## SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2007-2023 Benedict Verhegghe <bverheg@gmail.com>
## SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
## This file is part of pyFormex 3.4 (Thu Nov 16 18:07:39 CET 2023)
## pyFormex is a tool for generating, manipulating and transforming 3D
## geometrical models by sequences of mathematical operations.
## Home page: https://pyformex.org
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## Development: https://gitlab.com/bverheg/pyformex
## Distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
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"""Point based clustering module.
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from pyformex import arraytools as at
from pyformex.trisurface import TriSurface
from pyformex.lib import clust_c
[docs]class Clustering():
"""Uniform point clustering based on ACVD.
mesh : TriSurface
The algorithm is based on pyvista/pyacvd but is a reimplementation
using pyFormex data types and techniques.
def __init__(self, S, _opt=False):
"""Check inputs and initializes neighbors"""
self.S = S
self.clusters = None
self.nclus = None
self.remesh = None
# Compute point weights and weighted points
self._area, self._wcent = weighted_points(self.S)
# neighbors and edges
self._neigh, self._nneigh = neighbors_from_mesh(S)
self._edges = S.edges.astype(at.Int)
self._opt = _opt
[docs] def cluster(self, nclus, maxiter=100):
"""Cluster points """
clusters, ndisc = clust_c.cluster(
self._neigh, self._nneigh, self._area, self._wcent,
self._edges, nclus, maxiter)
if clusters.min() < 0:
raise ValueError("Cluster optimization failed: {ndisc} isolated clusters")
clusters = at.renumberClusters(clusters)
self.clusters = clusters
self.nclus = clusters.max() + 1
return clusters, ndisc
[docs] def create_mesh(self, flipnorm=True):
""" Generates mesh from clusters """
if flipnorm:
cnorm = self.cluster_norm()
cnorm = None
# Generate mesh
self.remesh = create_mesh(self.S, self._area, self.clusters,
cnorm, flipnorm)
return self.remesh
[docs] def cluster_norm(self):
""" Return cluster norms """
if not hasattr(self, 'clusters'):
raise Exception('No clusters available')
# Normals of original mesh
norm = self.S.avgVertexNormals()
# Compute normalized mean cluster normals
cnorm = np.empty((self.nclus, 3))
cnorm[:, 0] = np.bincount(self.clusters, weights=norm[:, 0] * self._area)
cnorm[:, 1] = np.bincount(self.clusters, weights=norm[:, 1] * self._area)
cnorm[:, 2] = np.bincount(self.clusters, weights=norm[:, 2] * self._area)
weights = ((cnorm * cnorm).sum(1)**0.5).reshape((-1, 1))
weights[weights == 0] = 1
cnorm /= weights
return cnorm
[docs]def cluster_centroid(cent, area, clusters):
""" Computes an area normalized centroid for each cluster """
# Check if null cluster exists
null_clusters = np.any(clusters == -1)
if null_clusters:
clusters = clusters.copy()
clusters[clusters == -1] = clusters.max() + 1
wval = cent * area.reshape(-1, 1)
cweight = np.bincount(clusters, weights=area)
cweight[cweight == 0] = 1
cval = np.vstack((np.bincount(clusters, weights=wval[:, 0]),
np.bincount(clusters, weights=wval[:, 1]),
np.bincount(clusters, weights=wval[:, 2]))) / cweight
if null_clusters:
cval[:, -1] = np.inf
return cval.T
[docs]def create_mesh(S, area, clusters, cnorm, flipnorm=True):
"""Generates a new TriSurface given cluster data
elems = S.elems
points = S.coords
if points.dtype != np.double:
points = points.astype(np.double)
# Compute centroids
ccent = np.ascontiguousarray(cluster_centroid(points, area, clusters))
# Create sparse matrix storing the number of adjcent clusters a point has
rng = np.arange(elems.shape[0]).reshape((-1, 1))
a = np.hstack((rng, rng, rng)).ravel()
b = clusters[elems].ravel() # take?
