## SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2007-2023 Benedict Verhegghe <bverheg@gmail.com>
## SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
## This file is part of pyFormex 3.4 (Thu Nov 16 18:07:39 CET 2023)
## pyFormex is a tool for generating, manipulating and transforming 3D
## geometrical models by sequences of mathematical operations.
## Home page: https://pyformex.org
## Project page: https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/pyformex/
## Development: https://gitlab.com/bverheg/pyformex
## Distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
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"""Python equivalents of the functions in lib.nurbs_c
The functions in this module should be exact emulations of the
external functions in the compiled library. Currently however this
module only contains a few of the functions in lib.nurbs_c, making
nurbs functionality in pyFormex currently only available when using
the compiled lib.
# There should be no other imports here but numpy
import numpy as np
# And Set the version from pyformexld be defined
import pyformex
__version__ = pyformex.__version__
_accelerated = False
# Since binomial is already defined in curve, we can just import it here.
from pyformex.curve import binomial # this is math.comb
[docs]def length(A):
"""Return the length of an ndim vector."""
return np.linalg.norm(A)
[docs]def bernstein(i, n, u):
"""Compute the value of the Bernstein polynomial B(i,n) at u.
i: int
The index of the polynomial
n: int
The degree of the polynomial
u: float
The parametric value where the polynomial is evaluated
The value of the i-th Bernstein polynomials of degree n at parameter
value u.
>>> bernstein(2, 5, 0.4)
return allBernstein(n, u)[i]
[docs]def allBernstein(n, u):
"""Compute the value of all n-th degree Bernstein polynomials.
- `n`: int, degree of the polynomials
- `u`: float, parametric value where the polynomials are evaluated
Returns: an (n+1,) shaped float array with the value of all n-th
degree Bernstein polynomials B(i,n) at parameter value u.
Algorithm A1.3 from 'The NURBS Book' p20.
B = np.zeros(n+1)
B[0] = 1.0
u1 = 1.0-u
for j in range(1, n+1):
saved = 0.0
for k in range(j):
temp = B[k]
B[k] = saved + u1*temp
saved = u * temp
B[j] = saved
return B
[docs]def find_span(U, u, p, n):
"""Find the knot span index of the parametric point u.
U: float array (m+1,)
The non-descending knot sequence: U[0] .. U[m]
u: float
The parametric value U[0] <= u <= U[m] for which to find the span
p: int
The degree of the B-spline basis functions
n: int
The number of control points - 1 = m - p - 1
The index of the knot span.
Algorithm A2.1 from 'The NURBS Book' p.68.
if u == U[n+1]: # special case
# do binary search
low = p
high = n + 1
mid = (low + high) // 2
cnt = 0
while u < U[mid] or u >= U[mid+1]:
if u < U[mid]:
high = mid
low = mid
mid = (low + high) // 2
cnt += 1
if cnt > 20:
return mid
[docs]def basis_funs(U, u, p, i):
"""Compute the nonvanishing B-spline basis functions for index span i.
U: float array (m+1,)
The knot sequence: U[0] .. U[m], non-descending.
u: float
The parametric value U[0] <= u <= U[m] where to compute the functions.
p: int
Degree of the B-spline basis functions
i: int
Index of the knot span for value u (from find_span())
float array (p+1)
The (p+1) values of nonzero basis functions at u.
Algorithm A2.2 from 'The NURBS Book' p.70.
N = np.empty((p+1,)) # return array
left = np.empty((p+1,)) # workspace
right = np.empty((p+1,)) # workspace
N[0] = 1.0
for j in range(1, p+1):
left[j] = u - U[i+1-j]
right[j] = U[i+j] - u
saved = 0.0
for r in range(j):
temp = N[r] / (right[r+1] + left[j-r])
N[r] = saved + right[r+1] * temp
saved = left[j-r] * temp
N[j] = saved
return N
[docs]def basis_derivs(U, u, p, i, n):
"""Compute the nonvanishing B-spline basis functions and derivatives.
