore.Qt.BusyCursor, } def __init__(self, widget): """Create a CursorHandler for the specified widget.""" self.widget = widget
[docs] def setCursorShape(self, shape): """Set the cursor shape to shape""" if shape not in QtCanvas.cursor_shape: shape = 'default' self.setCursor(QtCanvas.cursor_shape[shape])
[docs] def setCursorShapeFromFunc(self, func): """Set the cursor shape to shape""" if func in [self.mouse_rectangle, self.mouse_pick]: shape = 'pick' else: shape = 'default' self.setCursorShape(shape)
[docs]class CanvasMouseHandler(object): """A class for handling the mouse events on the Canvas. """ def setMouse(self, button, func, mod=NONE): pf.debug(button, mod, pf.DEBUG.MOUSE) self.mousefncsaved[mod][button].append(self.mousefnc[mod][button]) self.mousefnc[mod][button] = func self.setCursorShapeFromFunc(func) pf.debug("MOUSE %s" % func, pf.DEBUG.MOUSE) pf.debug("MOUSE SAVED %s" % self.mousefncsaved[mod][button], pf.DEBUG.MOUSE) def resetMouse(self, button, mod=NONE): pf.debug("MOUSE SAVED %s" % self.mousefncsaved[mod][button], pf.DEBUG.MOUSE) try: func = self.mousefncsaved[mod][button].pop() except Exception: pf.debug("AAAAAHHH, COULD NOT POP", pf.DEBUG.MOUSE) func = None self.mousefnc[mod][button] = func self.setCursorShapeFromFunc(func) pf.debug("RESETMOUSE %s" % func, pf.DEBUG.MOUSE) pf.debug("MOUSE SAVED %s" % self.mousefncsaved[mod][button], pf.DEBUG.MOUSE)
[docs] def getMouseFunc(self): """Return the mouse function bound to self.button and self.mod""" return self.mousefnc.get(int(self.mod), {}).get(self.button, None)
################# Single Interactive OpenGL Canvas ###############
[docs]class QtCanvas(QtOpenGL.QGLWidget, canvas.Canvas): """A canvas for OpenGL rendering. This class provides interactive functionality for the OpenGL canvas provided by the :class:`canvas.Canvas` class. Interactivity is highly dependent on Qt. Putting the interactive functions in a separate class makes it esier to use the Canvas class in non-interactive situations or combining it with other GUI toolsets. The QtCanvas constructor may have positional and keyword arguments. The positional arguments are passed to the QtOpenGL.QGLWidget constructor, while the keyword arguments are passed to the canvas.Canvas constructor. """ cursor_shape = {'default': QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor, 'pick': QtCore.Qt.CrossCursor, 'draw': QtCore.Qt.CrossCursor, 'busy': QtCore.Qt.BusyCursor, } selection_filters = ['none', 'single', 'closest', 'connected', 'closest-connected'] # private signal class class Communicate(QtCore.QObject): CANCEL = Signal() DONE = Signal() def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): """Initialize an empty canvas.""" QtOpenGL.QGLWidget.__init__(self, *args) if pf.options.debuglevel & pf.DEBUG.OPENGL: pf.debug("QtCanvas.__init__:\n"+OpenGLFormat(self.format()), pf.DEBUG.OPENGL) # TODO: In case of multisample, report the number of samples here # Define our private signals self.signals = self.Communicate() self.CANCEL = self.signals.CANCEL self.DONE = self.signals.DONE # self.setMinimumSize(32, 32) self.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.StrongFocus) canvas.Canvas.__init__(self, **kargs) self.setCursorShape('default') self.button = None self.mod = NONE self.dynamouse = True # dynamic mouse action works on mouse move self.dynamic = None # what action on mouse move self.mousefnc = {} self.mousefncsaved = {} for mod in _modifiers: self.mousefnc[mod] = {} self.mousefncsaved[mod] = {} for button in _buttons: self.mousefnc[mod][button] = None self.mousefncsaved[mod][button] = [] # Initial mouse funcs are dynamic handling # Also some modifier keys are bound to mouse movement operations # These can be used during picking operations for mod in set(_PICK_MOVE): self.setMouse(LEFT, self.dynarot, mod) self.setMouse(MIDDLE, self.dynapan, mod) self.setMouse(RIGHT, self.dynazoom, mod) self.pick_mode = None self.pick_mode_subsel = 'any' self.selection = Collection() self.trackfunc = None self.pick_func = { 'actor': self.pick_actors, 'element': self.pick_elements, 'face': self.pick_faces, 'edge': self.pick_edges, 'point': self.pick_points, 'number': self.pick_numbers, } self.picked = None self.closest_pick = None self.pickable = None self.drawmode = None self.drawing_mode = None self.drawing = None # Drawing options self.resetOptions()
[docs] def getSize(self): """Return the size of this canvas""" return qtutils.Size(self)
[docs] def saneSize(self, width=-1, height=-1): """Return a cleverly resized canvas size. Computes a new size for the canvas, while trying to keep its current aspect ratio. Specified positive values are returned unchanged. Parameters ---------- width: int Requested width of the canvas. If <=0, it is automatically computed from height and canvas aspect ratio, or set equal to canvas width. height: int Requested height of the canvas. If <=0, it is automatically computed from width and canvas aspect ratio, or set equal to canvas height. Returns ------- width: int Adjusted canvas width. height: int Adjusted canvas height. """ if width <= 0 or height <= 0: wc, hc = self.getSize() if height > 0: width = round(float(height)/hc*wc) elif width > 0: height = round(float(width)/wc*hc) else: width, height = wc, hc return width, height
# TODO: negative sizes should probably resize all viewports # OR we need to implement frames
[docs] def changeSize(self, width, height): """Resize the canvas to (width x height). If a negative value is given for either width or height, the corresponding size is set equal to the maximum visible size (the size of the central widget of the main window). Note that this may not have the expected result when multiple viewports are used. """ if width < 0 or height < 0: w, h = pf.GUI.maxCanvasSize() if width < 0: width = w if height < 0: height = h self.resize(width, height)
