## SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2007-2023 Benedict Verhegghe <bverheg@gmail.com>
## SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
## This file is part of pyFormex 3.4 (Thu Nov 16 18:07:39 CET 2023)
## pyFormex is a tool for generating, manipulating and transforming 3D
## geometrical models by sequences of mathematical operations.
## Home page: https://pyformex.org
## Project page: https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/pyformex/
## Development: https://gitlab.com/bverheg/pyformex
## Distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
"""OpenGL rendering objects for the new OpenGL2 engine.
import numpy as np
from numpy import int32, float32
from .gl import GL
from OpenGL.arrays.vbo import VBO
import pyformex as pf
from pyformex import utils
from pyformex import colors
from pyformex import geomtools as gt
from pyformex import arraytools as at
from pyformex.formex import Formex
from pyformex.mesh import Mesh
from pyformex.polygons import Polygons
from pyformex.attributes import Attributes
from pyformex.elements import ElementType
from .sanitize import saneFloat, saneLineStipple, saneColor, saneColorSet
from .texture import Texture
### Drawable Objects ###############################################
def size_report(s, a):
print(f"{s}: size {a.size}; shape {a.shape}; type {a.dtype}")
def glObjType(nplex):
if nplex <= 3:
# everything higher is a polygon, and it better be convex ;)
def _show_buffers(d):
"""Return a dict where the buffers are shown"""
for key in ['vbo', 'nbo', 'ibo', 'tbo']:
if key in d:
d[key] = d[key].data
[docs]class Drawable(Attributes):
"""Base class for objects that can be rendered by the OpenGL engine.
This is the basic drawable object in the pyFormex OpenGL rendering
engine. It collects all the data that are needed to properly described
any object to be rendered by the OpenGL shader programs.
It has a multitude of optional attributes allowing it to describe
many very different objects and rendering situations.
This class is however not intended to be directly used to construct an
object for rendering. The :class:`Actor` class and its multiple
subclasses should be used for that purpose. The Actor classes provide
an easier and more logical interface, and more powerful at the same time,
since they can be compound: one Actor can hold multiple Drawables.
The elementary objects that can be directly drawn by the shader programs
are more simple, yet very diverse. The Drawable class collects all
the data that are needed by the OpenGL engine to do a proper
rendering of the object. It this represents a single, versatile
interface of the Actor classes with the GPU shader programs.
The versatility comes from the :class:`Attributes` base class, with
an unlimited set of attributes. Any undefined attribute just returns
None. Some of the most important attributes are described hereafter:
- `rendertype`: int: the type of rendering process that will be applied
by the rendering engine to the Drawable:
0: A full 3D Actor. The Drawable will be rendered in full 3D with
all active capabilities, such as camera rotation, projection,
rendermode, lighting. The full object undergoes the camera
transformations, and thus will appear as a 3D object in space.
The object's vertices are defined in 3D world coordinates.
Used in: :class:`Actor`.
1: A 2D object (often a text or an image) inserted at a 3D position.
The 2D object always keeps its orientation towards the camera.
When the camera changes, the object can change its position on
the viewport, but the oject itself looks the same.
This can be used to add annotations to (parts of) a 3D object.
The object is defined in viewport coordinates, the insertion
points are in 3D world coordinates.
Used in: :class:`textext.Text`.
2: A 2D object inserted at a 2D position. Both object and position
are defined in viewport coordinates. The object will take a fixed
position on the viewport. This can be use to add decorations to
the viewport (like color legends and background images).
Used in: :class:`decors.ColorLegend`.
3: Like 2, but with special purpose. These Drawables are not part of
the user scene, but used for system purposes (like setting the
background color, or adding an elastic rectangle during mouse picking).
Used in: :meth:`Canvas.createBackground`.
-1: Like 1, but with different insertion points for the multiple items
in the object. Used to place a list of marks at a list of points.
Used in: :class:`textext.Text`.
-2: A 3D object inserted at a 2D position. The 3D object will rotate
when the camera changes directions, but it will always be located
on the same position of the viewport. This is normally used to
display a helper object showing the global axis directions.
Used in: :class:`decors.Triade`.
The initialization of a Drawable takes a single parameter: `parent`,
which is the Actor that created the Drawable. All other parameters
should be keyword arguments, and are stored as attributes in the
- `prepare...`: creates sanitized and derived attributes/data. Its action
depends on current canvas settings: mode, transparent, avgnormals
- `render`: push values to shader and render the object:
depends on canvas and renderer.
- `pick`: fake render to be used during pick operations
- `str`: format the full data set of the Drawable
# A list of acceptable attributes in the drawable
# These are the parent attributes that can be overridden
attributes = [
'cullface', 'indices', 'color', 'name', 'highlight', 'opak',
'linewidth', 'pointsize', 'lighting', 'offset', 'vbo', 'nbo', 'ibo',
'alpha', 'drawface', 'objectColor', 'useObjectColor', 'rgbamode',
'texture', 'texcoords', 'counts', 'indexptr',
def __init__(self, parent, **kargs):
"""Create a new drawable."""
super().__init__(parent, **kargs)
# Default lighting parameter:
# rendertype 0 (3D) follows canvas lighting
# other rendertypes set lighting=False by default
if self.rendertype != 0 and self.lighting is None:
self.lighting = False
#self.prepareNormals() # The normals are currently always vertex
if self.texture is not None:
[docs] def prepareColor(self):
"""Prepare the colors for the shader."""
