Source code for utils

##  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2007-2023 Benedict Verhegghe <>
##  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
##  This file is part of pyFormex 3.4  (Thu Nov 16 18:07:39 CET 2023)
##  pyFormex is a tool for generating, manipulating and transforming 3D
##  geometrical models by sequences of mathematical operations.
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##  Distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
##  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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##  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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"""A collection of miscellaneous utility functions.

The pyformex.utils module contains a wide variety of utilitary functions.
Because there are so many and they are so widely used, the utils module
is imported in the environment where scripts and apps are executed, so
that users can always call the utils functions without explicitely
importing the module.

Module attributes

FileTypes: dict
    A collection of :class:`FileType` records. Each FileType instance holds
    the definition of a file type, and is accessible from this dict with a
    simple mnemonic key. These are the ones that are commonly used in
    pyFormex.  But users can add their own definitions too, just by creating
    an instance of :class:`FileType`.

>>> for k,v in FileTypes.items(): print(f"{k} = '{v}'")
all = 'All files (*)'
ccx = 'CalCuliX files (*.dat *.inp)'
dcm = 'DICOM images (*.dcm)'
dxf = 'AutoCAD DXF files (*.dxf)'
dxftext = 'Converted AutoCAD files (*.dxftext)'
flavia = 'flavia results (*.flavia.msh *.flavia.res)'
gts = 'GTS files (*.gts)'
gz = 'Compressed files (*.gz *.bz2)'
html = 'Web pages (*.html)'
icon = 'Icons (*.xpm)'
img = 'Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.eps *.gif *.bmp)'
inp = 'Abaqus or CalCuliX input files (*.inp)'
neu = 'Gambit Neutral files (*.neu)'
obj = 'Wavefront OBJ files (*.obj)'
off = 'Geomview object files (*.off)'
pgf = 'pyFormex geometry files (*.pgf)'
ply = 'Stanford Polygon File Format files (*.ply)'
png = 'PNG images (*.png)'
poly = 'Polygon files (*.off *.obj *.ply)'
postproc = 'Postproc scripts (*'
pyformex = 'pyFormex scripts (*.py)'
pyf = 'pyFormex projects (*.pyf)'
python = 'Python files (*.py)'
pzf = 'pyFormex zip files (*.pzf)'
smesh = 'Tetgen surface mesh files (*.smesh)'
stl = 'STL files (*.stl)'
stlb = 'Binary STL files (*.stl)'
surface = 'Surface models (*.gts *.stl *.off *.obj *.ply)'
tetsurf = 'Tetgen surface (*.smesh)'
tetgen = 'Tetgen files (*.poly *.smesh *.ele *.face *.edge *.node *.neigh)'
video = 'Video (*.mp4)'
vtk = 'VTK types (*.vtk *.vtp)'
vtp = 'vtkPolyData file (*.vtp)'
geometry = 'All Geometry files (*.gts *.inp *.neu *.obj *.off *.pgf *.ply *.pzf *.stl *.vtk *.vtp)'
"""  # noqa: E501

import os
import re
import tempfile
import time
import random
import types
import warnings
from functools import wraps

import pyformex as pf
from pyformex import process
from pyformex.path import Path

# These are here to re-export them as utils functions
from pyformex.filetools import *    # noqa: F403
from import Module, External    # noqa: F401
from pyformex.mydict import formatDict            # noqa: F401

[docs]def pzf_register(clas): """Class decorator to allow load from PZF format. Adding this decoratot to a class registers the class with the :mod:`pzffile` module. Objects in a PZF file with class name equal to clas.__name__ will then be restored using this class. """ from pyformex import pzffile pzffile.register(clas) return clas
shuffle = random.shuffle ### Decorators ###
[docs]def memoize(func): """Remember the result of an instance method call. This is a decorator function that saves the result of an instance method call into the instance. Subsequent use of the function will return the result from memory instead of recomputing it. Notes ----_ If the decorated function has no arguments other than self, this decorator can be stacked with @property to create a cached property. The result is saved in a dict with the function name and its arguments as key. The dict is stored as an instance attribute _memory. It is created automatically on first used of a memoizing method. Examples -------- We create a class with a single method, returning a list of 10 random ints in the range from 0 to 20. The method's result is memoized. >>> class C: ... @memoize ... def random_ints(self): ... print("Computing random ints") ... return [random.randint(0,20) for i in range(10)] We create an instance and call the random_ints method. >>> c = C() >>> a = c.random_ints() Computing random ints >>> print(len(a), min(a) >= 0, max(a) <= 20) 10 True True When calling the random_ints method again, the method is not actually executed, but the memoized values are returned, so they are the same as the previous. >>> b = c.random_ints() >>> print(len(b), a == b) 10 True If we create another instance, we get other values, because the memoizing is done per instance. >>> b = C().random_ints() Computing random ints >>> print(len(b), a == b) 10 False The results are stored in the _memory attribute. They can be deleted to force recomputation. >>> print(c._memory) {'random_ints': [...]} """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kargs): key = func.__name__ if args: key += str(args) if kargs: key += str(kargs) if not hasattr(self, '_memory'): self._memory = {} if key in self._memory: # return saved result res = self._memory[key] else: # compute and memoize result self._memory[key] = res = func(self, *args, **kargs) return res return wrapper
######### WARNINGS ##############
[docs]def rev_lookup(dictionary, value, default=None): """Reverse lookup in a dict Lookup a value in a dict, and return its key (the first match). Parameters ---------- dictionary: dict The dict in which to lookup a value value: anything The value to lookup in the dict default: anything The key to return if the value was not found Returns ------- key: anything The first key in the dict whose value matches the given ``value``, or ``default`` if no match was found. """ for key, val in dictionary.items(): if val==value: return key return default