[docs] def image(self, w=-1, h=-1, remove_alpha=True): """Return the current OpenGL rendering in an image format. Parameters ---------- w: int Requested width of the image (in pixels). If <=0, automatically computed from height and canvas aspect ratio, or set equal to canvas width. h: int Requested height of the image (in pixels). If <=0, automatically computed from width and canvas aspect ratio, or set equal to canvas height. remove_alpha: bool If True (default), the alpha channel is removed from the image. Returns ------- qim: QImage The current OpenGL rendering as a QImage of the specified size. Notes ----- The returned image can be written directly to an image file with ````. See Also -------- rgb: returns the canvas rendering as a numpy ndarray """ if remove_alpha: from pyformex.plugins.imagearray import removeAlpha return removeAlpha(self.image(w, h, False)) self.makeCurrent() wc, hc = pf.canvas.getSize() w, h = self.saneSize(w, h) vcanvas = QtOpenGL.QGLFramebufferObject(w, h) vcanvas.bind() self.resize(w, h) self.display() GL.glFlush() qim = vcanvas.toImage() vcanvas.release() self.resize(wc, hc) GL.glFlush() del vcanvas return qim
[docs] def rgb(self, w=-1, h=-1, remove_alpha=True): """Return the current OpenGL rendering in an array format. Parameters ---------- w: int Requested width of the image (in pixels). If <=0, automatically computed from height and canvas aspect ratio, or set equal to canvas width. h: int Requested height of the image (in pixels). If <=0, automatically computed from width and canvas aspect ratio, or set equal to canvas height. remove_alpha: bool If True (default), the alpha channel is removed from the image. Returns ------- ar: array The current OpenGL rendering as a numpy array of type uint. Its shape is (w,h,3) if remove_alpha is True (default) or (w,h,4) if remove_alpha is False. See Also -------- image: return the current rendering as an image """ from pyformex.plugins.imagearray import qimage2numpy qim = self.image(w, h, False) ar, cm = qimage2numpy(qim) if remove_alpha: ar = ar[..., :3] return ar
[docs] def outline(self, size=(0, 0), profile='luminance', level=0.5, bgcolor=None, nproc=None): """Return the outline of the current rendering Parameters: - `size`: a tuple of ints (w,h) specifying the size of the image to be used in outline detection. A non-positive value will be set automatically from the current canvas size or aspect ratio. - `profile`: the function used to translate pixel colors into a single value. The default is to use the luminance of the pixel color. - `level`: isolevel at which to construct the outline. - `bgcolor`: a color that is to be interpreted as background color and will get a pixel value -0.5. - `nproc`: number of processors to be used in the image processing. Default is to use as many as available. Returns the outline as a Formex of plexitude 2. Note: - 'luminance' is currently the only profile implemented. - `bgcolor` is currently experimental. """ from pyformex.plugins.isosurface import isoline from pyformex.formex import Formex from pyformex.opengl.colors import luminance, RGBcolor w, h = self.saneSize(*size) data = self.rgb(w, h) shape = data.shape[:2] if bgcolor: bgcolor = RGBcolor(bgcolor) print("bgcolor = %s" % (bgcolor,)) bg = (data==bgcolor).all(axis=-1) print(bg) data = luminance(data.reshape(-1, 3)).reshape(shape) + 0.5 data[bg] = -0.5 else: data = luminance(data.reshape(-1, 3)).reshape(shape) #print(data[:2,:2]) rng = data.max() - data.min() bbox = self.bbox ctr =[0]+bbox[1])*.05) axis = unitVector( # # NOTE: the + [0.5,0.5] should be checked and then be # moved inside the isoline function! # seg = isoline(data, data.min()+level*rng, nproc=nproc) + [0.5, 0.5] if size is not None: wc, hc = pf.canvas.getSize() sx = float(wc)/w sy = float(hc)/h #print("Post scaling %s,%s" % (sx,sy)) seg[..., 0] *= sx seg[..., 1] *= sy X = Coords(seg).trl([0., 0., ctr[0][2]]) shape = X.shape X =, 3)).reshape(shape) F = Formex(X) F.attrib(axis=axis) return F
def getPickModes(self): return [mode for mode in self.pick_func]
[docs] def setCursorShape(self, shape): """Set the cursor shape to shape""" if shape not in QtCanvas.cursor_shape: shape = 'default' #self.setCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCanvas.cursor_shape[shape])) self.setCursor(QtCanvas.cursor_shape[shape])
[docs] def setCursorShapeFromFunc(self, func): """Set the cursor shape to shape""" if func in [self.mouse_rectangle, self.mouse_pick]: shape = 'pick' elif func == self.mouse_draw: shape = 'draw' else: shape = 'default' self.setCursorShape(shape)
def setMouse(self, button, func, mod=NONE): pf.debug("setMouse %s %s %s" % (button, mod, func), pf.DEBUG.MOUSE) self.mousefncsaved[mod][button].append(self.mousefnc[mod][button]) self.mousefnc[mod][button] = func if button == LEFT and mod == NONE: self.setCursorShapeFromFunc(func) #print self.mousefnc def resetMouse(self, button, mod=NONE): pf.debug("resetMouse %s %s" % (button, mod), pf.DEBUG.MOUSE) try: func = self.mousefncsaved[mod][button].pop() except Exception: func = None self.mousefnc[mod][button] = func if button == LEFT and mod == NONE: self.setCursorShapeFromFunc(func) #print self.mousefnc
[docs] def getMouseFunc(self): """Return the mouse function bound to self.button and self.mod""" return self.mousefnc.get(int(self.mod), {}).get(self.button, None)
def zoom_rectangle(self): self.start_rectangle(func=self.zoomRectangle) def get_rectangle(self,): self.start_rectangle(func=None) self.selection_timer = QtCore.QThread while not self.rectangle: self.selection_timer.msleep(20) return self.rectangle def start_rectangle(self, func=None): self.rectangle = None self.rectangle_func = func self.setMouse(LEFT, self.mouse_rectangle) def finish_rectangle(self): self.resetMouse(LEFT) try: self.rectangle_func(*self.rectangle) except Exception: pass self.update() self.selection_timer = None