c = np.ones(len(a), dtype='bool')
boolmatrix = sparse.csr_matrix((c, (a, b)), dtype='bool')
# Find all points with three neighboring clusters. Each of the three
# cluster neighbors becomes a point on a triangle
nadjclus = boolmatrix.sum(1)
adj = np.array(nadjclus == 3).nonzero()[0]
idx = boolmatrix[adj].nonzero()[1]
# Append these points and faces
points = ccent
f = idx.reshape((-1, 3))
# Remove duplicate faces
f = f[unique_row_indices(np.sort(f, 1))]
# Mean normals of clusters each face is build from
if flipnorm:
adjcnorm = cnorm[f].sum(1)
adjcnorm /= np.linalg.norm(adjcnorm, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
# and compare this with the normals of each face
newnorm = TriSurface(points, f).normals()
# print(f"newnorm {newnorm.shape}")
# If the dot is negative, reverse the order of those faces
agg = (adjcnorm * newnorm).sum(1) # dot product
mask = agg < 0.0
f[mask] = f[mask, ::-1]
return TriSurface(points,f)
[docs]def unique_row_indices(a):
""" Indices of unique rows """
b = np.ascontiguousarray(a).view(
np.dtype((np.void, a.dtype.itemsize * a.shape[1])))
_, idx = np.unique(b, return_index=True)
return idx
[docs]def weighted_points(S):
"""Returns point weight based on area weight and weighted points.
Points are weighted by adjcent area faces.
S : TriSurface
Triangular surface mesh.
pweight : np.ndarray, np.double
Point weight array
wvertex : np.ndarray, np.double
Vertices multiplied by their corresponding weights.
areas = S.areas()
pweight = at.nodalSum(areas, S.elems)[0]
wvertex = S.coords*pweight
return pweight.reshape(-1), wvertex
[docs]def neighbors_from_mesh(S):
"""Assemble neighbor array. Assumes all-triangular mesh.
S : TriSurface
TriSurface to assemble neighbors from.
neigh : int np.ndarray [:, ::1]
Indices of each neighboring node for each node.
-1 entries are at the end!
nneigh : int np.ndarray [::1]
Number of neighbors for each node.
adj = S.adjacency(kind='n')
adj = np.require(adj[:,::-1], dtype=np.int32, requirements='C')
nadj = (adj>=0).sum(-1)
nadj = np.require(nadj, dtype=np.int32, requirements='C')
return adj, nadj
[docs]def remesh_acvd(S, npoints=-1, ndiv=3):
"""Remesh a TriSurface using an ACDV clustering method
S: TriSurface
The TriSurface to be remeshed.
npoints: int, optional
The approximat number of vertices in the output mesh.
If negative(default), it is set to the number of vertices
in the input surface.
ndiv: int, optional
The number of subdivisions to created in order to have a finer
mesh for the clustering method. A higher number results
in a more regular mesh, at the expense of a longer computation
The remeshed TriSurface, resembling the input mesh, but having
a more regular mesh. Note that if the input Mesh contains
sharp folds, you may need to clean up the surface by calling
:meth:`removeNonManifold` and/or :meth:`fixNormals`.
This uses a clustering technique based on
https://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/site7/en/acvd to resample the mesh.
The actual implementation is a modification of
https://github.com/pyvista/pyacvd, directly using pyFormex data
structures instead of pyvista/vtk PolyData.
The meaning of the ndiv paramter is different from that in the
pyvista/pyacvd module. In pyFormex we can directly set the final
number of subdivisions and the sub division is done in a single step.
In pyvista/pyacvd one specifies a number of subdivision
steps and each step subdivides in 2. Thus a value of nsub = 3 in
pyvista/pyacvd corresponds to ndiv = 2^3 = 8 in pyFormex. pyFormex
allows subdivision numbers that are not powers of two. This is not
possible in pyvista/pyacvd.
if npoints < 0:
npoints = S.ncoords()
if ndiv > 1:
S = S.subdivide(ndiv).fuse().compact()
print(f"Subdivide: {S.ncoords()} vertices")
clus = Clustering(S)
return clus.create_mesh()
# End