U: float array (m+1,)
The knot sequence: U[0] .. U[m], non-descending.
u: float
The parametric value U[0] <= u <= U[m] where to compute the functions.
p: int
Degree of the B-spline basis functions
i: int
Index of the knot span for value u (from find_span())
n: int
Number of derivatives to compute (n <= p)
float array (n+1, p+1)
The (n+1, p+1) values of the nonzero basis functions and their first n
derivatives at u
Algorithm A2.3 from 'The NURBS Book' p.72.
dN = np.empty((n+1, p+1)) # return array
# workspaces
ndu = np.empty((p+1, p+1))
a = np.empty((2*(p+1),))
left = np.empty((p+1,))
right = np.empty((p+1,))
ndu[0][0] = 1.0
for j in range(1, p+1):
left[j] = u - U[i+1-j]
right[j] = U[i+j]-u
saved = 0.0
for r in range(j):
# Lower triangle
ndu[j][r] = right[r+1] + left[j-r]
temp = ndu[r][j-1]/ndu[j][r]
# Upper Triangle
ndu[r][j] = saved + right[r+1]*temp
saved = left[j-r]*temp
ndu[j][j] = saved
# Load the basis functions
dN[0] = ndu[:,p]
# Compute the derivatives (Eq. 2.9)
for r in range(p+1): # Loop over function index
s1, s2 = 0, p+1 # Alternate rows in array a
a[0] = 1.0
# Loop to compute kth derivative
for k in range(1, n+1):
der = 0.0
rk = r-k; pk = p-k
if r >= k:
a[s2] = a[s1] / ndu[pk+1][rk]
der = a[s2] * ndu[rk][pk]
if rk >= -1:
j1 = 1
j1 = -rk
if r-1 <= pk:
j2 = k-1
j2 = p-r
for j in range(j1, j2+1):
a[s2+j] = (a[s1+j] - a[s1+j-1]) / ndu[pk+1][rk+j]
der += a[s2+j] * ndu[rk+j][pk]
if r <= pk:
a[s2+k] = -a[s1+k-1] / ndu[pk+1][r]
der += a[s2+k] * ndu[r][pk]
dN[k,r] = der
s1, s2 = s2, s1 # Switch rows
# Multiply by the correct factors
r = p
for k in range(1, n+1):
dN[k] *= r
r *= (p-k)
return dN
# TODO: def basisFuns
# TODO: def basisDerivs ipv basis_derivs
# TODO: def curvePoints
# TODO: def curveDerivs
# TODO: def curveDecompose
# TODO: def curveKnotRefine
# TODO: def curveKnotRemove
[docs]def curveDegreeElevate(Pw, U, t):
"""Elevate the degree of the Nurbs curve.
- `Pw`: float array (nk,nd): nk=n+1 control points
- `U`: int array(nu): nu=m+1 knot values
- `t`: int: how much to elevate the degree
Returns a tuple:
- `Qw`: nh+1 new control points
- `Uh`: mh+1 new knot values
- `nh`: highest control point index
- `mh`: highest knot index
This is based on algorithm A5.9 from 'The NURBS Book' pg206.