[docs]def warningCategory(category): """Return a warning category and its alias The input can be a category or an alias. Returns both as a tuple (alias, category). Invalid values return the default category ('W', Warning). """ _warn_category = {'W': Warning, 'U': UserWarning, 'F': FutureWarning} if category in _warn_category: alias = category else: alias = rev_lookup(_warn_category, category, 'W') return alias, _warn_category[alias]
[docs]def warningAction(action): """Return a warning action and its alias The input can be an action string or an alias. Returns both as a tuple (alias, action). Invalid values return the default action ('i', 'ignore'). """ _warn_action = {'d': 'default', 'i': 'ignore', 'a': 'always', 'o': 'once', 'e': 'error'} if action in _warn_action: alias = action else: alias = rev_lookup(_warn_action, action, 'i') return alias, _warn_action[alias]
[docs]def filterWarning(message, module='', category='U', action='i', save=False): """Add a warning message to the warnings filter. category can be a Warning subclass or a key in the _warn_category dict If save is True, the filter is saved in the user settings for future sessions. """ message = str(message) if message.isidentifier() or len(message) < 40: # Avoid short messages hiding longer ones starting with # the same string. This is because Python filters test whether # the message starts with the given re. message = message + '$' c, category = warningCategory(category) a, action = warningAction(action) pf.debug(f"Warning filter: {action} {category.__name__} '{message}' " f"from module '{module}'", pf.DEBUG.WARNING) warnings.filterwarnings(action, message, category, module) if save: filters = pf.prefcfg['warnings/filters'] newfilter = (message, '', c) if action != 'i': newfilter = (*newfilter, a) filters.add(newfilter) pf.debug(f"Saved warning filters: {pf.prefcfg['warnings/filters']}", pf.DEBUG.WARNING)
_saved_warnings = None
[docs]def resetWarningFilters(): """Reset the warning filters Reset the warning filters to the Python defaults plus the ones listed in the 'warnings/filters' configuration variable. """ if pf.cfg['warnings/reset']: warnings.resetwarnings() pf.debug( f"Current warning filters: {pf.cfg['warnings/filters']}", pf.DEBUG.WARNING ) # We always add the refcfg filters, to avoid having to store them a = set(pf.prefcfg['warnings/filters']) b = set(pf.refcfg['warnings/filters']) for w in a | b: try: filterWarning(*w) except Exception: pf.debug( f"Error while processing warning filter: {w}", pf.DEBUG.WARNING )
def warn(message, level=UserWarning, stacklevel=2, uplevel=0, data=None): import sys if 'pytest' not in sys.modules: from pyformex import messages messages._message_data = data warnings.warn(message, level, stacklevel+uplevel) def deprec(message, stacklevel=4, data=None): warn(message, level=FutureWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel, data=data)
[docs]def warning(message, level=UserWarning, stacklevel=3): """Decorator to add a warning to a function. Adding this decorator to a function will warn the user with the supplied message when the decorated function gets executed for the first time in a session. An option is provided to switch off this warning in future sessions. Decorating a function is done as follows:: @utils.warning('This is the message shown to the user') def function(args): ... """ import functools def decorator(func): def wrapper(*_args, **_kargs): warn(message, level=level, stacklevel=stacklevel) # For some reason these messages are not auto-appended to # the filters for the currently running program # Therefore we do it here explicitely filterWarning(message, category=level) return func(*_args, **_kargs) functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, func) return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def deprecated(message, stacklevel=4): """Decorator to deprecate a function This is like :func:`warning`, but the level is set to FutureWarning. """ return warning(message, level=FutureWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel)
[docs]def deprecated_by(old, new, stacklevel=4): """Decorator to deprecate a function by another one. Adding this decorator to a function will warn the user with a message that the `old` function is deprecated in favor of `new`, at the first execution of `old`. See also: :func:`deprecated`. """ return deprecated(f"{old} is deprecated: use {new} instead", stacklevel=stacklevel)
[docs]def deprecated_future(): """Decorator to warn that a function may be deprecated in future. See also: :func:`deprecated`. """ return deprecated("This functionality is deprecated and will probably " "be removed in future, unless you explain to the " "developers why they should retain it.")
########################################################################## ## Running external commands ## ############################### # Store the outcome of the last command last_command = None
[docs]def system(args, *, verbose=False, wait=True, **kargs): """Execute a command through the operating system. This is a wrapper around the :func:`` function, aimed particularly at the pyFormex GUI user. It has one extra parameter: `verbose`. See :func:`` for the other parameters. Parameters ---------- verbose: bool If True, the command, and a report of its outcome in case of failure, timeout or error exit, are written to stdout. Returns ------- :class:`DoneProcess` or subprocess.Popen If `wait` is True, returns a :class:`DoneProcess` with the outcome of the command. If `wait` is False, returns a subprocess.Popen which can be used to communicate with the started subprocess. See Also -------- run a system command in a subprocess command: call :func:`system` with some other defaults Examples -------- >>> P = system("pwd") >>> P.stdout.strip('\\n') == os.getcwd() True >>> P = system('true') >>> P DoneProcess(args=['true'], returncode=0, stdout='', stderr='') >>> P = system('false', capture_output=False) >>> P DoneProcess(args=['false'], returncode=1) >>> P = system('False', verbose=True) Running command: False DoneProcess report args: ['False'] Command failed to run! returncode: 127 >>> P = system("sleep 5", timeout=1, verbose=True) Running command: sleep 5 DoneProcess report args: ['sleep', '5'] returncode: -1 stdout: stderr: timedout: True """ global last_command if verbose: print(f"Running command: {args}") if P =, wait=wait, **kargs) if wait: last_command = P if verbose and (P.failed or P.timedout or P.returncode != 0): print(P) return P