[docs] def mouse_rectangle(self, x, y, action): """Process mouse events during interactive rectangle zooming. On PRESS, record the mouse position. On MOVE, create a rectangular zoom window. On RELEASE, zoom to the picked rectangle. """ if action == PRESS: self.makeCurrent() self.update() if self.trackfunc: #print "PRESS",self.trackfunc, x, y, z = self.zplane = pf.canvas.project(x, y, z, True)[2] #print 'ZPLANE',self.zplane self.trackfunc(x, y, self.zplane) self.begin_2D_drawing() GL.glEnable(GL.GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP) # An alternative is GL_XOR # GL.glLogicOp(GL.GL_INVERT) # Draw rectangle self.draw_state_rect(x, y) self.swapBuffers() elif action == MOVE: if self.trackfunc: #print "MOVE",self.trackfunc #print 'ZPLANE',self.zplane self.trackfunc(x, y, self.zplane) # Remove old rectangle self.swapBuffers() self.draw_state_rect(*self.state) # Draw new rectangle self.draw_state_rect(x, y) self.swapBuffers() elif action == RELEASE: GL.glDisable(GL.GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP) self.end_2D_drawing() x0 = min(self.statex, x) y0 = min(self.statey, y) x1 = max(self.statex, x) y1 = max(self.statey, y) self.rectangle = x0, y0, x1, y1 self.finish_rectangle()
####################### INTERACTIVE PICKING ############################
[docs] def start_selection(self, mode, filter, pickable=None): """Start an interactive picking mode. If selection mode was already started, mode is disregarded and this can be used to change the filter method. """ pf.debug("START SELECTION", pf.DEBUG.GUI) pf.debug("Mode is %s" % self.pick_mode, pf.DEBUG.GUI) if self.pick_mode is None: self.setMouse(LEFT, self.mouse_pick) self.setMouse(LEFT, self.mouse_pick, SHIFT) self.setMouse(LEFT, self.mouse_pick, CTRL) self.setMouse(RIGHT, self.emit_done) self.setMouse(RIGHT, self.emit_cancel, SHIFT) self.DONE.connect(self.accept_selection) self.CANCEL.connect(self.cancel_selection) self.pick_mode = mode self.pickable = pickable self.selection_front = None if filter == 'none': filter = None self.selection_filter = filter if filter is None: self.selection_front = None self.selection.clear() self.selection.setType(self.pick_mode) pf.debug("START SELECTION DONE", pf.DEBUG.GUI)
[docs] def wait_selection(self): """Wait for the user to interactively make a selection.""" pf.debug("WAIT SELECTION", pf.DEBUG.GUI) #pf.logger.debug("wait_selection: %s" % self.selection_timer = QtCore.QThread self.selection_busy = True #pf.logger.debug("now entering wait") while self.selection_busy: if self.emit_events( self.selection_timer.msleep(20) #pf.logger.debug("Done waiting") pf.debug("WAIT SELECTION DONE", pf.DEBUG.GUI)
[docs] def finish_selection(self): """End an interactive picking mode.""" pf.debug("FINISH SELECTION", pf.DEBUG.GUI) self.resetMouse(LEFT) self.resetMouse(LEFT, SHIFT) self.resetMouse(LEFT, CTRL) self.resetMouse(RIGHT) self.resetMouse(RIGHT, SHIFT) self.DONE.disconnect(self.accept_selection) self.CANCEL.disconnect(self.cancel_selection) self.pick_mode = None self.pickable = None pf.debug("FINISH SELECTION DONE", pf.DEBUG.GUI)
[docs] def accept_selection(self, clear=False): """Accept or cancel an interactive picking mode. If clear == True, the current selection is cleared. """ self.selection_accepted = True if clear: self.selection.clear() self.selection_accepted = False self.selection_canceled = True self.selection_busy = False
[docs] def cancel_selection(self): """Cancel an interactive picking mode and clear the selection.""" self.accept_selection(clear=True)
def emit_events(self, events): pf.logger.debug("sending events %s" % events) for event in events:, event)
[docs] def pick(self, mode='actor', oneshot=False, func=None, filter=None, pickable=None, _rect=None): """Interactively pick objects from the viewport. - `mode`: defines what to pick : one of ``['actor','element','point','number','edge']`` - `oneshot`: if True, the function returns as soon as the user ends a picking operation. The default is to let the user modify his selection and only to return after an explicit cancel (ESC or right mouse button). - `func`: if specified, this function will be called after each atomic pick operation. The Collection with the currently selected objects is passed as an argument. This can e.g. be used to highlight the selected objects during picking. - `filter`: defines what elements to retain from the selection: one of ``[None,'single','closest,'connected']``. - None (default) will return the complete selection. - 'closest' will only keep the element closest to the user. - 'connected' will only keep elements connected to - the closest element (set picked) - what is already in the selection (add picked). Currently this only works when picking mode is 'element' and for Actors having a partitionByConnection method. Returns a (possibly empty) Collection with the picked items. After return, the value of the pf.canvas.selection_accepted variable can be tested to find how the picking operation was exited: True means accepted (right mouse click, ENTER key, or OK button), False means canceled (ESC key, or Cancel button). In the latter case, the returned Collection is always empty. """ self.setFocus() self.selection_canceled = False self.start_selection(mode, filter, pickable) = [] if _rect: while not self.selection_canceled: self.wait_selection() if not self.selection_canceled: # selection by mouse_picking self.pick_func[self.pick_mode]() if len(self.picked) > 0: if self.selection_filter is None: if self.mod == _PICK_SET: self.selection.set(self.picked) elif self.mod == _PICK_ADD: self.selection.add(self.picked) elif self.mod == _PICK_REMOVE: self.selection.remove(self.picked) elif self.selection_filter == 'single': if self.mod == _PICK_SET: self.selection.set([self.closest_pick[0]]) elif self.mod == _PICK_ADD: self.selection.add([self.closest_pick[0]]) elif