Source code for plugins.ccxinp

##  This file is part of pyFormex 2.0  (Mon Sep 14 12:29:05 CEST 2020)
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Interface with Abaqus/Calculix FE input files (.inp).


import re
import numpy as np
from pyformex import Path
from pyformex import utils

re_eltypeB = re.compile("^(?P<type>B)(?P<ndim>[23])(?P<degree>\d)?(?P<mod>(OS)?H*)$")
re_eltype = re.compile("^(?P<type>.*?)(?P<ndim>[23]D)?(?P<nplex>\d+)?(?P<mod>[HIMRSW]*)$")

# List of known Abaqus/Calculix element type

abq_elems = [
    'CONN3D2', 'CONN2D2',
    'FRAME3D', 'FRAME2D',
    'T2D2', 'T2D2H', 'T2D3', 'T2D3H',
    'T3D2', 'T3D2H', 'T3D3', 'T3D3H',
    'B21', 'B21H', 'B22', 'B22H', 'B23', 'B23H',
    'B31', 'B31H', 'B32', 'B32H', 'B33', 'B33H',
    'M3D4', 'M3D4R',
    'M3D6', 'M3D8',
    'M3D9', 'M3D9R',
    'CPS4', 'CPS4I', 'CPS4R',
    'CPS6', 'CPS6M',
    'CPS8', 'CPS8R', 'CPS8M',
    'CPE3', 'CPE3H',
    'CPE4', 'CPE4H', 'CPE4I', 'CPE4IH', 'CPE4R', 'CPE4RH',
    'CPE6', 'CPE6H', 'CPE6M', 'CPE6MH',
    'CPE8', 'CPE8H', 'CPE8R', 'CPE8RH',
    'CPEG3', 'CPEG3H',
    'CPEG4', 'CPEG4H', 'CPEG4I', 'CPEG4IH', 'CPEG4R', 'CPEG4RH',
    'CPEG6', 'CPEG6H', 'CPEG6M', 'CPEG6MH',
    'CPEG8', 'CPEG8H', 'CPEG8R', 'CPEG8RH',
    'CAX6', 'CAX8', 'CAX8R',
    'S3', 'S3R', 'S3RS',
    'S4', 'S4R', 'S4RS', 'S4RSW', 'S4R5',
    'S8R', 'S8R5',
    'SFM3D4', 'SFM3D4R',
    'SFM3D8', 'SFM3D8R',
    'C3D4', 'C3D4H',
    'C3D6', 'C3D6H',
    'C3D8', 'C3D8I', 'C3D8H', 'C3D8R', 'C3D8RH', 'C3D10',
    'C3D10H', 'C3D10M', 'C3D10MH',
    'C3D15', 'C3D15H',
    'C3D20', 'C3D20H', 'C3D20R', 'C3D20RH',
    'R2D2', 'RB2D2', 'RB3D2', 'RAX2', 'R3D3', 'R3D4',