[docs]def command(args, verbose=True, check=True, **kargs): """Run an external command in a user friendly way. This is equivalent with :func:`system` with verbose=True by default. """ return system(args, verbose=verbose, **kargs)
[docs]def killProcesses(pids, signal=15): """Send the specified signal to the processes in list Parameters ---------- pids: list of int List of process ids to be killed. signal: int Signal to be send to the processes. The default (15) will try to terminate the process in a friendly way. See ``man kill`` for more values. """ for pid in pids: try: os.kill(pid, signal) except Exception: pf.debug(f"Error in killing of process {pid}", pf.DEBUG.INFO)
# NOT USED. # def execSource(script, glob={}): # """Execute Python code in another thread. # Parameters # ---------- # script: str # A string containing some executable Python/pyFormex code. # glob: dict, optional # A dict with globals specifying the environment in which the # source code is executed. # """ # pf.interpreter.locals = glob # pf.interpreter.runsource(script, '<input>', 'exec') ########################################################################## ## match multiple patterns ##########################
[docs]def matchMany(regexps, target): """Return multiple regular expression matches of the same target string.""" return [re.match(r, target) for r in regexps]
[docs]def matchCount(regexps, target): """Return the number of matches of target to regexps.""" return len([_f for _f in matchMany(regexps, target) if _f])
[docs]def matchAny(regexps, target): """Check whether target matches any of the regular expressions.""" return matchCount(regexps, target) > 0
[docs]def matchNone(regexps, target): """Check whether target matches none of the regular expressions.""" return matchCount(regexps, target) == 0
[docs]def matchAll(regexps, target): """Check whether targets matches all of the regular expressions.""" return matchCount(regexps, target) == len(regexps)
########################################################################## ## File types ## ################ FileTypes = {} def combined_suffixes(*args): suff = set() for arg in args: try: suff |= set(FileTypes[arg].suffixes()) except KeyError: suff |= {arg} return sorted(suff)
[docs]class FileType: """A class for holding file types and the related filename patterns. Parameters ---------- key: str A short and unique mnemonic string, by preference lower case, that wil be used as lookup key for this FileType definition in the global :attr:`FileTypes` collection. text: str A textual description of the file type. *suffixes: sequence of str All remaining parameters are file suffixes that should be used to filter files that are supposed to be of this type. Any number of suffixes is allowed. If None are provided, all files will match the file type. See Also -------- FileTypes: the set of FileType's knownd by pyFormex """ def __init__(self, key, text, *suffixes): self.text = text self.suff = suffixes FileTypes[key] = self
[docs] def suffixes(self, compr=False): """Return a list of file suffixes for the FileType. Parameters ---------- compr: bool If True, the file suffixes for compressed files of this type are automatically added. Examples -------- >>> FileTypes['pgf'].suffixes() ['pgf'] >>> FileTypes['pgf'].suffixes(compr=True) ['pgf', 'pgf.gz', 'pgf.bz2'] >>> FileTypes['all'].suffixes() [] """ suff = list(self.suff) if compr: compr_types = FileTypes['gz'].suff suff.extend([f"{s}.{c}" for s in suff for c in compr_types]) return suff
[docs] def patterns(self, compr=False): """Return a list with the file patterns matching the FileType. Parameters ---------- compr: bool If True, the file suffixes for compressed files of this type are automatically added. Examples -------- >>> FileTypes['pgf'].patterns() ['*.pgf'] >>> FileTypes['pgf'].patterns(compr=True) ['*.pgf', '*.pgf.gz', '*.pgf.bz2'] >>> FileTypes['all'].patterns() ['*'] """ if self.suff: return [f"*.{s}" for s in self.suffixes(compr)] else: return ['*']
[docs] def desc(self, compr=False): """Create a filetype description compatible with Qt Widgets. Parameters ---------- compr: bool If True, the file patterns for compressed files are automatically added. Returns ------- str A string that can be directly used in the Qt File Dialog widgets to filter the selectable files. This string has the format:: file type text (*.ext1 *.ext2) Examples -------- >>> FileTypes['img'].desc() 'Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.eps *.gif *.bmp)' >>> fileDescription('inp') 'Abaqus or CalCuliX input files (*.inp)' >>> fileDescription('doc') 'DOC files (*.doc)' >>> fileDescription('*.inp') '*.inp' >>> fileDescription('pgf',compr=True) 'pyFormex geometry files (*.pgf *.pgf.gz *.pgf.bz2)' """ return f"{self.text} ({' '.join(self.patterns(compr))})"
__str__ = desc
# The builtin file types. Only types that are relevant for pyFormex # should be added here. Users can of course add their own types. FileType('all', 'All files') FileType('ccx', 'CalCuliX files', 'dat', 'inp') FileType('dcm', 'DICOM images', 'dcm') FileType('dxf', 'AutoCAD DXF files', 'dxf') FileType('dxftext', 'Converted AutoCAD files', 'dxftext') FileType('flavia', 'flavia results', 'flavia.msh', 'flavia.res') FileType('gts', 'GTS files', 'gts') FileType('gz', 'Compressed files', 'gz', 'bz2') FileType('html', 'Web pages', 'html') FileType('icon', 'Icons', 'xpm') FileType('img', 'Images', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'eps', 'gif', 'bmp') FileType('inp', 'Abaqus or CalCuliX input files', 'inp') FileType('neu', 'Gambit Neutral files', 'neu') FileType('obj', 'Wavefront OBJ files', 'obj') FileType('off', 'Geomview object files', 'off') FileType('pgf', 'pyFormex geometry files', 'pgf') FileType('ply', 'Stanford Polygon File Format files', 'ply') FileType('png', 'PNG images', 'png') FileType('poly', 'Polygon files', 'off', 'obj', 'ply') FileType('postproc', 'Postproc scripts', '') FileType('pyformex', 'pyFormex scripts', 'py') FileType('pyf', 'pyFormex projects', 'pyf') FileType('python', 'Python files', 'py') FileType('pzf', 'pyFormex zip files', 'pzf') FileType('smesh', 'Tetgen surface mesh files', 'smesh') FileType('stl', 'STL files', 'stl') FileType('stlb', 'Binary STL files', 'stl') # Use only for output FileType('surface', 'Surface models', 'gts', 'stl', 'off', 'obj', 'ply') FileType('tetsurf', 