self.mod == _PICK_REMOVE: self.selection.remove([self.closest_pick[0]]) elif self.selection_filter == 'closest': if self.selection_front is None or \ self.mod == _PICK_SET or \ (self.mod == _PICK_ADD and self.closest_pick[1] < self.selection_front[1]): self.selection_front = self.closest_pick self.selection.set([self.closest_pick[0]]) elif self.selection_filter == 'connected': if self.selection_front is None or \ self.mod == _PICK_SET or \ len(self.selection) == 0: self.selection_front = self.closest_pick closest_actor, closest_elem = [int(i) for i in self.selection_front[0]] elif self.mod == _PICK_ADD: closest_elem = self.selection.get(closest_actor)[0] if self.mod == _PICK_SET: self.selection.set(self.picked) elif self.mod == _PICK_ADD: self.selection.add(self.picked) elif self.mod == _PICK_REMOVE: self.selection.remove(self.picked) if self.mod == _PICK_SET or \ self.mod == _PICK_ADD: conn_elems = self.actors[closest_actor].object.connectedElements(closest_elem, self.selection.get(closest_actor)) self.selection.set(conn_elems, closest_actor) elif self.mod == _PICK_SET: # Nothing picked and set mode: self.selection.set([]) if func: func(self, self.selection) self.update() if oneshot: self.accept_selection() if func and not self.selection_accepted: func(self, self.selection) self.finish_selection() return self.selection
[docs] def pickNumbers(self, *args, **kargs): """Go into number picking mode and return the selection.""" return self.pick('numbers', *args, **kargs)
[docs] def mouse_rect_pick_events(self, rect=None): """Create the events for a mouse rectangle pick. Parameters ---------- rect: tuple of ints, optional A tuple (x0,y0,x1,y1) specifying the top left corner and the bottom right corner of the rectangular are to be picked. Values are in pixels relative to the canvas widget. If not provided, the whole canvas area will be picked. Returns ------- list A nested list of events. The list contains two sublists. The first holds the events to make the rectangle pick: - Press the left button mouse at (x0,y0). - Move the mouse while holding the left button pressed to (x1,y1). - Release the left mouse button at (x1,y1). The second sublist holds the events to accept the picked area: - Press the right mouse button at (x1,y1). - Release the right mouse button at (x1,y1). """ if rect is None: x0, y0 = 0, 0 x1, y1 = self.getSize() else: x0, y0, x1, y1 = rect event1 = QtGui.QMouseEvent(QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonPress, QtCore.QPoint(x0, y0), QtCore.Qt.LeftButton, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton, QtCore.Qt.NoModifier) event2 = QtGui.QMouseEvent(QtCore.QEvent.MouseMove, QtCore.QPoint(x1, y1), QtCore.Qt.NoButton, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton, QtCore.Qt.NoModifier) event3 = QtGui.QMouseEvent(QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease, QtCore.QPoint(x1, y1), QtCore.Qt.LeftButton, QtCore.Qt.NoButton, QtCore.Qt.NoModifier) event4 = QtGui.QMouseEvent(QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonPress, QtCore.QPoint(x1, y1), QtCore.Qt.RightButton, QtCore.Qt.RightButton, QtCore.Qt.NoModifier) event5 = QtGui.QMouseEvent(QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease, QtCore.QPoint(x1, y1), QtCore.Qt.RightButton, QtCore.Qt.NoButton, QtCore.Qt.NoModifier) return [[event1, event2, event3], [event4, event5]]
#################### Interactive drawing ####################################
[docs] def idraw(self, mode='point', npoints=-1, zplane=0., func=None, coords=None, preview=False): """Interactively draw on the canvas. This function allows the user to interactively create points in 3D space and collects the subsequent points in a Coords object. The interpretation of these points is left to the caller. - `mode`: one of the drawing modes, specifying the kind of objects you want to draw. This is passed to the specified `func`. - `npoints`: If -1, the user can create any number of points. When >=0, the function will return when the total number of points in the collection reaches the specified value. - `zplane`: the depth of the z-plane on which the 2D drawing is done. - `func`: a function that is called after each atomic drawing operation. It is typically used to draw a preview using the current set of points. The function is passed the current Coords and the `mode` as arguments. - `coords`: an initial set of coordinates to which the newly created points should be added. If specified, `npoints` also counts these initial points. - `preview`: **Experimental** If True, the preview funcion will also be called during mouse movement with a pressed button, allowing to preview the result before a point is created. The drawing operation is finished when the number of requested points has been reached, or when the user clicks the right mouse button or hits 'ENTER'. The return value is a (n,3) shaped Coords array. To know in which way the drawing was finished check pf.canvas.draw_accepted: True means mouse right click / ENTER, False means ESC button on keyboard. """ self.setFocus() self.draw_canceled = False self.start_draw(mode, zplane, coords) = [] try: if preview: self.previewfunc = func else: self.previewfunc = None while not self.draw_canceled: self.wait_selection() if not self.draw_canceled: self.drawn = Coords(self.drawn).reshape(-1, 3) self.drawing = Coords.concatenate([self.drawing, self.drawn]) if func: func(self.drawing, self.drawmode) if npoints > 0 and len(self.drawing) >= npoints: self.accept_draw() if func and not self.draw_accepted: func(self.drawing, self.drawmode) finally: self.finish_draw() return self.drawing
[docs] def start_draw(self, mode, zplane, coords): """Start an interactive drawing mode.""" self.setMouse(LEFT, self.mouse_draw) self.setMouse(RIGHT, self.emit_done) self.setMouse(RIGHT, self.emit_cancel, SHIFT) self.DONE.connect(self.accept_draw) self.CANCEL.connect(self.cancel_draw) self.drawmode = mode self.zplane = float(zplane) self.drawing = Coords(coords)