nk, nd = Pw.shape
n = nk-1
m = U.shape[0]-1
p = m-n-1
# Workspace for return arrays
Uh = np.zeros((U.shape[0]*(t+1)))
Qw = np.zeros((Pw.shape[0]*(t+1), nd))
# Workspaces
bezalfs = np.zeros((p+t+1, p+1))
bpts = np.zeros((p+1, nd))
ebpts = np.zeros((p+t+1, nd))
Nextbpts = np.zeros((p-1, nd))
alfs = np.zeros((p-1,))
ph = p+t
ph2 = ph//2
# Compute Bezier degree elevation coefficients
bezalfs[0, 0] = bezalfs[ph, p] = 1.0
for i in range(1, ph2+1):
inv = 1.0 / binomial(ph, i)
mpi = min(p, i)
for j in range(max(0, i-t), mpi+1):
bezalfs[i, j] = inv * binomial(p, j) * binomial(t, i-j)
for i in range(ph2+1, ph):
mpi = min(p, i)
for j in range(max(0, i-t), mpi+1):
bezalfs[i, j] = bezalfs[ph-i, p-j]
# print("bezalfs:",bezalfs)
mh = ph
kind = ph+1
r = -1
a = p
b = p+1
cind = 1
ua = U[0]
Qw[0] = Pw[0]
for i in range(ph+1):
Uh[i] = ua
# Initialize first Bezier segment
for i in range(p+1):
bpts[i] = Pw[i]
# print("bpts =\n%s" % bpts[:p+1])
# Big loop thru knot vector
while b < m:
# print("Big loop b = %s < m = %s" % (b,m))
i = b
while b < m and U[b] == U[b+1]:
b += 1;
mul = b-i+1
mh += mul+t
ub = U[b]
oldr = r
r = p-mul
# Insert knot ub r times
lbz = (oldr+2)//2 if oldr > 0 else 1
rbz = ph-(r+1)//2 if r > 0 else ph
if r > 0:
# Insert knot to get Bezier segment
numer = ub-ua
for k in range(p, mul, -1):
alfs[k-mul-1] = numer / (U[a+k] - ua)
# print("alfs = %s" % alfs[:p])
for j in range(1, r+1):
save = r-j
s = mul+j
for k in range(p, s-1, -1):
bpts[k] = alfs[k-s]*bpts[k] + (1.0-alfs[k-s])*bpts[k-1]
Nextbpts[save] = bpts[p]
# print("Nextbpts %s = %s" %(save,Nextbpts[save]))
# print("bpts =\n%s" % bpts[:p+1])
# Degree elevate Bezier
for i in range(lbz, ph+1):
# Only points lbz..ph are used below
ebpts[i] = 0.0
mpi = min(p, i)
for j in range(max(0, i-t), mpi+1):
ebpts[i] += bezalfs[i, j]*bpts[j]
# print("ebpts =\n%s" % ebpts[lbz:ph+1])
if oldr > 1:
# Must remove knot U[a] oldr times
first = kind-2
last = kind
den = ub-ua
bet = (ub-Uh[kind-1]/den)
for tr in range(1, oldr):
# Knot removal loop
i = first
j = last
kj = j-kind+1
while j-i > tr:
# Compute new control points
if i < cind:
alf = (ub-Uh[i]) / (ua-Uh[i])
Qw[i] = alf*Qw[i] + (1.0-alf)*Qw[i-1]
if j >= lbz:
if j-tr <= kind-ph+oldr:
gam = (ub-Uh[j-tr]) / den
ebpts[kj] = gam*ebpts[kj] + (1.0-gam)*ebpts[kj+1]
ebpts[kj] = bet*ebpts[kj] + (1.0-bet)*ebpts[kj+1]
i += 1
j -= 1
kj -= 1
first -= 1
last +=1
if a != p:
# Load the knot ua
for i in range(ph-oldr):
Uh[kind] = ua
kind += 1
for j in range(lbz, rbz+1):
# Load control points into Qw
Qw[cind] = ebpts[j]
cind += 1
# print(Qw[:cind])
# print("Now b=%s, m=%s" % (b,m))
if b < m:
# Set up for next passcthru loop
for j in range(r):
bpts[j] = Nextbpts[j]
for j in range(r, p+1):
bpts[j] = Pw[b-p+j]
a = b
b += 1
ua = ub
# End knot
for i in range(ph+1):
Uh[kind+i] = ub
nh = mh - ph - 1
Uh = Uh[:mh+1]
Qw = Qw[:nh+1]
return np.array(Pw), np.array(Uh), nh, mh
[docs]def BezDegreeReduce(Q, return_errfunc=False):
"""Degree reduce a Bezier curve.