'Tetgen surface', 'smesh') FileType('tetgen', 'Tetgen files', 'poly', 'smesh', 'ele', 'face', 'edge', 'node', 'neigh') FileType('video', 'Video', 'mp4') FileType('vtk', 'VTK types', 'vtk', 'vtp') FileType('vtp', 'vtkPolyData file', 'vtp') FileType('geometry', 'All Geometry files', *combined_suffixes( 'pzf', 'pgf', 'surface', 'poly', 'vtk', 'inp', 'neu'))
[docs]def fileDescription(ftype, compr=False): """Return a description of the specified file type(s). Parameters ---------- ftype: str or list of str The file type (or types) for which a description is requested. The case of the string(s) is ignored: it is converted to lower case. Returns ------- str of list of str The file description(s) corresponding with the specified file type(s). The return value(s) depend(s) on the value of the input string(s) in the the following way (see Examples below): - if it is a key in the :attr:`file_description` dict, the corresponding value is returned; - if it is a string of only alphanumerical characters: it is interpreted as a file extension and the corresponding return value is ``FTYPE files (*.ftype)``; - any other string is returned as as: this allows the user to compose his filters himself. Examples -------- >>> fileDescription('img') 'Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.eps *.gif *.bmp)' >>> fileDescription(['stl','all']) ['STL files (*.stl)', 'All files (*)'] >>> fileDescription('inp') 'Abaqus or CalCuliX input files (*.inp)' >>> fileDescription('doc') 'DOC files (*.doc)' >>> fileDescription('Video (*.mp4 *.ogv)') 'Video (*.mp4 *.ogv)' >>> fileDescription('pgf',compr=True) 'pyFormex geometry files (*.pgf *.pgf.gz *.pgf.bz2)' """ if isinstance(ftype, list): return [fileDescription(f, compr) for f in ftype] ltype = ftype.lower() if ltype in FileTypes: ret = FileTypes[ltype].desc(compr) elif ftype.isalnum(): ret = f"{ftype.upper()} files (*.{ftype})" else: ret = ftype return ret
[docs]def fileTypes(ftype, compr=False): """Return the list of file extension types for a given type. Parameters ---------- ftype: str The file type (see :func:`fileDescription`. compr: bool,optional If True, the compressed file types are automatically added. Returns ------- list of str A list of the normalized matching extensions for this type. Normalized extension do not have the leading dot and are lower case only. Examples -------- >>> fileTypes('pgf') ['pgf'] >>> fileTypes('pgf',compr=True) ['pgf', 'pgf.gz', 'pgf.bz2'] """ return FileTypes[ftype].suffixes(compr)
[docs]def fileTypesFromFilter(fdesc): """Extract the filetypes from a file type descriptor. A file type descriptor is a string consisting of an initial part followed by a second part enclosed in parentheses. The second part is a space separated list of glob patterns. An example file descriptor is 'file type text (\\*.ext1 \\*.ext2)'. This is the format as returned by :meth:`FileType.desc`. Parameters ---------- fdesc: str A file descriptor string. compr: bool,optional If True, the compressed file types are automatically added. Returns ------- desc: str The file type description text. ext: list of str A list of the matching extensions (without dot) for this type. An empty string means that any extension is accepted. Examples -------- >>> fileTypesFromFilter(FileTypes['img'].desc()) ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'eps', 'gif', 'bmp'] >>> fileTypesFromFilter(FileTypes['pgf'].desc(compr=True)) ['pgf', 'pgf.gz', 'pgf.bz2'] >>> fileTypesFromFilter('* *.png') ['', 'png'] >>> fileTypesFromFilter('Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg)') ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'] """ m = re.compile(r'.*\((.*)\).*').match(fdesc) ext = m.groups()[0] if m else fdesc return [e.lstrip('*').lstrip('.') for e in ext.split(' ')]
[docs]def setFiletypeFromFilter(filename, fdesc): """Make sure a filename has an acceptable suffix. Parameters ---------- filename: :class:`~path.Path` The filename to chaeck and set the suffix. fdesc: str A file descriptor string. Returns ------- Path If `filename` had a suffix included in `accept`, returns the input filename unaltered. Else returns the filename with a dot and the first suffix from `accepted` appeded to it. Examples -------- >>> setFiletypeFromFilter('image01.jpg', 'Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg)') Path('image01.jpg') >>> setFiletypeFromFilter('image01', 'Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg)') Path('image01.png') """ filename = Path(filename) okext = fileTypesFromFilter(fdesc) if not ('' in okext or filename.filetype() in okext): filename = filename.with_suffix('.'+okext[0]) return filename
[docs]def okURL(url): """Check that an URL is displayable in the browser. Parameters ---------- url: URL The URL to be checked. Returns ------- bool True if ``url`` starts with a protocol that is either 'http:', 'https:' or 'file:'; else False """ s = url.split(':') return len(s) > 1 and s[0] in ['http', 'https', 'file']
########################################################################## ## Filenames ## ############### # TODO: these should go to path module
[docs]def projectName(fn): """Derive a project name from a file name. The project name is the basename of the file without the extension. It is equivalent with Path(fn).stem Examples -------- >>> projectName('aa/bb/cc.dd') 'cc' >>> projectName('cc.dd') 'cc' >>> projectName('cc') 'cc' """ return Path(fn).stem
[docs]def findIcon(name): """Return the file name for an icon with given name. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the icon: this is the stem fof the filename. Returns ------- str The full path name of an icon file with the specified name, found in the pyFormex icon folder, or the question mark icon file, if no match was found. Examples -------- >>> print(findIcon('view-xr-yu').relative_to(pf.cfg['pyformexdir'])) icons/view-xr-yu.xpm >>> print(findIcon('right').relative_to(pf.cfg['pyformexdir'])) icons/64x64/right.png >>> print(findIcon('xyz').relative_to(pf.cfg['pyformexdir'])) icons/question.xpm >>> print(findIcon('recording').relative_to(pf.cfg['pyformexdir'])) icons/recording.gif """ for icondir in pf.cfg['gui/icondirs']: for icontype in pf.cfg['gui/icontypes']: fname = icondir / (name+icontype) if fname.exists(): return fname return pf.cfg['icondir'] / 'question.xpm'