# TODO: This should be moved to Actor
# - color, colormap, bkcolor, bkcolormap are Actor attributes
# - useObjectColor, object*Color, vertexColor are Drawable attributes
# - the shader has objectCOlor and objectBkColor; alpha and bkalpha
# but only vertexColor, no vertexBkColor. If we add the latter
# we could always just draw 1 plane, not back and front
self.useObjectColor = None
self.objectColor = None
self.vertexColor = None
# print(f"DRAWABLE PREPARECOLOR {self.name} IN:"
# f"{self.color=}, {self.useObjectColor=}")
if self.highlight:
# we set single highlight color in shader
# Currently do everything in Formex model
# And we always need this one
###self.avbo = VBO(self.fcoords)
self.useObjectColor = 1
self.objectColor = np.array(colors.red)
elif self.color is not None:
if self.color.ndim == 1:
# here we only accept a single color for front and back
# different colors should have been handled before
self.useObjectColor = 1
self.vertexColor = None
self.objectColor = self.color
elif self.color.ndim == 3:
self.useObjectColor = 0
self.vertexColor = self.color
raise ValueError(
"color should be an array with 1 or 3 dimensions")
if self.vertexColor is not None:
if self.alpha is None:
self.alpha = 0.5
if self.vertexColor.shape[-1] == 3:
# Expand to 4 !!!
self.vertexColor = at.growAxis(self.vertexColor, 1,
self.cbo = VBO(self.vertexColor.astype(float32))
#size_report("Created cbo VBO", self.cbo)
# print(f"{self.name=}, {self.useObjectColor=}, {self.objectColor=}")
# print(f"{self.vertexColor=}")
self.rgbamode = self.vertexColor is not None and self.vertexColor.shape[-1] == 4
# !!!!!!!!!!!! Fix a bug with AMD cards !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# it turns out that some? AMD? cards do not like an unbound cbo
# even if that attribute is not used in the shader.
# Creating a dummy color buffer seems to solve that problem
if pf.options.fixcbo:
if self.cbo is None:
self.cbo = VBO(np.array(colors.red))
# TODO: replace with changeColor?
[docs] def changeVertexColor(self, color):
"""Change the vertex color buffer of the object.
This is experimental!!!
Just make sure that the passed data have the correct shape!
if self.useObjectColor:
self.vertexColor = self.color
self.cbo = VBO(color.astype(float32))
size_report('cbo', self.cbo)
[docs] def prepareTexture(self):
"""Prepare texture and texture coords"""
if self.useTexture == 1:
if self.texcoords.ndim == 2:
#curshape = self.texcoords.shape
self.texcoords = at.multiplex(self.texcoords, self.object.nelems(), axis=-3, warn=False)
#print("Multiplexing texture coords: %s -> %s " % (curshape, self.texcoords.shape))
self.tbo = VBO(self.texcoords.astype(float32))
[docs] def prepareIndex(self):
"""Create an index buffer to draw subelements
This is always used for nplex > 3, but also to draw the edges
for nplex=3.
if self.ibo is None and self.indices is not None:
self.ibo = VBO(self.indices.astype(int32),
[docs] def render(self, renderer):
"""Render the geometry of this object"""
if self.offset:
GL.glPolygonOffset(1.0, 1.0)
if self.linewidth:
if self.offset3d is not None:
offset = renderer.camera.toNDC(self.offset3d)
offset[..., 2] = 0.
offset += (1., 1., 0.)
if offset.shape == (3,):
renderer.shader.uniformVec3('offset3', offset)
elif offset.ndim > 1:
self.obo = VBO(offset.astype(float32))
i = renderer.shader.attribute['vertexOffset']
GL.glVertexAttribPointer(i, 3, GL.GL_FLOAT, False, 0, self.obo)
if self.rendertype == -2:
# This is currently a special code for the Triade
# It needs an object with coords in pixel values,
# centered around the origin
# and must have attributes x,y, set to the viewport
# position of the (0,0,0) point after rotation.
rot = renderer.camera.modelview.rot
x = np.dot(self.fcoords.reshape(-1, 3), rot).reshape(self.fcoords.shape)
x[:, :, 0] += self.x
x[:, :, 1] += self.y
x[:, :, 2] = 0
self.vbo = VBO(x)
i = renderer.shader.attribute['vertexCoords']
GL.glVertexAttribPointer(i, 3, GL.GL_FLOAT, False, 0, self.vbo)
if self.ibo:
if self.nbo:
i = renderer.shader.attribute['vertexNormal']
GL.glVertexAttribPointer(i, 3, GL.GL_FLOAT, False, 0, self.nbo)
if self.cbo:
i = renderer.shader.attribute['vertexColor']
i, self.cbo.shape[-1], GL.GL_FLOAT, False, 0, self.cbo)
if self.tbo:
i = renderer.shader.attribute['vertexTexturePos']
GL.glVertexAttribPointer(i, 2, GL.GL_FLOAT, False, 0, self.tbo)
if self.cullface == 'front':
# Draw back faces
elif self.cullface == 'back':
# Draw front faces
# Specifiy the depth comparison function
if self.ontop:
# Bind the texture
if self.texture:
### RENDER ###
# Render the geometry
if self.ibo is None:
self.glmode, 0, np.asarray(self.vbo.shape[:-1]).prod())
if self.counts is not None and self.indexptr is not None:
self.glmode, self.counts, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT,
self.indexptr, self.counts.shape[0])
#GL.glDrawElementsui(self.glmode, self.ibo)
# This is more general
self.glmode, self.ibo.data.size, # not self.ibo.size !
# We do not pass the ibo because we already bind it.
GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, None) #self.ibo)
# Cleanup
if self.ibo:
if self.obo:
if self.cbo:
if self.tbo:
if self.nbo:
if self.offset:
GL.glPolygonOffset(0.0, 0.0)
[docs] def renderpick(self, renderer):
"""Render for picking"""
i = renderer.shader.attribute['vertexCoords']
GL.glVertexAttribPointer(i, 3, GL.GL_FLOAT, False, 0, self.vbo)
if self.ibo:
if self.pbo: # we may also add drawables without pick buffers
i = renderer.shader.attribute['pickColor']
i = GL.glGetAttribLocation(renderer.shader.shader, 'pickColor')
if self.pbo.data.dtype == np.float32:
i, 4, GL.GL_FLOAT, False, 0, self.pbo)
i, 4, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, False, 0, self.pbo)
if self.cullface == 'front':
# Draw back faces
elif self.cullface == 'back':
# Draw front faces
# Specifiy the depth comparison function
if self.ontop:
# Simulate rendering
if self.ibo is None:
self.glmode, 0, np.asarray(self.vbo.shape[:-1]).prod())
if self.counts is not None and self.indexptr is not None:
self.glmode, self.counts, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT,
self.indexptr, self.counts.shape[0])
self.glmode, self.ibo.data.size, # not self.ibo.size !
# We do not pass the ibo because we already bind it.
GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, None) #self.ibo)
# Cleanup
if self.ibo:
if self.pbo:
def report(self):
keys = sorted(set(self.keys()) - set(('_default_dict_',)))
d = utils.selectDict(self, keys)
return utils.formatDict(d)
[docs]class BaseActor(Attributes):
"""Base class for all drawn objects (Actors) in pyFormex.
This defines the interface for all drawn objects, but does not
implement any drawn objects.
Drawable objects should be instantiated from the derived classes.
Currently, we have the following derived classes:
Actor: a 3-D object positioned and oriented in the 3D scene. Defined
in actors.py.
Mark: an object positioned in 3D scene but not undergoing the camera
axis rotations and translations. It will always appear the same
to the viewer, but will move over the screen according to its
3D position. Defined in marks.py.
Decor: an object drawn in 2D viewport coordinates. It will unchangeably
stick on the viewport until removed. Defined in decors.py.
The BaseActor class is just an Attributes dict storing all the rendering
parameters, and providing defaults from the current canvas drawoptions
for the essential parameters that are not specified.
Additional parameters can be set at init time or later using the
update method. The specified parameters are sanitized before being
Arguments processed by the base class:
- `marksize`: force to float and also copied as `pointsize`
def __init__(self, **kargs):
"""Initialize the BaseActor class."""
# TODO: Check if we can make pf.canvas.drawoptions a Dict
# (and thus a default_factory)
Attributes.__init__(self, pf.canvas.drawoptions if pf.canvas else {})
if kargs:
self.setColor(self.color, self.colormap)
__repr__ = object.__repr__
def __eq__(self, x):
"""Compare BaseActor class instances
Because the BaseActor is dict which may contain very
different and large objects, comparison on all attributes
being equal would be very demanding (and possibly failing
in case of numpy arrays.)
Also, these objects should be unique representing objects
of OpenGL drawables. They are cosntructed once, stored,
and deleted, but not processed otherwise.
The reason for comparison is merely to be able to test
if they are in a given list of actors.