Q: float array (nk, nd)
The control points of a Bezier curve of degree p = nk-1
return_errfunc: bool
If True, also returns a function to evaluate the error along
the parametric values.
P: float array (nk-1, nd)
The control points of a Bezier curve of degree p-1 that is as
close as possible to the original curve.
maxerr: float
An upper bound on the error introduced by the degree reduction.
errfunc: function
A callable to evaluate the error as function of the parameter u.
Only returned if return_errfunc is True.
Based on The NURBS Book 5.6.
nk, nd = Q.shape
p = nk - 1
r = (p-1) // 2
alfs = np.arange(p) / p
P = np.zeros((p, nd))
P[0] = Q[0]
for i in range(1, r+1):
P[i] = (Q[i] - alfs[i]*P[i-1]) / (1.0-alfs[i])
P[p-1] = Q[p]
for i in range(p-2, r, -1):
P[i] = (Q[i+1] - (1-alfs[i+1])*P[i+1]) / alfs[i+1]
if p % 2 == 1:
PrR = (Q[r+1] - (1-alfs[r+1])*P[r+1]) / alfs[r+1]
Err = 0.5 * (1.0-alfs[r]) * length(P[r] - PrR)
P[r] = 0.5 * (P[r] + PrR)
Err = length(Q[r+1]-0.5*(P[r]+P[r+1]))
# Max error
# Note that maximum of Bernstein polynom (i,p) is at i/p
if p % 2 == 0:
errfunc = lambda u: Err * bernstein(r+1, p, u)
# Note that maximum of Bernstein polynom (i,p) is at i/p
maxerr = errfunc((r+1.)/p)
errfunc = lambda u: Err * abs(bernstein(r, p, u) - bernstein(r+1, p, u))
# We guess that maximum is close to middle of r/p and r+1/p
maxerr = max(errfunc(float(r)/p), errfunc(float(r+1)/p))
if return_errfunc:
return P, maxerr, errfunc
return P, maxerr
#from pyformex.plugins.nurbs import *
[docs]def curveDegreeReduce(Qw, U, tol=1.0):
"""Reduce the degree of the Nurbs curve.
Qw: float array (nc, nd)
The nc control points of the Nurbs curve
U: float array (nu)
The nu knot values of the Nurbs curve
Pw: float array (nctrl, nd)
The new control points
U: float array (nknots)
The new knot vector
err: float array (nerr)
The error vector
This is algorithm A5.11 from 'The NURBS Book' pg223.
nc, nd = Qw.shape
n = nc-1
m = U.shape[0]-1
p = m-n-1
#print("Reduce degree of curve from %s to %s" % (p, p-1))
# Workspace for return arrays
Uh = np.zeros((2*m+1,))
Pw = np.zeros((2*nc+1, nd))
# Set up workspaces
bpts = np.zeros((p+1, nd)) # Bezier control points of current segment
Nextbpts = np.zeros((p-1, nd)) # leftmost control points of next Bezier segment
rbpts = np.zeros((p, nd)) # degree reduced Bezier control points
alfs = np.zeros((p-1,)) # knot insertion alphas
err = np.zeros((m,)) # error vector
# Initialize some variables
ph = p-1
mh = ph
kind = ph+1
r = -1
a = p
b = p+1
cind = 1
mult = p
m = n+p+1
Pw[0] = Qw[0]
Uh[:ph+1] = U[0] # Compute left end of knot vector
bpts[:p+1] = Qw[:p+1] # Initialize first Bezier segment
# error vector is initialized
#print("Initial Uh")
# Loop through the knot vector
while b < m:
# Compute knot multiplicity
i = b