[docs]def listIconNames(dirs=None, types=None): """Return the list of available icons by their name. Parameters ---------- dirs: list of paths, optional If specified, only return icons names from these directories. types: list of strings, optional List of file suffixes, each starting with a dot. If specified, Only names of icons having one of these suffixes are returned. Returns ------- list of str A sorted list of the icon names available in the pyFormex icons folder. Examples -------- >>> listIconNames()[:4] ['clock', 'dist-angle', 'down', 'down'] >>> listIconNames([pf.cfg['icondir'] / '64x64'])[:4] ['down', 'ff', 'info', 'lamp'] >>> listIconNames(types=['.xpm'])[:4] ['clock', 'dist-angle', 'down', 'empty'] """ if dirs is None: dirs = pf.cfg['gui/icondirs'] if types is None: types = pf.cfg['gui/icontypes'] types = ['.+\\'+t for t in types] icons = [] for icondir in dirs: icons += [Path(f).stem for f in icondir.filenames() if matchAny(types, f)] return sorted(icons)
########################################################################## ## File lists ## ################
[docs]def sourceFiles(relative=False, symlinks=True, extended=False): """Return the list of pyFormex .py source files. Parameters ---------- relative: bool If True, returned filenames are relative to the current directory. symlinks: bool If False, files that are symbolic links are retained in the list. The default is to remove them. extended: bool If True, also return the .py files in all the paths in the configured appdirs and scriptdirs. Returns ------- list of str A list of filenames of .py files in the pyFormex source tree, and, if ``extended`` is True, .py files in the configured app and script dirs as well. """ path = pf.cfg['pyformexdir'] ftypes = 'Hf' if symlinks else 'HSf' if relative: path = path.relative_to(Path.cwd()) files = path.listTree( includedir=pf.cfg['sourcedirs'], includefile=[r'.*\.py', 'pyformexrc'], ftypes=ftypes) if extended: searchdirs = [Path(i[1]) for i in pf.cfg['appdirs'] + pf.cfg['scriptdirs']] for path in set(searchdirs): if path.exists(): files += path.listTree( includefile=[r'.*\.py'], ftypes=ftypes) return files
[docs]def grepSource(pattern, options='', relative=True, verbose=False): """Finds pattern in the pyFormex source files. Uses the `grep` program to find all occurrences of some specified pattern text in the pyFormex source .py files (including the examples). Extra options can be passed to the grep command. See `man grep` for more info. Returns the output of the grep command. """ opts = options.split(' ') if '-a' in opts: opts.remove('-a') options = ' '.join(opts) extended = True else: extended = False files = sourceFiles(relative=relative, extended=extended, symlinks=False) cmd = f"grep {options} '{pattern}' {' '.join(files)}" P = system(cmd, verbose=verbose) if not P.returncode: return P.stdout
[docs]def moduleList(package='all'): """Return a list of all pyFormex modules in a subpackage. This is like :func:`sourceFiles`, but returns the files in a Python module syntax. """ exclude = ['examples', 'scripts', 'opengl3'] files = sourceFiles(relative=True) directory = os.path.split(files[0])[0] dirlen = len(directory) if dirlen > 0: dirlen += 1 # Retain only .py files and convert to Python pkg.module format modules = [fn[dirlen:].replace('.py', '').replace('/', '.') for fn in files if fn.endswith('.py')] if package == 'core': # only core modules = [m for m in modules if '.' not in m] elif package == 'all': # everything except examples modules = [m for m in modules if m.split('.')[0] not in exclude] elif package == 'all+ex': # everything including examples pass else: modules = [m for m in modules if m.startswith(package+'.')] for i, m in enumerate(modules): if m.endswith('__init__'): if m == '__init__': modules[i] = 'pyformex' else: modules[i] = m[:-9] return modules
[docs]def findModuleSource(module): """Find the path of the source file of a module module is either an imported module (pkg.mod) or a string with the module name ('pkg.mod'), imported or not. Returns the source file from which the module was/would be loaded when imported. Raises an error if the module can not be imported or does not have a source file. """ import importlib.util if isinstance(module, str): spec = importlib.util.find_spec(module) if spec is None: raise ImportError(f"Can't find module {module}") else: spec = module.__spec__ return spec.origin
[docs]def humanSize(size, units, ndigits=-1): """Convert a number to a human size. Large numbers are often represented in a more human readable form using k, M, G prefixes. This function returns the input size as a number with the specified prefix. Parameters ---------- size: int or float A number to be converted to human readable form. units: str A string specifying the target units. The first character should be one of k,K,M,G,T,P,E,Z,Y. 'k' and 'K' are equivalent. A second character 'i' can be added to use binary (K=1024) prefixes instead of decimal (k=1000). ndigits: int, optional If provided and >=0, the result will be rounded to this number of decimal digits. Returns ------- float The input value in the specified units and possibly rounded to ``ndigits``. Examples -------- >>> humanSize(1234567890,'k') 1234567.89 >>> humanSize(1234567890,'M',0) 1235.0 >>> humanSize(1234567890,'G',3) 1.235 >>> humanSize(1234567890,'Gi',3) 1.15 """ size = float(size) order = '.KMGTPEZY'.find(units[0].upper()) if units[1:2] == 'i': scale = 1024. else: scale = 1000. size = size / scale**order if ndigits >= 0: size = round(size, ndigits) return size
###################### locale ###################
[docs]def setSaneLocale(localestring=''): """Set a sane local configuration for LC_NUMERIC. `localestring` is the locale string to be set, e.g. 'en_US.UTF-8' or 'C.UTF-8' for no locale. Sets the ``LC_ALL`` locale to the specified string if that is not empty, and (always) sets ``LC_NUMERIC`` and ``LC_COLLATE`` to 'C.UTF-8'. Changing the LC_NUMERIC setting is a very bad idea! It makes floating point values to be read or written with a comma instead of a the decimal point. Of course this makes input and output files completely incompatible. You will often not be able to process these files any further and create a lot of troubles for yourself and other people if you use an LC_NUMERIC setting different from the standard. Because we do not want to help you shoot yourself in the foot, this function always sets ``LC_NUMERIC`` back to a sane 'C' value and we call this function when pyFormex is starting up. """ import locale if localestring: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, localestring) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C.UTF-8')