Therefore we compare BaseActors purely on them being
exactly the object, by id, without a need of comparing
the contents.
return self is x
[docs] def setLineWidth(self, linewidth):
"""Set the linewidth of the Drawable."""
self.linewidth = saneFloat(linewidth)
[docs] def setLineStipple(self, linestipple):
"""Set the linewidth of the Drawable."""
self.linestipple = saneLineStipple(linestipple)
[docs] def setColor(self, color=None, colormap=None, ncolors=1):
"""Set the (single) color of the BaseActor."""
self.color, self.colormap = saneColorSet(color, colormap, shape=(ncolors,))
[docs] def setTexture(self, texture):
"""Set the texture data of the Drawable."""
if texture is not None:
if not isinstance(texture, Texture):
texture = Texture(texture)
except Exception:
texture = None
self.texture = texture
[docs]class Actor(BaseActor):
"""Proposal for drawn objects
__init__: store all static values: attributes, geometry, vbo's
prepare: creates sanitized and derived attributes/data
render: push values to shader and render the object
__init__ is only dependent on input attributes and geometry
prepare may depend on current canvas settings:
mode, transparent, avgnormals
render depends on canvas and renderer
If the actor does not have a name, it will be given a
default one.
The actor has the following attributes, initialized or computed on demand
# default names for the actors
defaultname = utils.NameSequence('object_0')
def __init__(self, obj, **kargs):
self._memory = {}
# Check it is something we can draw
if not isinstance(obj, (Mesh, Formex, Polygons)):
raise ValueError(
f"Object is of type {type(obj)}. Can only render Mesh, Formex,"
" Polygons and objects that can be converted to Formex")
self.object = obj
if isinstance(obj, Mesh):
coords = obj.coords.astype(float32)
elems = obj.elems.astype(int32)
eltype = obj.eltype
elif isinstance(obj, Polygons):
coords = obj.coords.astype(float32)
elems = obj.elems.data.astype(int32)
eltype = 'polygon'
elif isinstance(obj, Formex):
coords = obj.coords.astype(float32)
elems = None
eltype = obj.eltype
if eltype is None:
# We need an eltype for drawing
if obj.nplex() <= 4:
# Set default eltype
eltype = ElementType.default[obj.nplex()]
# Consider it a polygon
eltype = ElementType.polygon(obj.nplex())
self.eltype = ElementType.get(eltype)
self.eltype = eltype
# Store minimal data and remember available data
if elems is None:
self.fcoords = coords
self.fcoords = coords[elems]
self._memory['coords'] = coords.reshape(-1, 3)
self._memory['elems'] = elems
self.drawable = []
self._pickitems = None
self.children = []
# By default, Actors are pickable
self.pickable = True
# Acknowledge all object attributes and passed parameters
if self.rendertype is None:
self.rendertype = 0
# copy marksize as pointsize for gl2 shader
if 'marksize' in self:
self['pointsize'] = self['marksize']
if self.name is None:
self.name = next(Actor.defaultname)
# Currently do everything in Formex model
# And we always need this one
self.vbo = VBO(self.fcoords)
#print(f"vbo shape is {self.vbo.shape}")
def getType(self):
return self.object.__class__
def _fcoords_fuse(self):
coords, elems = self.fcoords.fuse()
if elems.ndim != 2:
elems = elems[:, np.newaxis]
self._memory['coords'] = coords
self._memory['elems'] = elems
return coords, elems
def coords(self):
"""Return the fused coordinates of the object"""
return self._fcoords_fuse()[0]
def elems(self):
"""Return the original elems of the object"""
return self._fcoords_fuse()[1]
def bbox(self):
return self.object.bbox()
except Exception as e:
raise e
return np.zeros(6).reshape(2, 3)
def ndim(self):
"""Return the dimensionality of the object."""
return self.object.level()
def b_normals(self):
"""Return individual normals at all vertices of all elements"""
if self.object.eltype == 'polygon':
return self.object.vnormals
if self._normals is None:
self._normals = gt.polygonNormals(self.fcoords.astype(float32))
#print(f"COMPUTED NORMALS for {self.name}: {self._normals.shape}")
return self._normals
def b_avgnormals(self):
"""Return averaged normals at the vertices"""
if self.object.eltype == 'polygon':
return self.object.fanormals
if self._avgnormals is None:
tol = pf.cfg['render/avgnormaltreshold']
self._avgnormals = gt.polygonAvgNormals(
self.coords, self.elems,
atnodes=False, treshold=tol).astype(float32)
#print(f"COMPUTED AVGNORMALS for {self.name}: {self._avgnormals.shape}")
return self._avgnormals
[docs] def changeColor(self, color=None, colormap=None, bkcolor=None, bkcolormap=None):
"""Change the colors of an actor.
Changes the specified non-None values and repaints the actor accordingly.