[docs] def finish_draw(self): """End an interactive drawing mode.""" self.resetMouse(LEFT) self.resetMouse(RIGHT) self.resetMouse(RIGHT, SHIFT) self.DONE.disconnect(self.accept_draw) self.CANCEL.disconnect(self.cancel_draw) self.drawmode = None
[docs] def accept_draw(self, clear=False): """Cancel an interactive drawing mode. If clear == True, the current drawing is cleared. """ self.draw_accepted = True if clear: self.drawing = Coords() self.draw_accepted = False self.draw_canceled = True self.selection_busy = False
[docs] def cancel_draw(self): """Cancel an interactive drawing mode and clear the drawing.""" self.accept_draw(clear=True)
[docs] def mouse_draw(self, x, y, action): """Process mouse events during interactive drawing. On PRESS, do nothing. On MOVE, do nothing. On RELEASE, add the point to the point list. """ if action == PRESS: self.makeCurrent() self.update() if self.trackfunc: print("ENABLE TRACKING") elif action == MOVE: if return if self.trackfunc: self.trackfunc(x, y, self.zplane) if self.previewfunc: self.swapBuffers() self.drawn = self.unproject(x, y, self.zplane) self.drawn = Coords(self.drawn).reshape(-1, 3) self.previewfunc(Coords.concatenate([self.drawing, self.drawn]), self.drawmode) self.swapBuffers() elif action == RELEASE: self.drawn = self.unproject(x, y, self.zplane) self.drawn = Coords(self.drawn).reshape(-1, 3) self.selection_busy = False
########################################################################## # line drawing mode #
[docs] def drawLinesInter(self, mode='line', oneshot=False, func=None): """Interactively draw lines on the canvas. - oneshot: if True, the function returns as soon as the user ends a drawing operation. The default is to let the user draw multiple lines and only to return after an explicit cancel (ESC or right mouse button). - func: if specified, this function will be called after each atomic drawing operation. The current drawing is passed as an argument. This can e.g. be used to show the drawing. When the drawing operation is finished, the drawing is returned. The return value is a (n,2,2) shaped array. """ self.setFocus() self.drawing_canceled = False self.start_drawing(mode) while not self.drawing_canceled: self.wait_drawing() if not self.drawing_canceled: if self.edit_mode: # an edit mode from the edit combo was clicked if self.edit_mode == 'undo' and self.drawing.size != 0: self.drawing = delete(self.drawing, -1, 0) elif self.edit_mode == 'clear': self.drawing = empty((0, 2, 2), dtype=int) elif self.edit_mode == 'close' and self.drawing.size != 0: line = asarray([self.drawing[-1, -1], self.drawing[0, 0]]) self.drawing = append(self.drawing, line.reshape(-1, 2, 2), 0) self.edit_mode = None else: # a line was drawn interactively self.drawing = append(self.drawing, self.drawn.reshape(-1, 2, 2), 0) if func: func(self.drawing) if oneshot: self.accept_drawing() if func and not self.drawing_accepted: func(self.drawing) self.finish_drawing() return self.drawing
[docs] def start_drawing(self, mode): """Start an interactive line drawing mode.""" pf.debug("START DRAWING MODE", pf.DEBUG.GUI) self.setMouse(LEFT, self.mouse_draw_line) self.setMouse(RIGHT, self.emit_done) self.setMouse(RIGHT, self.emit_cancel, SHIFT) self.DONE.connect(self.accept_drawing) self.CANCEL.connect(self.cancel_drawing) #self.setCursorShape('pick') self.drawing_mode = mode self.edit_mode = None self.drawing = empty((0, 2, 2), dtype=int)
[docs] def wait_drawing(self): """Wait for the user to interactively draw a line.""" self.drawing_timer = QtCore.QThread self.drawing_busy = True while self.drawing_busy: self.drawing_timer.msleep(20)
[docs] def finish_drawing(self): """End an interactive drawing mode.""" pf.debug("END DRAWING MODE", pf.DEBUG.GUI) #self.setCursorShape('default') self.resetMouse(LEFT) self.resetMouse(RIGHT) self.resetMouse(RIGHT, SHIFT) self.DONE.disconnect(self.accept_drawing) self.CANCEL.disconnect(self.cancel_drawing) self.drawing_mode = None
[docs] def accept_drawing(self, clear=False): """Cancel an interactive drawing mode. If clear == True, the current drawing is cleared. """ pf.debug("CANCEL DRAWING MODE", pf.DEBUG.GUI) self.drawing_accepted = True if clear: self.drawing = empty((0, 2, 2), dtype=int) self.drawing_accepted = False self.drawing_canceled = True self.drawing_busy = False
[docs] def cancel_drawing(self): """Cancel an interactive drawing mode and clear the drawing.""" self.accept_drawing(clear=True)
[docs] def edit_drawing(self, mode): """Edit an interactive drawing.""" self.edit_mode = mode self.drawing_busy = False
######## QtOpenGL interface ############################## def initializeGL(self): # if pf.options.debuglevel & pf.DEBUG.GUI: # p = self.sizePolicy() # print("Size policy %s,%s,%s,%s" % (p.horizontalPolicy(), p.verticalPolicy(), p.horizontalStretch(), p.verticalStretch())) self.glinit() self.initCamera() self.resizeGL(self.width(), self.height()) self.setCamera() def resizeGL(self, w, h): self.setSize(w, h) def paintGL(self): if not self.mode2D: self.display() ####### MOUSE EVENT HANDLERS ############################ # Mouse functions can be bound to any of the mouse buttons # LEFT, MIDDLE or RIGHT. # Each mouse function should accept three possible actions: # PRESS, MOVE, RELEASE. # On a mouse button PRESS, the mouse screen position and the pressed # button are always saved in self.statex,self.statey,self.button. # The mouse function does not need to save these and can directly use # their values. # On a mouse button RELEASE, self.button is cleared, to avoid further # move actions. # Functions that change the camera settings should call saveModelView() # when they are done. # ATTENTION! The y argument is positive upwards, as in normal OpenGL # operations!