[docs]def abq_eltype(eltype): """Analyze an Abaqus element type and return eltype characteristics. Returns a dictionary with: - type: the element base type - ndim: the dimensionality of the element - nplex: the plexitude (number of nodes) - mod: a modifier string Currently, all these fields are returned as strings. We should probably change ndim and nplex to an int. """ if eltype.startswith('B'): m = re_eltypeB.match(eltype) else: m = re_eltype.match(eltype) if m: d = m.groupdict() try: nplex = int(d['nplex']) except Exception: if 'degree' in d: degree = int('degree')) if degree == 2: nplex = 3 else: nplex = 2 elif d['type'] == 'FRAME': nplex = 2 elif d['type'] == 'SPRINGA': nplex = 1 else: nplex = 0 d['nplex'] = nplex if 'ndim' not in d or d['ndim'] is None: if d['type'][:2] in ['CP', 'CA']: d['ndim'] = '2' if d['type'] in ['R'] and d['nplex']==4: d['ndim'] = '2' try: ndim = int(d['ndim'][0]) except Exception: ndim = 3 d['ndim'] = ndim if 'mod' not in d or d['mod'] is None: d['mod'] = '' d['avail'] = 'A' # Available in Abaqus d['pyf'] = pyf_eltype(d) else: d = {} return d
known_eltypes = { 1: {'point': ['SPRINGA', ]}, 2: {'line2': ['CONN', 'FRAME', 'T', 'B', 'RB', 'RAX', ]}, 3: {'line3': ['B', ], 'tri3': ['M', 'CPS', 'CPE', 'CPEG', 'S', 'SFM', 'R', ]}, 4: {'quad4': ['M', 'CPS', 'CPE', 'CPEG', 'S', 'SFM', 'R', ], 'tet4': ['C', ]}, 6: {'': ['M', 'CPS', 'CPE', 'CPEG', 'SFM', ], 'wedge6': ['C', ]}, 8: {'quad8': ['M', 'CPS', 'CPE', 'CPEG', 'CAX', 'S', 'SFM', ], 'hex8': ['C', ]}, 9: {'quad9': ['M', 'S']}, 10: {'tet10': ['C', ]}, 15: {'': ['C', ]}, 20: {'hex20': ['C', ]}, } pyf_eltypes = { 1: 'point', 2: 'line2', 3: {2: 'line3', 3: 'tri3'}, 4: {2: 'quad4', 3: 'tet4'}, 6: {2: '', 3: 'wedge6'}, 8: {2: 'quad8', 3: 'hex8'}, 9: 'quad9', 10: 'tet10', 15: '', 20: 'hex20', }
[docs]def pyf_eltype(d): """Return the best matching pyFormex element type for an abq/ccx element d is an element groupdict obtained by scanning the element name. """ eltype = pyf_eltypes.get(d['nplex'], '') if isinstance(eltype, dict): eltype = eltype[d['ndim']] return eltype
def print_catalog(): for el in abq_elems: d = abq_eltype(el) if d: print("Eltype %s = Type %s, ndim %s, nplex %s, mod %s, pyf_type %s" % (el, d['type'], d['ndim'], d['nplex'], d['mod'], d['pyf'])) else: print("No match: %s" % el) #print_catalog() # # TODO: S... and RAX elements are still scanned wrongly # class InpModel(object): pass model = None system = None skip_unknown_eltype = False log = None part = None
[docs]def startPart(name): """Start a new part.""" global part print("Start part %s" % name){'name': name}) part =[-1]
[docs]def readCommand(line): """Read a command line, return the command and a dict with options""" if line[0] == '*': line = line[1:] s = line.split(',') s = [si.strip() for si in s] cmd = s[0] opts = {} for si in s[1:]: kv = si.split('=') k = kv[0] if len(kv) > 1: v = kv[1] else: v = True opts[k] = v return cmd, opts
[docs]def do_HEADING(opts, data): """Read the nodal data""" model.heading = '\n'.join(data)
[docs]def do_PART(opts, data): """Set the part name""" startPart(opts['NAME'])
[docs]def do_SYSTEM(opts, data): """Read the system data""" global system if len(data) == 0: system = None return s = data[0].split(',') A = [float(v) for v in s[:3]] try: B = [float(v) for v in s[3:]] except Exception: B, C = None, None if len(data) > 1: C = [float(v) for v in data[1].split('')] else: B[2] = 0. C = [-B[1], B[0], 0.] t = array(A) if B is None: r = None else: r = rotmat(array([A, B, C])) system = (t, r)
[docs]def do_NODE(opts, data): """Read the nodal data""" nnodes = len(data) print("Read %s nodes" % nnodes) ndata = len(data[0].split()) data = ','.join(data) with open(''%part['name'], 'w') as f: f.write(data) x = np.fromstring(data, dtype=np.float32, count=ndata*nnodes, sep=',').reshape(-1, ndata) nodid = x[:, 0].astype(np.int32) coords = x[:, 1:] if system: t, r = system if r is not None: coords = dot(coords, r) coords += t if 'coords' in part: part['nodid'] = np.concatenate([part['nodid'], nodid]) part['coords'] = np.concatenate([part['coords'], coords], axis=0) else: part['nodid'] = nodid part['coords'] = coords
[docs]def do_ELEMENT(opts, data): """Read element data""" d = abq_eltype(opts['TYPE']) eltype = d['pyf'] if not eltype: if skip_unknown_eltype: return else: raise ValueError("Element type '%s' can not yet be imported" % opts['TYPE']) nplex = d['nplex'] nelems = len(data) print("Read %s elements of type %s, plexitude %s" % (nelems, eltype, nplex)) ndata = nplex+1 data = ','.join(data) with open(''%part['name'], 'w') as f: f.write(data) e = np.fromstring(data, dtype=np.int32, count=ndata*nelems, sep=',').reshape(-1, ndata) elid = e[:, 0] elems = e[:, 1:] if not 'elems' in part: part['elems'] = [] if not 'elid' in part: part['elid'] = [] part['elems'].append((eltype, elems)) part['elid'].append(elid)
def endCommand(cmd, opts, data): global log func = 'do_%s' % cmd if func in globals(): globals()[func](opts, data) else: #print("Data %s" % data) log.write("Don't know how to handle keyword '%s'\n" % cmd)
[docs]def readInput(fn): """Read an input file (.inp) Returns an object with the following attributes: - `heading`: the heading read from the .inp file - `parts`: a list with parts. A part is a dict and can contain the following keys: - `name`: string: the part name - `coords`: float (nnod,3) array: the nodal coordinates - `nodid`: int (nnod,) array: node numbers; default is arange(nnod) - `elems`: int (nelems,nplex) array: element connectivity - `elid`: int (nelems,) array: element numbers; default is arange(nelems) """ global line, part, log, model fn = Path(fn) logname = fn.with_suffix('_ccxinp.log') model = InpModel() = [] startPart('DEFAULT') cmd = '' with open(logname, 'w') as log: with open(fn) as fil: data_cont = False data = [] for line in fil: if len(line) == 0: break line = line.upper() if line.startswith('*'): if cmd: endCommand(cmd, opts, data) cmd = '' if line[1] != '*': data = [] cmd, opts = readCommand(line[1:]) log.write("Keyword %s; Options %s\n" % (cmd, opts)) data_cont = False else: line = line.strip() if data_cont: data[-1] += line else: data.append(line) data_cont = line.endswith(',') print("Number of parts in model: %s" % len( return model
# End