Note: you can not set a value to None using this method. Set the
attribute directly and then call changeColor. For example, to remove
the back color, do::
actor.bkcolor = None
To repaint an actor with the current objects's prop values, do::
for d in self.drawable:
def prepareColor(self):
# Implement the default color='prop' if no color is set and
# the object has props
if self.color is None and hasattr(self.object, 'prop'):
self.color = 'prop'
if self.color is not None:
self.color = self.okColor(self.color, self.colormap)
# print(f"OK COLOR SHAPE: {self.color.shape}")
# print(f"OK COLOR: {self.color.shape}, {self.colormap}")
if self.bkcolor is not None:
self.bkcolor = self.okColor(self.bkcolor, self.bkcolormap)
##print("ok bkcolor", self.bkcolor)
self.useObjectColor = None
if self.color is not None:
if self.color.ndim == 1:
self.useObjectColor = 1
self.objectColor = self.color
self.color = None
if self.bkcolor is not None and self.bkcolor.ndim == 1:
self.useObjectColor = 2
self.objectBkColor = self.bkcolor
self.bkcolor = None
# print(f"PREPARED COLOR {self.useObjectColor=}")
# if hasattr(self.color, 'shape'):
# print(f"{self.color.shape=}")
# else:
# print(f"{self.color=}")
[docs] def prepare(self, canvas):
"""Prepare the attributes for the renderer.
This sanitizes and completes the attributes for the renderer.
Since the attributes may be dependent on the rendering mode,
this method is called on each mode change.
#print(f"PREPARE {self.name}")
self.setAlpha(self.alpha, self.bkalpha)
self.setTexture(self.texture, self.texcoords, self.texmode)
#### CHILDREN ####
for child in self.children:
[docs] def changeMode(self, canvas):
"""Modify the actor according to the specified mode"""
#pf.debug("GEOMACTOR.changeMode", pf.DEBUG.DRAW)
self.drawable = []
#print(f"NDIM {self.ndim}")
if self.ndim >= 2:
if self.mode:
rendermode = self.mode
rendermode = canvas.rendermode
if rendermode == 'wireframe':
# Draw the colored edges
if self.edges is not None:
# Draw the colored faces
# Overlay the black edges (or not)
if rendermode.endswith('wire'):
# Lines or points
#print("FACES", self.faces)
#### CHILDREN ####
for child in self.children:
pf.debug("GEOMACTOR.changeMode create %s drawables" % len(self.drawable), pf.DEBUG.DRAW)
def _prepareNormals(self, canvas):
"""Prepare the normals buffer object for the actor.
The normals buffer object depends on the renderer settings:
lighting, avgnormals
#if renderer.canvas.settings.lighting:
if True:
if canvas.settings.avgnormals:
normals = self.b_avgnormals
normals = self.b_normals
# Normals are always full fcoords size
#print("SIZE OF NORMALS: %s; COORDS: %s" % (normals.size,self.fcoords.size))
self.nbo = VBO(normals)
[docs] def fullElems(self):
"""Return an elems index for the full coords set"""
nelems, nplex = self.fcoords.shape[:2]
return np.arange(nelems*nplex, dtype=int32).reshape(nelems, nplex)
[docs] def subElems(self, nsel=None, esel=None):
"""Create indices for the drawable subelems
This indices always refers to the full coords (fcoords).
The esel selects the elements to be used (default all).
The nsel selects (possibly multiple) parts from each element.
The selector is 2D (nsubelems, nsubplex). It is applied on all
selected elements
If both esel and esel are None, returns None
if (nsel is None or len(nsel)==0) and (esel is None or len(esel)==0):
return None
# The elems index defining the original elements
# based on the full fcoords
elems = self.fullElems()
if esel is not None:
elems = elems[esel]
if nsel is not None:
elems = elems[:, nsel].reshape(-1, nsel.shape[-1])
return elems
def faces(self):
"""Return the faces of the object as they will be drawn
Returns a dict with parameters for the Drawable
if isinstance(self.eltype, ElementType):
elems = self.subElems(nsel=self.eltype.getDrawFaces())
if elems is None:
# draw without index buffer (points, lines, triangles in order)
nplex = self.eltype.nplex
res = { 'glmode': glObjType(nplex) }
nelems, nplex = elems.shape
if nplex <= 3:
# draw triangles, lines, points with index
res = {
'indices': elems,
'glmode': glObjType(nplex),
# draw polygon Mesh
res = {
'indices': elems,
'counts': np.full((nelems,), nplex, dtype=np.int32),
'indexptr': np.arange(0, 4*nelems*nplex, 4*nplex,
elif self.eltype == 'polygon':
# draw Polygons
obj = self.object
res = {
'indices': np.arange(obj.elems.size, dtype=np.int32),
'counts': obj.elems.lengths.astype(int32),
'indexptr': (4 * obj.elems.ind[:-1]).astype(int32),
raise pf.ImplementationError("This shouldn't happen")
#print(f"FACES MULTIPLEX {self.multiplex}")
return res
[docs] def selectedFaces(self, esel):
"""Return selected faces of the object as they will be drawn
This is like faces but only containing some elements.