[docs] def dynarot(self, x, y, action): """Perform dynamic rotation operation. This function processes mouse button events controlling a dynamic rotation operation. The action is one of PRESS, MOVE or RELEASE. """ if action == PRESS: w, h = self.getSize() self.state = [self.statex-w/2, self.statey-h/2] self.stated = length(self.state) < 0.35 * length([w, h]) elif action == MOVE: w, h = self.getSize() # set all three rotations from mouse movement # tangential movement sets twist, # but only if initial vector is big enough x0 = self.state # initial vector d = length(x0) x1 = [x-w/2, y-h/2] # new vector if d > h/8: a0 = math.atan2(x0[0], x0[1]) a1 = math.atan2(x1[0], x1[1]) an = (a1-a0) / math.pi * 180 ds = stuur(d, [-h/4, h/8, h/4], [-1, 0, 1], 2) twist = - an*ds, 0., 0., 1.) self.state = x1 # radial movement rotates around vector in lens plane x0 = [self.statex-w/2, self.statey-h/2] # initial vector if x0 == [0., 0.]: x0 = [1., 0.] dx = [x-self.statex, y-self.statey] # movement b = projection(dx, x0) if abs(b) > 5: # only process when the movement is large enough if self.stated: # mouse action did not start in the corners val = stuur(b, [-2*h, 0, 2*h], [-180, 0, +180], 1) rot = [abs(val), -dx[1], dx[0], 0]*rot) self.statex, self.statey = (x, y) self.update() elif action == RELEASE: self.update()
[docs] def dynapan(self, x, y, action): """Perform dynamic pan operation. This function processes mouse button events controlling a dynamic pan operation. The action is one of PRESS, MOVE or RELEASE. """ if action == PRESS: pass elif action == MOVE: w, h = self.getSize() dx, dy = float(self.statex-x)/w, float(self.statey-y)/h, dy) self.statex, self.statey = (x, y) self.update() elif action == RELEASE: self.update()
[docs] def dynazoom(self, x, y, action): """Perform dynamic zoom operation. This function processes mouse button events controlling a dynamic zoom operation. The action is one of PRESS, MOVE or RELEASE. """ if action == PRESS: self.state = [,, pf.cfg['gui/dynazoom']] elif action == MOVE: w, h = self.getSize() dx, dy = float(self.statex-x)/w, float(self.statey-y)/h for method, state, value, size in zip(self.state[2], [self.statex, self.statey], [x, y], [w, h]): if method == 'area': d = float(state-value)/size f = exp(4*d), area=asarray(self.state[1]).reshape(2, 2)) elif method == 'dolly': d = stuur(value, [0, state, size], [5, 1, 0.2], 1.2) = d*self.state[0] self.update() elif action == RELEASE: self.update()
[docs] def wheel_zoom(self, delta): """Zoom by rotating a wheel over an angle delta""" f = 2**(delta/120.*pf.cfg['gui/wheelzoomfactor']) if pf.cfg['gui/wheelzoom'] == 'area': elif pf.cfg['gui/wheelzoom'] == 'lens': else: self.update()
[docs] def emit_done(self, x, y, action): """Emit a DONE event by clicking the mouse. This is equivalent to pressing the ENTER button.""" if action == RELEASE: self.DONE.emit()
[docs] def emit_cancel(self, x, y, action): """Emit a CANCEL event by clicking the mouse. This is equivalent to pressing the ESC button.""" if action == RELEASE: self.CANCEL.emit()
[docs] def draw_state_rect(self, x, y): """Store the pos and draw a rectangle to it.""" self.state = x, y drawRect(self.statex, self.statey, x, y)
[docs] def mouse_pick(self, x, y, action): """Process mouse events during interactive picking. On PRESS, record the mouse position. On MOVE, create a rectangular picking window. On RELEASE, pick the objects inside the rectangle. """ if action == PRESS: self.makeCurrent() self.update() self.begin_2D_drawing() #self.swapBuffers() GL.glEnable(GL.GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP) # An alternative is GL_XOR # GL.glLogicOp(GL.GL_INVERT) # Draw rectangle self.draw_state_rect(x, y) self.swapBuffers() elif action == MOVE: # Remove old rectangle self.swapBuffers() self.draw_state_rect(*self.state) # Draw new rectangle self.draw_state_rect(x, y) self.swapBuffers() elif action == RELEASE: GL.glDisable(GL.GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP) self.swapBuffers() self.end_2D_drawing() x, y = (x+self.statex)/2., (y+self.statey)/2. w, h = abs(x-self.statex)*2., abs(y-self.statey)*2. if w <= 0 or h <= 0: w, h = pf.cfg['draw/picksize'] vp = GL.glGetIntegerv(GL.GL_VIEWPORT) self.pick_window = (x, y, w, h, vp) self.selection_busy = False
[docs] def draw_state_line(self, x, y): """Store the pos and draw a line to it.""" self.state = x, y drawLine(self.statex, self.statey, x, y)
[docs] def mouse_draw_line(self, x, y, action): """Process mouse events during interactive drawing. On PRESS, record the mouse position. On MOVE, draw a line. On RELEASE, add the line to the drawing. """ if action == PRESS: self.makeCurrent() self.update() self.begin_2D_drawing() self.swapBuffers() GL.glEnable(GL.GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP) # An alternative is GL_XOR # GL.glLogicOp(GL.GL_INVERT) # Draw rectangle if self.drawing.size != 0: self.statex, self.statey = self.drawing[-1, -1] self.draw_state_line(x, y) self.swapBuffers() elif action == MOVE: # Remove old rectangle self.swapBuffers() self.draw_state_line(*self.state) # Draw new rectangle self.draw_state_line(x, y) self.swapBuffers() elif action == RELEASE: GL.glDisable(GL.GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP) #self.swapBuffers() self.end_2D_drawing() self.drawn = asarray([[self.statex, self.statey], [x, y]]) self.drawing_busy = False