while b < m and U[b] == U[b+1]:
b += 1;
mult = b-i+1
mh += mult-1
#print("Big loop b=%s < m=%s (mult=%s, mh=%s, )" % (b, m, mult, mh))
#print("a=%s;b=%s;u[a]..u[b]=%s" % (a, b, U[a:b+1]))
#print("Segment bpts\n", bpts)
oldr = r
r = p-mult
lbz = (oldr+2)//2 if oldr > 0 else 1
#print("oldr=%s; r=%s; lbz=%s" % (oldr, r, lbz))
# Insert knot U[b] r times
if r > 0:
# Insert knot to get Bezier segment
#print("Insert knot %s %s times" % (U[b], r))
numer = U[b]-U[a]
for k in range(p, mult-1, -1):
alfs[k-mult-1] = numer / (U[a+k] - U[a])
#print("alfs = %s" % alfs[:p])
for j in range(1, r+1):
save = r-j
s = mult+j
for k in range(p, s-1, -1):
bpts[k] = alfs[k-s]*bpts[k] + (1.0-alfs[k-s])*bpts[k-1]
Nextbpts[save] = bpts[p]
#print("Nextbpts %s = %s" %(save, Nextbpts[save]))
# Degree reduce Bezier segment
# if debug:
# print("Bezier segment degree reduction")
# print("bpts =\n", bpts)
# drawCtrlPts(bpts, color=magenta, marksize=8)
rbpts, maxErr = BezDegreeReduce(bpts)
# if debug:
# print(f"Reduced ctrl points: {rbpts.shape}\n", rbpts[:p])
# print("Degree reduce error = %s"%maxErr)
# drawCtrlPts(rbpts, color=cyan, marksize=8, linewidth=1, scurve=True)
err[a] += maxErr
if err[a] > tol:
raise ValueError("Curve not degree reducible")
return None # Curve not degree reducible
if oldr > 0:
#print("Remove knot %s %s times" % (U[a], oldr))
first = kind
last = kind
for k in range(oldr):
i = first
j = last
kj = j-kind
while j-i > k:
alfa = (U[a]-Uh[i-1]) / (U[b]-Uh[i-1])
beta = (U[a]-Uh[j-k-1]) / (U[b]-Uh[j-k-1])
Pw[i-1] = (Pw[i-1] - (1.0-alfa)*Pw[i-2]) / alfa
rbpts[kj] = (rbpts[kj] - beta*rbpts[kj+1])/(1.0-beta)
i += 1
j -= 1
kj -= 1
# Compute knot removal error bounds (Br)
if j-i < k:
Br = length(Pw[i-2] - rbpts[kj+1])
delta = (U[a]-Uh[i-1]) / (U[b]-Uh[i-1])
A = delta*rbpts[kj+1] + (1.0-delta)*Pw[i-2]
Br = length(Pw[i-1] - A)
#print("Knot removal error = %s" % Br)
# Update the error vector
K = a+oldr-k
q = (2*p-k+1)//2
L = K-q
for ii in range(L, a+1): # These knot spans were affected
err[ii] += Br
if err[ii] > tol:
raise ValueError("Curve not degree reducible")
first -= 1
last += 1
cind = i-1
# Load knot vector and control points
if a != p:
# Load the knot U[a]
for i in range(ph-oldr):
#print("Load the knot ua=%s in Uh[%s]" % (U[a], kind))
Uh[kind] = U[a]
kind += 1
for i in range(lbz, ph+1):
# Load control points into Pw
#print("Load control point %s from rbpts %s = %s" % (cind, i, rbpts[i]))
Pw[cind] = rbpts[i]
cind += 1
if b < m:
# Set up for next pass thru loop
for i in range(r):
bpts[i] = Nextbpts[i]
for i in range(r, p+1):
bpts[i] = Qw[b-p+i]
a = b
b += 1
# End knot
for i in range(ph+1):
Uh[kind+i] = U[b]
# if debug:
# pause()
nh = mh - ph - 1
Uh = Uh[:mh+1]
Pw = Pw[:nh+1]
return Pw, Uh, err
[docs]def curveUnclamp(P, U):
"""Unclamp a clamped curve.