if isinstance(self.eltype, ElementType):
elems = self.subElems(nsel=self.eltype.getDrawFaces(), esel=esel)
if elems is None:
# draw without index buffer (points, lines, triangles in order)
nplex = self.eltype.nplex
res = { 'glmode': glObjType(nplex) }
nelems, nplex = elems.shape
if nplex <= 3:
# draw triangles, lines, points with index
res = {
'indices': elems,
'glmode': glObjType(nplex),
# draw polygon Mesh
res = {
'indices': elems,
'counts': np.full((nelems,), nplex, dtype=np.int32),
'indexptr': np.arange(0, 4*nelems*nplex, 4*nplex,
elif self.eltype == 'polygon':
# draw Polygons
obj = self.object
res = {
'indices': np.arange(obj.elems.size, dtype=np.int32),
'counts': obj.elems.lengths.astype(int32),
'indexptr': (4 * obj.elems.ind[:-1]).astype(int32),
raise pf.ImplementationError("This shouldn't happen")
#print(f"FACES COMPUTED RESULT {res}")
return res
def edges(self):
"""Return the edges of the object as they will be drawn
This returns a 2D index in a single element. All elements
should have compatible node numberings.
if isinstance(self.eltype, ElementType):
elems = self.subElems(nsel=self.eltype.getDrawEdges())
elif self.eltype == 'polygon':
face_ind = self.object.elems.__class__(self.faces['indices'],
#print("FACE_IND", face_ind)
edge_sel = [self.object.__class__.edgeSelector(l)
for l in self.object.elems.lengths]
#print("EDGE_SEL", edge_sel)
elems = np.row_stack([f[i] for f, i in zip(face_ind, edge_sel)])
#print("EDGES", elems)
raise pf.ImplementationError("This shouldn't happen")
#print(f"EDGES SHAPE: {elems.shape}")
return {
'indices': elems.astype(np.int32),
'glmode': GL.GL_LINES if elems.shape[-1] == 2 else GL.GL_POINTS,
def _translate_mesh_points_formex(self, ids):
"""Convert Mesh node numbers back to Formex point numbers
During pixel point picking, we draw the fused Formex points.
Afterwards, this function is called to translate the picked
point numbers back to Formex point numbers.
nitems = self.coords.shape[0]
trl = np.zeros(nitems, dtype=at.Int)
trl[ids] = 1
out = trl[self.elems]
w = at.where_nd(out)
nplex = self.elems.shape[1]
ids = w[0] * nplex + w[1]
return ids
def _add_pick(self, start, mode):
"""Add drawables for picking
Picking (parts of) an actor is done by rendering the parts of the actor
offscreen with a unique color in a flat opak mode, and identifying the
parts by their pixel color. All parts of all objects thus need a unique
integer identifier in order to be recognized.
start: int
First id value usable for this actor. This means that no higher
value is used yet by other actors.
mode: str
Identifies which parts of the actor should be pickable.
- 'point': add pickable points and opak elements (hiding points)
- 'point0': add pickable points only
- anything else: add pickable elements
TODO: pickable edges, pickable faces
next_start: int
The next available identifier. This means that all ids used
by this actor are in ``range(start, next_start)``.
if mode in ['point', 'point0']:
points = self.coords
nitems = points.shape[0]
next_start = start + nitems
color = np.arange(start, next_start, dtype=np.uint32)
color8 = color.view(np.uint8).reshape(-1, 4)
if pf.debugon(pf.DEBUG.PICK):
print("PICKCOLORS\n", color8)
color8f = (color8 / 255).astype(np.float32)
D0 = Drawable(
self, vbo=VBO(self.coords), name=self.name+"_pick", picking=True,
indices=np.arange(nitems).reshape(-1, 1), glmode=GL.GL_POINTS,
lighting=False, opak=True, pointsize=10, pbo=VBO(color8f),
self._pickitems = D0
if mode == 'point':
D1 = Drawable( # make faces opak
self, name=self.name+"_pick0", picking=True, lighting=False,
color=np.array(colors.black), alpha=1.0,
opak=True, cullface='', drawface=0, **self.faces)
self._pickitems = [D0, D1]
faces = self.faces
nelems = self.fcoords.shape[0]
next_start = start + nelems
color = np.arange(start, next_start, dtype=np.uint32)
if self.eltype == 'polygon':
shape = (self.object.nelems(), 1)
shape = self.fcoords.shape[:2]
color8 = color.view(np.uint8).reshape(-1, 4)
if pf.debugon(pf.DEBUG.PICK):
print("PICKCOLORS\n", color8)
color8 = at.multiplex(color8, shape[1], 1).reshape(-1, 4)
color8f = (color8 / 255).astype(np.float32)
self._pickitems = Drawable(
self, name=self.name+"_pick", picking=True, lighting=False,
pbo = VBO(color8f), color=None,
cullface='', drawface=0, **faces)
return next_start
def _addFaces(self):
"""Draw the elems which are triangles or polygons"""
faces = self.faces
if self.rendertype > 1 or self.drawface == 0:
# Draw front and back at once, without culling
# Beware: this does not work with different front/back color
# as our Drawable currently has only one color
D = Drawable(self, name=self.name,
cullface='', drawface=0, **faces)
# Draw both back and front sides, with culling
# First the front sides (they hide anything behind)
D = Drawable(self, name=self.name+"_front",
cullface='back', drawface=1, **faces)
# Then the front sides, using same ibo and indexptr
D = Drawable(self, name=self.name+"_back",
cullface='front', drawface=-1, **faces,
ibo = D.ibo, # Add in same ibo to avoid copy
def _addLinesPoints(self, elems):
"""Draw lines or points"""
# if elems is None:
# nplex = self.object.nplex()
# else:
# nplex = elems.shape[1]
# glmode = glObjType(nplex)
if elems is not None:
D = Drawable(self, name=self.name+"_faces",
def _addWires(self, elems):
"""Add or remove the edges depending on rendering mode"""
wiremode = pf.canvas.settings.wiremode
if wiremode > 0 and self.edges is not None:
if wiremode == 1:
# all edges:
#print("ADDWIRES %s" % elems)
elif wiremode == 2:
# border edges
inv = at.inverseIndex(self.elems.reshape(-1, 1))[:, -1]
M = Mesh(self.coords, self.elems)
elems = M.getFreeEntities(level=1)
elems = inv[elems]
elif wiremode == 3:
# feature edges
elems = None
if elems is not None and elems['indices'].size > 0:
#print("ADDWIRES SIZE %s" % (elems['indices'].shape,))
#print(f"ELEMS {elems}")
#print(f"EDGES {self.edges}")
D = Drawable(self, name=self.name+"_wires",
lighting=False, color=saneColor(colors.black),
# Put at the front to make visible
# ontop will not help, because we only sort actors
self.drawable.insert(0, D)
[docs] def highlighted(self):
"""Return True if the Actor is highlighted.
