Source code for gui.qtgl

##  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2007-2023 Benedict Verhegghe <>
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"""Qt OpenGL format


import pyformex as pf
from pyformex.gui import QtOpenGL

############### OpenGL Format #################################

_opengl_format = None

def getOpenGLFormat():
    if _opengl_format is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "The OpenGL format has not been initialized yet!"
            " You should call setOpenGLFormat first.")
    return _opengl_format

[docs]def setOpenGLFormat(): """Set the correct OpenGL format. On a correctly installed system, the default should do well. The default OpenGL format can be changed by command line options:: --dri : use the Direct Rendering Infrastructure, if available --nodri : do not use the DRI --opengl : set the opengl version --(no)multisample """ global _opengl_format fmt = QtOpenGL.QGLFormat.defaultFormat() if pf.DEBUG.OPENGL in pf.options.debuglevel: pf.debug(OpenGLVersions(fmt), pf.DEBUG.OPENGL) pf.debug("Initial " + OpenGLFormat(fmt), pf.DEBUG.OPENGL) if pf.options.dri is not None: fmt.setDirectRendering(pf.options.dri) try: major, minor = pf.cfg['opengl/version'].split('.') fmt.setVersion(int(major), int(minor)) except Exception: print(f"Can not use OpenGL version {pf.cfg['opengl/version']}" "Will try to use whatever is available") if pf.options.multisample: fmt.setSampleBuffers(True) QtOpenGL.QGLFormat.setDefaultFormat(fmt) #QtOpenGL.QGLFormat.setOverlayFormat(fmt) #fmt.setDirectRendering(False) _opengl_format = fmt if pf.DEBUG.OPENGL in pf.options.debuglevel: pf.debug("Set " + OpenGLFormat(fmt), pf.DEBUG.OPENGL) return fmt
[docs]def OpenGLFormat(fmt=None): """Report information about the OpenGL format.""" if fmt is None: fmt = _opengl_format flags = fmt.openGLVersionFlags() return f"""\ OpenGL Format OpenGL: {fmt.hasOpenGL()} OpenGl Version: {fmt.majorVersion()}.{fmt.minorVersion()} ({int(flags)}) OpenGLOverlays: {fmt.hasOpenGLOverlays()} Double Buffer: {fmt.doubleBuffer()} Depth Buffer: {fmt.depth()} RGBA: {fmt.rgba()} Alpha Channel: {fmt.alpha()} Accumulation Buffer: {fmt.accum()} Stencil Buffer: {fmt.stencil()} Stereo: {fmt.stereo()} Direct Rendering: {fmt.directRendering()} Overlay: {fmt.hasOverlay()} Plane: {fmt.plane()} Multisample Buffers: {fmt.sampleBuffers()} ({fmt.samples()}) """
[docs]def OpenGLSupportedVersions(flags): """Return the supported OpenGL version. flags is the return value of QGLFormat.OpenGLVersionFlag() Returns a list with tuple (k,v) where k is a string describing an Opengl version and v is True or False. """ flag = QtOpenGL.QGLFormat.OpenGLVersionFlag keys = [k for k in dir(flag) if k.startswith('OpenGL') and not k.endswith('None')] return [(k, bool(int(flags) & int(getattr(flag, k)))) for k in keys]
[docs]def OpenGLVersions(fmt=None): """Report information about the supported OpenGL versions.""" if fmt is None: fmt = _opengl_format flags = fmt.openGLVersionFlags() s = ["Supported OpenGL versions:"] for k, v in OpenGLSupportedVersions(flags): s.append(" %s: %s" % (k, v)) return '\n'.join(s)
def printOpenGLContext(ctxt): if ctxt: print("context is valid: %d" % ctxt.isValid()) print("context is sharing: %d" % ctxt.isSharing()) else: print("No OpenGL context yet!")
[docs]def hasDRI(): """Check whether the OpenGL canvas has DRI enabled.""" return _opengl_format.directRendering()
# End