@classmethod def has_modifier(clas, e, mod): return (e.modifiers() & mod) == mod
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, e): """Process a mouse press event.""" # Make the clicked viewport the current one pf.GUI.viewports.setCurrent(self) # on PRESS, always remember mouse position and button self.statex, self.statey = e.x(), self.height()-e.y() self.button = e.button() self.mod = e.modifiers() & ALLMODS #imod = int(self.mod) #bmod = f"{imod:032b}" #print("PRESS BUTTON %s WITH MODIFIER %s(%s)" % (self.button,bmod,imod)) func = self.getMouseFunc() if func: func(self.statex, self.statey, PRESS) e.accept()
[docs] def mouseMoveEvent(self, e): """Process a mouse move event.""" # the MOVE event does not identify a button, use the saved one func = self.getMouseFunc() if func: func(e.x(), self.height()-e.y(), MOVE) e.accept()
[docs] def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e): """Process a mouse release event.""" func = self.getMouseFunc() self.button = None # clear the stored button if func: func(e.x(), self.height()-e.y(), RELEASE) e.accept()
[docs] def wheelEvent(self, e): """Process a wheel event.""" func = self.wheel_zoom if func: func( e.accept()
# Any keypress with focus in the canvas generates a GUI WAKEUP signal. # This is used to break out of a wait status. # Events not handled here could also be handled by the toplevel # event handler. def keyPressEvent(self, e): # Make the clicked viewport the current one pf.GUI.signals.WAKEUP.emit() if e.key() == ESC: self.CANCEL.emit() e.accept() elif e.key() == ENTER or e.key() == RETURN: self.DONE.emit() e.accept() else: e.ignore()
########################################################################### ##### Multiple Viewports #######
[docs]class MultiCanvas(QtWidgets.QGridLayout): """An OpenGL canvas with multiple viewports and QT interaction. The MultiCanvas implements a central QT widget containing one or more QtCanvas widgets. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): """Initialize the multicanvas.""" QtWidgets.QGridLayout.__init__(self) self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.all = [] self.links = {} self.current = None self.ncols = 2 self.rowwise = True self.pos = None self.rstretch = None self.cstretch = None self.parent = parent
[docs] def changeLayout(self, nvps=None, ncols=None, nrows=None, pos=None, rstretch=None, cstretch=None): """Change the lay-out of the viewports on the OpenGL widget. nvps: number of viewports ncols: number of columns nrows: number of rows pos: list holding the position and span of each viewport [[row,col,rowspan,colspan],...] rstretch: list holding the stretch factor for each row cstretch: list holding the stretch factor for each column (rows/columns with a higher stretch factor take more of the available space) Each of this parameters is optional. If a number of viewports is given, viewports will be added or removed to match the requested number. By default they are laid out rowwise over two columns. If ncols is an int, viewports are laid out rowwise over ncols columns and nrows is ignored. If ncols is None and nrows is an int, viewports are laid out columnwise over nrows rows. Alternatively, the pos argument can be used to specify the layout of the viewports. """ # add or remove viewports to match the requested number if isInt(nvps): while len(self.all) > nvps: self.removeView() while len(self.all) < nvps: self.addView() # get the new layout definition if isInt(ncols): rowwise = True pos = None elif isInt(nrows): ncols = nrows rowwise = False pos = None elif isinstance(pos, list) and len(pos) == len(self.all): ncols = None rowwise = None else: return # remove the viewport widgets for w in self.all: self.removeWidget(w) # assign the new layout arguments self.ncols = ncols self.rowwise = rowwise self.pos = pos self.rstretch = rstretch self.cstretch = cstretch # add the viewport widgets for w in self.all: self.showWidget(w)
[docs] def newView(self, shared=True, settings=None): """Create a new viewport. If shared is True, and the MultiCanvas already has one or more viewports, the new viewport will share display lists and textures with the first viewport. Since pyFormex is not using display lists (anymore) and textures are needed to display text, the value defaults to True, and all viewports will share the same textures, unless a viewport is created with a specified value for shared: it can either be another viewport to share textures with, or a value False or None to not share textures with any viewport. In the latter case you will not be able to use text display, unless you initialize the textures yourself. settings: can be a legal CanvasSettings to initialize the viewport. Default is to copy settings of the current viewport. Returns the created viewport, which is an instance of QtCanvas. """ if not isinstance(shared, QtCanvas): if shared and len(self.all) > 0: shared = self.all[0] else: shared = None # Now shared should be a QtCanvas or None pf.debug("New viewport sharing textures with %s" % shared, pf.DEBUG.DRAW) if settings is None: try: settings = self.current.settings except Exception: settings = {} pf.debug("Create new viewport with settings:\n%s"%settings, pf.DEBUG.CANVAS) ## ## BEWARE: shared should be positional, settings should be keyword ! canv = QtCanvas(self.parent, shared, settings=settings) #print(canv.settings) return(canv)