########################################################################## ## Text conversion tools ## ############################
[docs]def rreplace(source, old, new, count=1): """Replace substrings starting from the right. Replaces count occurrences of old substring with a new substring. This is like str.replace, but counting starts from the right. The default count=1 replaces only the last occurrence, and is identical to str.replace (which is then preferred). Parameters ---------- source: str The input string. It can be subclass of str, e.g. :class:`~path.Path`. old: str The substring to be replaced. new: str The string to replace old. count: int The maximum number of replacements. Returns ------- str The string with the replacements made. If source was a subclass of str, the returned string will be of the same subclass. Examples -------- >>> print(rreplace('abababa', 'ab', '+de')) abab+dea >>> print(rreplace('abababa', 'ab', '+de', 2)) ab+de+dea >>> for i in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1): ... print(f"{i}: {rreplace('abcabcabc', 'ab', '-ef', i)}") 0: abcabcabc 1: abcabc-efc 2: abc-efc-efc 3: -efc-efc-efc 4: -efc-efc-efc -1: -efc-efc-efc >>> rreplace(Path('dirname/filename.ext'), 'name.e', 'name00.n') Path('dirname/filename00.nxt') """ return source.__class__(new.join(source.rsplit(old, count)))
[docs]def strNorm(s): """Normalize a string. Text normalization removes all '&' characters and converts it to lower case. >>> strNorm("&MenuItem") 'menuitem' """ return str(s).replace('&', '').lower()
_punct_re = re.compile(r'[\t !"#$%&\'()*\-/<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|},.:]+')
[docs]def slugify(text, delim='-'): """Convert a string into a URL-ready readable ascii text. Examples -------- >>> slugify("[Some] _ Article's Title--") 'http-example-com-blog-some-article-s-title' >>> slugify("&MenuItem") 'menuitem' """ import unicodedata text = str(text) result = [] for word in _punct_re.split(text.lower()): word = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', word).encode('ascii', 'ignore') if word: result.append(bytes.decode(word)) return delim.join(result)
###################### ReST conversion ################### if Module.has('docutils', quiet=True): def rst2html(text, writer='html'): from docutils.core import publish_string # warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) try: s = publish_string(text, writer_name=writer) except Exception as e: print(e) return text return s # warnings.filterwarnings("default", category=DeprecationWarning) else: def rst2html(text, writer='html'): return """.. note:: This is a reStructuredText message, but it is currently displayed as plain text, because it could not be converted to html. If you install python-docutils, you will see this text (and other pyFormex messages) in a much nicer layout! """ + text
[docs]def textFormat(text): """Detect text format Parameters ---------- text: str A multiline string in one of the supported formats: plain text, html, rest, markdown Returns ------- format: str The detected format: one of 'plain', 'html', 'rest' or 'markdown' Examples -------- >>> textFormat('''.. ... Header ... ------ ... ''') 'rest' """ if text.startswith('<'): format = 'html' elif text.startswith('..'): format = 'rest' elif text.startswith('#'): format = 'markdown' else: format = 'plain' return format
[docs]def convertText(text, format=''): """Convert a text to a format recognized by Qt. Input text format is plain, rest, markdown or html. Output text format is plain, markdown or html, with rest being converted to html. Parameters ---------- text: str A multiline string in one of the supported formats: plain text, html or reStructuredText. format: str, optional The format of the text: one of 'plain', 'html' ot 'rest'. The default '' will autorecognize the supported formats. Returns ------- text: str The converted text, being either plain markdown or html. format: str The output format: 'plain', 'markdown' or 'html' Notes ----- For the conversion of reStructuredText to work, the Python docutils have to be installed on the system. Examples -------- >>> convertText('''.. ... Header ... ------ ... ''')[0].startswith('<?xml') True """ if format not in ['plain', 'html', 'rest', 'markdown']: format = textFormat(text) # conversion if format == 'rest' and pf.cfg['gui/rst2html']: # Try conversion to html text = rst2html(text) format = 'html' if isinstance(text, bytes): text = text.decode() return text, format
[docs]def forceReST(text, underline=False): """Convert a text string to have it recognized as reStructuredText. Parameters ---------- text: str A multiline string with some text that is formated as reStructuredText. underline: bool If True, the first line of the text will be underlined to make it a header in the reStructuredText. Returns ------- str: The input text with two lines prepended: a line with '..' and a blank line. The pyFormex text display functions will then recognize the text as being reStructuredText. Since the '..' starts a comment in reStructuredText, the extra lines are not displayed. If underline=True, an extra line is added below the (original) first line, to make that line appear as a header. Examples -------- >>> print(forceReST('Header\\nBody', underline=True)) .. <BLANKLINE> Header ------ Body """ if underline: text = underlineHeader(text) return "..\n\n" + text
[docs]def underlineHeader(s, c='-'): """Underline the first line of a text. Parameters ---------- s: str A multiline string. c: char, optional The character to use for underlining. Default is '-'. Returns ------- str: A multiline string with the original text plus an extra line inserted below the first line. The new line has the same length as the first, but all characters are equal to the specified char. >>> print(underlineHeader("Hello World")) Hello World ----------- """ i = s.find('\n') if i < 0: i = len(s) return s[:i] + '\n' + c*i + s[i:]