Input: P,U
Output: P,U
Note: this changes P and U inplace.
Based on algorithm A12.1 of The NURBS Book.
n = P.shape[0] - 1
m = U.shape[0] - 1
p = m - n - 1
# Unclamp at left end
for i in range(p):
U[p-i-1] = U[p-i] - (U[n-i+1]-U[n-i])
if i == p-1:
k = p-1
for j in range(i, -1, -1):
alfa = (U[p]-U[k]) / (U[p+j+1]-U[k])
P[j] = (P[j] - alfa*P[j+1]) / (1.0-alfa)
k -= 1
# Unclamp at right end
for i in range(p):
U[n+i+2] = U[n+i+1] + (U[p+i+1]-U[p+i])
if i == p-1:
for j in range(i, -1, -1):
alfa = (U[n+1]-U[n-j]) / (U[n-j+i+2]-U[n-j])
P[n-j] = (P[n-j] - (1.0-alfa)*P[n-j-1]) / alfa
return P, U
[docs]def curveGlobalInterpolationMatrix(u, p, t0, t1):
"""Compute the global curve interpolation matrix.
u: float array (nc)
The parameter values at the nc points Q to be interpolated
p: int
The degree of the B-spline to construct.
t0: 0 | 1
1 if the tangent at the start of the curve is specified
t1: 0 | 1
1 if the tangent at the end of the curve is specified
U: float array (nU)
The knot sequence, with nU = nu + p + 1, nu = nc + t0 + t1
A: float array (nu, nu)
The coefficient matrix for the interpolation. The control points P
can be found by solving the system of linear equations: A * P = Q.
See Also
:func:`plugins.nurbs.globalInterpolationCurve`: the normal way to use this
Modified algorithm A9.1 from 'The NURBS Book' p.369.
nc = u.shape[0]
nu = nc + t0 + t1
nU = nu + p + 1
m = nu + p;
# Compute the knot vector U by averaging (9.8)
U = np.zeros(nU)
U[m-p:] = 1.0
for j in range(1-t0, nc-p+t1):
for i in range(j, j+p):
U[j+p+t0] += u[i]
U[j+p+t0] /= p
# Set up coefficient matrix A
A = np.zeros((nu,nu))
A[0,0] = A[-1,-1] = 1.0
if t0:
A[1,:2] = -1.0, 1.0
if t1:
A[-2,-2:] = -1.0, 1.0
for i in range(1, nc-1):
s = find_span(U, u[i], p, nu-1)
A[t0+i, s-p:s+1] = basis_funs(U, u[i], p, s)
return U, A
# TODO: merge with curveGlobalInterpolationMatrix
# TODO: implement in nurbs_c
[docs]def curveGlobalInterpolationMatrix2(Q, D, u, p):
"""Compute the global curve interpolation matrix for all tangents given.
Q: float array (nc)
D: float array(nc)
u: float array (nc)
The parameter values at the nc points Q to be interpolated
p: 2 | 3
The degree of the B-spline to construct.
U: float array (nU)
The knot sequence, with nU = 2*nc + p + 1
A: float array (2*nc, 2*nc)
The coefficient matrix for the interpolation.
The control points P can be found by solving the system of linear
equations: A * P = Q.
See Also
:func:`plugins.nurbs.globalInterpolationCurve`: the normal way to use this
Modified algorithm A9.1 from 'The NURBS Book' p.369.