The highlight can be full (self.highlight=1) or partial
(self._highlight is not None).
return self.highlight == 1 or self._highlight is not None
[docs] def removeHighlight(self):
"""Remove the highlight for the current actor.
Remove the highlight (whether full or partial) from the actor.
self.highlight = 0 # Full highlight
if self._highlight: # Partial highlight
if self._highlight in self.drawable:
self._highlight = None
[docs] def setHighlight(self):
"""Add full highlighting of the actor.
This makes the whole actor being drawn in the highlight color.
self.highlight = 1
[docs] def addHighlightElements(self, sel=None):
"""Add a highlight for the selected elements. Default is all."""
faces = self.selectedFaces(sel)
self._highlight = Drawable(
self, name=self.name+"_highlight", **faces,
linewidth=10, lighting=False, highlight=True, opak=True)
# Put at the front to make visible
self.drawable.insert(0, self._highlight)
[docs] def addHighlightPoints(self, sel=None):
"""Add a highlight for the selected points. Default is all."""
vbo = VBO(self.object.points())
self._highlight = Drawable(
self, name=self.name+"_highlight",
vbo=vbo, indices=sel.reshape(-1, 1), glmode=GL.GL_POINTS,
lighting=False, highlight=True, opak=True,
pointsize=10, offset=0.05*self.object.points().dsize())
# Put at the front to make visible
self.drawable.insert(0, self._highlight)
[docs] def okColor(self, color, colormap=None):
"""Compute a color usable by the shader.
The shader (currently) only supports 3*float type of colors:
- None
- single color (separate for front and back faces)
- vertex colors
if isinstance(color, str):
if color == 'prop' and hasattr(self.object, 'prop'):
color = self.object.prop
elif color == 'random':
# create random colors
color = np.random.rand(self.object.nelems(), 3)
elif color.startswith('fld:'):
# get colors from a named field
fld = self.object.getField(color[4:])
if fld:
color = fld.convert('elemn').data
colormap = None
pf.warning("Could not set color from field %s" % color)
if self.eltype == 'polygon':
shape = (self.object.nelems(), 1)
#print(color, shape)
shape = self.fcoords.shape[:2]
#print(f"FCOORDS SHAPE {self.fcoords.shape}")
#print(f"BEFORE SANITIZING {np.asarray(color).shape}, {shape}")
color, colormap = saneColorSet(color, colormap, shape=shape)
#print(f"AFTER SANITIZING: {color.shape}")
if color is not None:
if self.eltype == 'polygon':
#print(f"color is {color}")
if color.ndim > 1:
color = np.repeat(color, self.object.elems.lengths, axis=0)
#print(f"MULTIPLEXED COLOR TO {color.shape}")
if color.dtype.kind == 'i':
# We have a color index
if colormap is None:
colormap = np.array(colors.palette)
color = colormap[color]
##print("final color", color)
return color
[docs] def setAlpha(self, alpha, bkalpha=None):
"""Set the Actors alpha value."""
self.alpha = self.bkalpha = float(alpha)
except Exception:
del self.alpha
del self.bkalpha
self.bkalpha = float(bkalpha)
except Exception:
if self.opak is None:
self.opak = (self.alpha == 1.0) and (self.bkalpha == 1.0)
[docs] def setTexture(self, texture, texcoords=None, texmode=None):
"""Set the texture data of the Drawable."""