[docs]def sameLength(lines, length=-1, adjust='l'): """Make a sequence of strings the same length. Parameters ---------- lines: list of str A sequence of single line strings. length: int The required length of the lines. If negative, the length is set to the maximum input line length. adjust: 'l' | 'c' | 'r' How the input lines are adjusted to respectively the left, the center or the right of the total length of the line. Examples -------- >>> sameLength(['a', 'bb', 'ccc']) ['a ', 'bb ', 'ccc'] >>> sameLength(['a', 'bb', 'ccc'], adjust='c') [' a ', ' bb', 'ccc'] >>> sameLength(['a', 'bb', 'ccc'], adjust='r') [' a', ' bb', 'ccc'] >>> sameLength(['a', 'bb', 'ccc'], length=2) ['a ', 'bb', 'cc'] """ if length < 0: length = max([len(l) for l in lines]) _adjust = {'c':, 'l': str.ljust, 'r': str.rjust}[adjust] return [_adjust(line, length) if len(line) <= length else line[:length] for line in lines]
[docs]def framedText(text, padding=[0, 2, 0, 2], border=[1, 2, 1, 2], margin=[0, 0, 0, 0], borderchar='####', adjust='l'): """Create a text with a frame around it. Parameters ---------- padding: list of int Number of blank spaces around text, at the top, right, bottom, left. border: list of int Border width, at the top, right, bottom, left. margin: list of int Number of blank spaces around border, at the top, right, bottom, left. borderchar: str Border charater, at the top, right, bottom, left. width: int Intended width of the adjust: 'l' | 'c' | 'r' Adjust the text to the left, center or right. Returns ------- str: A multiline string with the formatted framed text. Examples -------- >>> print(framedText("Hello World,\\nThis is me calling",adjust='c')) ########################## ## Hello World, ## ## This is me calling ## ########################## >>> print(framedText("Hello World,\\nThis is me calling",margin=[1,0,0,3])) <BLANKLINE> ########################## ## Hello World, ## ## This is me calling ## ########################## """ lines = text.splitlines() maxlen = max([len(l) for l in lines]) lines = sameLength(lines, maxlen) prefix = borderchar[3]*border[3] + ' '*padding[3] suffix = ' '*padding[1] + borderchar[1]*border[1] width = len(prefix) + maxlen + len(suffix) lmargin = ' '*margin[3] prefix = lmargin + prefix paddingline = prefix + ' '*maxlen + suffix borderline = lmargin + borderchar[0]*width s = [] for i in range(margin[0]): s.append('') for i in range(border[0]): s.append(borderline) for i in range(padding[0]): s.append(paddingline) for l in lines: s.append(prefix + l + suffix) for i in range(padding[2]): s.append(paddingline) for i in range(border[2]): s.append(borderline) for i in range(margin[2]): s.append('') return '\n'.join(s)
[docs]def prefixText(text, prefix): """Add a prefix to all lines of a text. Parameters ---------- text: str A multiline string with the input text. prefix: str A string to be inserted at the start of all lines of text. Returns ------- str A multiline string with the input lines prefixed with prefix. Examples -------- >>> print(prefixText("line1\\nline2","** ")) ** line1 ** line2 """ return '\n'.join([prefix+line for line in text.split('\n')])
# These two functions are undocumented for a reason. Believe me! BV def splitme(s): # noqa: E302 return s[::2], s[1::2] def mergeme(s1, s2): # noqa: E302 return ''.join([a+b for a, b in zip(s1, s2)])
[docs]def timeEval(s, glob=None): """Return the time needed for evaluating a string. s is a string with a valid Python instructions. The string is evaluated using Python's eval() and the difference in seconds between the current time before and after the evaluation is printed. The result of the evaluation is returned. This is a simple method to measure the time spent in some operation. It should not be used for microlevel instructions though, because the overhead of the time calls. Use Python's timeit module to measure microlevel execution time. """ start = time.time() res = eval(s, glob) stop = time.time() print(f"Timed evaluation: {stop-start} seconds") return res
########################################################################## ## Miscellaneous ## ###############################
[docs]def userName(): """Find the name of the user.""" import getpass return getpass.getuser()
[docs]def isString(o): """Test if an object is a string (ascii or unicode)""" return isinstance(o, (str, bytes))
[docs]def isFile(o): """Test if an object is a file""" import io return isinstance(o, io.IOBase)
[docs]def is_script(appname): """Checks whether an application name is rather a script name Parameters ---------- appname: str The name of a script file or an app. Returns ------- bool: True if appname ends with '.py', or contains a '/'. """ appname = str(appname) return appname.endswith('.py') or '/' in appname
def is_app(appname): return not is_script(appname) ######################## Useful classes ################## class Counter: def __init__(self, start=0, step=1): = start self.step = step def peek(self): return def __next__(self): nr = += self.step return nr __call__ = __next__
[docs]def prefixDict(d, prefix=''): """Prefix all the keys of a dict with the given prefix. Parameters ---------- d: dict A dict where all keys are strings. prefix: str A string to prepend to all keys in the dict. Returns ------- dict A dict with the same contents as the input, but where all keys have been prefixed with the given prefix string. Examples -------- >>> prefixDict({'a':0,'b':1},'p_') {'p_a': 0, 'p_b': 1} """ return dict([(prefix+k, d[k]) for k in d])
[docs]def subDict(d, prefix='', strip=True, remove=False): """Return a dict with the items whose key starts with prefix. Parameters ---------- d: dict A dict where all the keys are strings. prefix: str The string that is to be found at the start of the keys. strip: bool If True (default), the prefix is stripped from the keys. Returns ------- dict A dict with all the items from ``d`` whose key starts with ``prefix``. The keys in the returned dict will have the prefix stripped off, unless strip=False is specified. Examples -------- >>> subDict({'p_a':0,'q_a':1,'p_b':2}, 'p_') {'a': 0, 'b': 2} >>> subDict({'p_a':0,'q_a':1,'p_b':2}, 'p_', strip=False) {'p_a': 0, 'p_b': 2} >>> a = {'p_a':0,'q_a':1,'p_b':2} >>> b = subDict(a, 'p_', remove=True, strip=False) >>> a, b ({'q_a': 1}, {'p_a': 0, 'p_b': 2}) """ keys = [k for k in d if k.startswith(prefix)] if strip: subd = dict([(k.replace(prefix, '', 1), d[k]) for k in keys]) else: subd = dict([(k, d[k]) for k in keys]) if remove: for k in keys: del d[k] return subd