nc, nd = Q.shape
if D.shape != Q.shape or u.shape[0] != nc:
raise ValueError("Incompatible shapes of Q, D, u")
n = nc - 1
nvar = 2*nc
nU = nvar + p + 1
m = nvar + p;
# Knot vector U
U = np.zeros(nU)
U[m-p:] = 1.0
if p == 2:
U[2:nU-2:2] = u
U[3:nU-2:2] = (u[:-1] + u[1:]) / 2
elif p == 3:
U[4] = u[1] / 2
U[-5] = (1+u[-2]) / 2
U[5:nU-5:2] = (2*u[1:-2] + u[2:-1]) / 3
U[6:nU-4:2] = (u[1:-2] + 2*u[2:-1]) / 3
raise ValueError("Degree should be 2 or 3")
# Coefficient matrix A
A = np.zeros((nvar,nvar))
A[0,0] = A[-2,-1] = 1.0
A[1,:2] = -1.0, 1.0
A[-1,-2:] = -1.0, 1.0
for i in range(1, nc-1):
s = find_span(U, u[i], p, nvar-1)
fd = basis_derivs(U, u[i], p, s, 1) # function values and 1st derivs
A[2*i, s-p:s+1] = fd[0]
A[2*i+1, s-p:s+1] = fd[1]
# Right hand sides R
R = np.empty((nvar, nd))
R[::2] = Q
R[1::2] = D
R[1] *= U[p+1] / 3
R[-1] *= (1-U[-(p+2)]) / 3
return U, A, R
[docs]def cubicSplineInterpolation(Q, t0, t1, U):
"""Compute the control points of a cubic spline interpolate.
Q: float array (nc, 3)
The nc points where the curve should pass through.
t0: float array (3,)
The tangent to the curve at the start point Q[0]
t1: float array (3,)
The tangent to the curve at the end point Q[nc-1]
U: float array (nc+6,)
The clamped knot vector: 3 zeros, the nc parameter values for
the points, 3 ones.
float array (nc+2, 3)
The control points of the curve. With the given knots they
will create a 3-rd degree NURBS curve that passes through the points Q
and has derivatives t0 and t1 at its end.
Based on algorithm A9.2 of 'The Nurbs Book', p. 373
# Initialize
n = Q.shape[0] - 1
P = np.full((n+3, 3), np.nan)
dd = np.full((n+1,), np.nan) # workspace
P[0] = Q[0]
P[1] = P[0] + U[4] / 3 * t0
P[n+2] = Q[n]
P[n+1] = P[n+2] - (1-U[n+2]) / 3 * t1
abc = basis_funs(U, U[4], 3, 4)
den = abc[1]
P[2] =(Q[1] - abc[0]*P[1]) / den
for i in range(3, n):
dd[i] = abc[2]/den
abc = basis_funs(U, U[i+2], 3, i+2)
den = abc[1] - abc[0]*dd[i]
P[i] = (Q[i-1] - abc[0]*P[i-1]) / den
dd[n] = abc[2]/den
abc = basis_funs(U, U[n+2], 3, n+2)
den = abc[1] - abc[0]*dd[n]
P[n] = (Q[n-1] - abc[2]*P[n+1] - abc[0]*P[n-1]) / den
for i in range(n-1, 1, -1):
P[i] = P[i] - dd[i+1]*P[i+1]
return P
if __name__ == '__draw__':
from pyformex.plugins.nurbs import NurbsCurve
N = NurbsCurve([
[6.2, -7.3],
[4.5, -6.7],
[4.0, -5.2],
[4.9, -3.5],
[7.6, -2.5],
[10.3, -3.3],
[11.2, -5.0],
[10.7, -6.7],
[9.0, -7.5],
], degree=4, knots=
[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1/3., 1/3., 2/3., 2/3., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])
def drawNurbs(N, color=black):
draw(N, color=color)
draw(N.knotPoints(), color=color, marksize=5)
X = N.coords.toCoords()
draw(PolyLine(X), color=color)
draw(X, color=color)
drawNumbers(X, color=color)
drawNurbs(N, color=red)
P4, U, err = curveDegreeReduce(N.coords, N.knots, 1.0)
print(P4.shape, len(U), len(err))
print(f"Maximum error {err}")
N = NurbsCurve(control=P4, knots=U)
drawNurbs(N, color=black)
# End