[docs] def addView(self): """Add a new viewport to the widget""" canv = self.newView() if len(self.all) > 0: # copy default settings from previous canv.resetDefaults(self.all[-1].settings) self.all.append(canv) self.showWidget(canv) canv.initializeGL() # Initialize OpenGL context and camera self.setCurrent(canv)
[docs] def setCurrent(self, canv): """Make the specified viewport the current one. canv can be either a viewport or viewport number. """ if isInt(canv) and canv in range(len(self.all)): canv = self.all[canv] if canv == self.current: pass elif canv in self.all: if self.current: self.current.focus = False self.current.updateGL() self.current = canv # Only show focus if more than 1 self.current.focus = len(pf.GUI.viewports.all) > 1 and pf.cfg['gui/showfocus'] self.current.updateGL() toolbar.updateViewportButtons(self.current) pf.canvas = self.current
[docs] def viewIndex(self, view): """Return the index of the specified view""" return self.all.index(view)
[docs] def currentView(self): """Return the index of the current view""" return self.all.index(self.current)
[docs] def showWidget(self, w): """Show the view w.""" ind = self.all.index(w) if self.pos is None: row, col = divmod(ind, self.ncols) if not self.rowwise: row, col = col, row rspan, cspan = 1, 1 elif ind < len(self.pos): row, col, rspan, cspan = self.pos[ind] else: return self.addWidget(w, row, col, rspan, cspan) w.raise_() # set the stretch factors if self.rstretch is not None: for i in range(row, row+rspan): if i >= len(self.rstretch): self.rstretch.append(1) self.setRowStretch(i, self.rstretch[i]) if self.cstretch is not None: for i in range(col, col+cspan): if i >= len(self.cstretch): self.cstretch.append(1) self.setColumnStretch(i, self.cstretch[i])
[docs] def removeView(self): """Remove the last view""" if len(self.all) > 1: w = self.all.pop() lastnr = len(self.all) if lastnr in self.links: del self.links[lastnr] if self.pos is not None: self.pos = self.pos[:-1] if self.current == w: self.setCurrent(self.all[-1]) self.removeWidget(w) w.close() # Remove focus rectangle if only one left if len(self.all) == 1: self.current.focus = False # set the stretch factors pos = [self.getItemPosition(self.indexOf(w)) for w in self.all] if self.rstretch is not None: row = max([p[0]+p[2] for p in pos]) for i in range(row, len(self.rstretch)): self.setRowStretch(i, 0) self.rstretch = self.rstretch[:row] if self.cstretch is not None: col = max([p[1]+p[3] for p in pos]) for i in range(col, len(self.cstretch)): self.setColumnStretch(i, 0) self.cstretch = self.cstretch[:col]
## def setCamera(self,bbox,view): ## self.current.setCamera(bbox,view) def updateAll(self): pf.debug("UPDATING ALL VIEWPORTS", pf.DEBUG.GUI) for v in self.all: v.update() pf.GUI.processEvents() def printSettings(self): for i, v in enumerate(self.all): print(""" ## VIEWPORTS ## Viewport %s; Current:%s; Settings: %s """ % (i, v == self.current, v.settings)) # TODO: We should probably limit linking to the changelayout case
[docs] def config(self): """Return the full configuration needed to restore this MultiCanvas. Currently only works on single viewport. """ from pyformex.plugins.saveload import dict2Config C = Config() C['nvps'] = len(self.all) if len(self.all) > 1: C['current'] = self.viewIndex(self.current) C['canvas'] = self.viewIndex(pf.canvas) if self.rowwise: C['ncols'] = self.ncols else: C['nrows'] = self.ncols for i, vp in enumerate(self.all): Ci = dict2Config(vp.settings) Ci['rendermode'] = vp.rendermode C.update(Ci, name='canvas%s'%i) Ci = dict2Config( C.update(Ci, name='camera%s'%i) # GUI settings: #C['canvas_size'] = pf.canvas.getSize() C['central_size'] = qtutils.Size(pf.GUI.central) C['gui_size'] = qtutils.Size(pf.GUI) return C
[docs] def save(self, filename): """Save the canvas settings to file Currently only works on single viewport. """ C = self.config() C.write(filename, header="#Canvas settings saved from pyFormex\n", trailer="#End\n")
[docs] def loadConfig(self, config): """Reset the viewports size, layout and cameras from a Config dict""" d = utils.selectDict(config, ['nvps', 'ncols', 'nrows'], remove=True) size = config.pop('gui_size', None) if size: pf.GUI.resize(*size) size = config.pop('central_size', None) if size: pf.GUI.central.resize(*size) self.changeLayout(**d) # size = config.pop('canvas_size',None) # if size: # pf.canvas.changeSize(*size) for i in range(len(self.all)): Ci = config['canvas%s'%i] mode = Ci.pop('rendermode', None) canvas = self.all[i] canvas.settings.update(Ci) if mode: canvas.setRenderMode(mode) Ci = config['camera%s'%i] current = config.pop('current', None) if current: self.setCurrent(current) self.update()
[docs] def load(self, filename): """Load the canvas settings from file""" try: C = Config(filename) except Exception: raise ValueError("Invalid Camera save file: %s" % filename) self.loadConfig(C)
# End