self.useTexture = 0
if texture is not None:
if not isinstance(texture, Texture):
texture = Texture(texture)
except Exception:
print("Error while creating Texture from %s" % type(texture))
texture = None
if texture is not None:
if texcoords is None:
if isinstance(self.eltype, ElementType) and (
self.eltype.ndim == 2):
texcoords = np.array(self.eltype.vertices[..., :2])
print("Texture not allowed for eltype %s" % self.eltype)
self.texture = self.texcoords = None
if not isinstance(self.eltype, ElementType):
raise ValueError(
f"Can not yet use texture with eltype {self.eltype}")
if texcoords.shape[-2:] != (self.eltype.nplex, 2):
print("Shape of texcoords does not match: %s" % str(texcoords.shape))
texcoords = texture = None
if texmode is None:
texmode = 1
if texture is not None:
# everything ok, store the texture params
self.useTexture = 1
self.texture = texture
self.texcoords = texcoords
self.texmode = texmode
## def setLineWidth(self, linewidth):
## """Set the linewidth of the Drawable."""
## self.linewidth = saneLineWidth(linewidth)
## def setLineStipple(self, linestipple):
## """Set the linewidth of the Drawable."""
## self.linestipple = saneLineStipple(linestipple)
[docs] def render(self, renderer):
"""Render the geometry of this object"""
## if self.modified:
## print("LOAD GEOMACTOR uniforms")
## renderer.shader.loadUniforms(self)
## self.modified = False
if self.invisible:
for obj in self.drawable:
for obj in self.children:
[docs] def renderpick(self, renderer):
"""Render the geometry of this object"""
if self.invisible:
if self._pickitems:
if isinstance(self._pickitems, list):
for picki in self._pickitems:
for obj in self.children:
[docs] def inside(self, camera, rect=None, mode='actor', sel='any',
"""Test whether the actor is rendered inside rect of camera.
camera: Camera
A properly initialized Camera. Usually it will be the current
canvas camera (``pf.canvas.camera``).
rect: tuple[int], optional
A tuple (x,y,w,h) specifying a rectangular subregion of the
camera's viewport. (x,y) is the lower left angle, (w,h) are
the width and height, all in pixels. If not provided
the full camera viewport is used.
mode: str
The testing mode. Currently one of:
- 'actor' (default): test if the actor is (partly) inside
- 'element': test which elements of the actor are inside
- 'point': test which vertices of the actor are inside
sel: str
One of 'all' or 'any'. This is not used with 'point' mode.
For the other modes it specifies whether all or any of the
points of the actor or element should be inside the rectangle
in order to be flagged as a positive.
return_depth: bool
If True, also returns the z-depth of the objects that are found
inside the rectangle. The z-depth is the closest distance of the
object to the camera.
inside: bool | int array
In 'actor' mode, returns True if the Actor is inside the rectangle,
or False otherwise. If 'element' and 'point' mode, returns
an array with the indices of the actor's elements or points that
are inside the rectangle.
depth: float array
The z-depth of the objects inside the rectangle. Only returned
if `return_depth` is True.
ins = camera.inside(self.object.points(), rect, return_depth)
if return_depth:
ins, depth = ins
if mode == 'point':
ok = np.where(ins)[0]
if return_depth:
depth = depth[ok]
if mode in ['element', 'actor']:
if isinstance(self.object, Mesh):
elems = self.elems
elif isinstance(self.object, Formex):
elems = self.fullElems()
raise ValueError(
f"Element picking on objects of type {type(self.object)}"
f"is not implemented")
elif mode == 'edge':
# TODO: add edges selector
#elems =
raise ValueError("Edge picking is not implemented yet")
ins = ins[elems]
if sel == 'all':
ok = ins.all(axis=-1)
elif sel == 'any':
ok = ins.any(axis=-1)
# Useful?
ok = ins[:, sel].all(axis=-1)
if mode == 'actor':
ok = ok.any()
if return_depth:
depth = depth[np.unique(elems)].min()
ok = np.where(ok)[0]
elems = elems[ok]
if return_depth:
depth = depth[elems].min(axis=-1)
if return_depth:
return ok, depth
return ok
def report(self):
keys = sorted(set(self.keys()) - set(('drawable',)))
d = utils.selectDict(self, keys)
s = utils.formatDict(d)
for i, d in enumerate(self.drawable):
s += "\n** Drawable %s **\n" % i
s += d.report()
return s
# TODO: these should be moved to polysurface
[docs]def polygonFaceIndex(n):
"""Return a selector to get triangle fan elements from polygon
>>> polygonFaceIndex(5)
array([[0, 1, 2],
[0, 2, 3],
[0, 3, 4]])
i0 = np.zeros(n-2, dtype=at.Int)
i1 = np.arange(1, n-1, dtype=at.Int)
i2 = i1+1
return np.column_stack([i0, i1, i2])
[docs]def polygonEdgeIndex(n):
"""Return a selector to get edge elements from polygon
>>> polygonEdgeIndex(5)
array([[0, 1],
[1, 2],
[2, 3],
[3, 4],
[4, 0]])
i0 = np.arange(n)
i1 = np.roll(i0, -1)
return np.column_stack([i0, i1])
### End