[docs]def selectDict(d, keys, remove=False): """Return a dict with the items whose key is in keys. Parameters ---------- d: dict The dict to select items from. keys: set of str The keys to select from ``d``. This can be a set or list of key values, or another dict, or any object having the ``key in object`` interface. remove: bool If True, the selected keys are removed from the input dict. Returns ------- dict A dict with all the items from ``d`` whose key is in ``keys``. See Also -------- removeDict: the complementary operation, returns items not in ``keys``. Examples -------- >>> d = dict([(c,c*c) for c in range(4)]) >>> print(d) {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9} >>> selectDict(d,[2,0]) {2: 4, 0: 0} >>> print(d) {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9} >>> selectDict(d,[2,0,6],remove=True) {2: 4, 0: 0} >>> print(d) {1: 1, 3: 9} """ keys = [k for k in keys if k in d] sel = dict([(k, d[k]) for k in keys]) if remove: for k in keys: del d[k] return sel
[docs]def removeDict(d, keys): """Return a dict with the specified keys removed. Parameters ---------- d: dict The dict to select items from. keys: set of str The keys to select from ``d``. This can be a set or list of key values, or another dict, or any object having the ``key in object`` interface. Returns ------- dict A dict with all the items from ``d`` whose key is not in ``keys``. See Also -------- selectDict: the complementary operation returning the items in ``keys`` Examples -------- >>> d = dict([(c,c*c) for c in range(6)]) >>> removeDict(d,[4,0]) {1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9, 5: 25} """ return dict([(k, d[k]) for k in set(d)-set(keys)])
[docs]def mutexkeys(d, keys): """Enforce a set of mutually exclusive keys in a dictionary. This makes sure that d has only one of the specified keys. It modifies the dictionary inplace. Parameters ---------- d: dict The input dictionary. keys: A list of dictionary keys that are mutually exclusive. Examples -------- >>> d = {'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2} >>> mutexkeys(d, ['b', 'c', 'a']) >>> print(d) {'b': 1} """ keep = None for k in keys: if k in d: keep = k break if keep: for k in keys: if k != keep: d.pop(k, None)
[docs]def refreshDict(d, src): """Refresh a dict with values from another dict. The values in the dict d are update with those in src. Unlike the dict.update method, this will only update existing keys but not add new keys. """ d.update(selectDict(src, d))
[docs]def inverseDict(d): """Return the inverse of a dictionary. Returns a dict with keys and values interchanged. Example: >>> inverseDict({'a':0,'b':1}) {0: 'a', 1: 'b'} """ return dict([(d[k], k) for k in d])
[docs]def selectDictValues(d, values): """Return the keys in a dict which have a specified value - `d`: a dict where all the keys are strings. - `values`: a list/set of values. The return value is a list with all the keys from d whose value is in keys. Example: >>> d = dict([(c,c*c) for c in range(6)]) >>> selectDictValues(d,range(10)) [0, 1, 2, 3] """ return [k for k in d if d[k] in values]
[docs]class DictDiff(): """A class to compute the difference between two dictionaries Parameters ---------- current_dict: dict past_dict: dict The differences are reported as sets of keys: - items added - items removed - keys same in both but changed values - keys same in both and unchanged values """ def __init__(self, current_dict, past_dict): self.current_dict, self.past_dict = current_dict, past_dict self.current_keys, self.past_keys = [ set(d.keys()) for d in (current_dict, past_dict)] self.intersect = self.current_keys.intersection(self.past_keys)
[docs] def added(self): """Return the keys in current_dict but not in past_dict""" return self.current_keys - self.intersect
[docs] def removed(self): """Return the keys in past_dict but not in current_dict""" return self.past_keys - self.intersect
[docs] def changed(self): """Return the keys for which the value has changed""" return set(o for o in self.intersect if self.past_dict[o] != self.current_dict[o])
[docs] def unchanged(self): """Return the keys with same value in both dicts""" return set(o for o in self.intersect if self.past_dict[o] == self.current_dict[o])
[docs] def equal(self): """Return True if both dicts are equivalent""" return len(self.added() | self.removed() | self.changed()) == 0
[docs] def report(self): """Create a reports of the differences""" return (f"""Dict difference report: (1) items added : {', '.join(self.added())} (2) items removed : {', '.join(self.removed())} (3) keys same in both but changed values : {', '.join(self.changed())} (4) keys same in both and unchanged values : {', '.join(self.unchanged())} """)
####################################################### ## Namespace ## #################
[docs]class Namespace(types.SimpleNamespace): """A SimpleNamespace subclass that also has dict access methods. The NameSpace class adds three dunder methods to the :class:`types.SimpleNamespace` class: __getitem__, __setitem__ and__delitem__. This allows the attributes also to be accessed with dict methods. Furthermore, it defines an _attrs method to get a list of the defined attributes. Examples -------- >>> S = Namespace(a=0, b=1) >>> print(S) Namespace(a=0, b=1) >>> S['c'] = 2 >>> S.a = 3 >>> print(S) Namespace(a=3, b=1, c=2) >>> print(S.a, S['a']) 3 3 >>> del S.a >>> T = Namespace(**{'b':1, 'c':2}) >>> print(S, T) Namespace(b=1, c=2) Namespace(b=1, c=2) >>> print(S == T) True >>> del S['c'] >>> print(S == T) False >>> print(T._attrs()) ['b', 'c'] """ def __getitem__(self, k): return self.__getattribute__(k) def __setitem__(self, k, v): self.__setattr__(k, v) def __delitem__(self, k): self.__delattr__(k) def _attrs(self): return list(self.__dict__)
########################################################################### def execFile(f, *args, **kargs): with open(f, 'r') as fil: return exec(compile(, f, 'exec'), *args, **kargs)
[docs]def interrogate(item): """Print useful information about item.""" info = {} if hasattr(item, '__name__'): info["NAME: "] = item.__name__ if hasattr(item, '__class__'): info["CLASS: "] = item.__class__.__name__ info["ID: "] = id(item) info["TYPE: "] = type(item) info["VALUE: "] = repr(item) info["CALLABLE:"] = callable(item) if hasattr(item, '__doc__'): doc = getattr(item, '__doc__') doc = doc.strip() # Remove leading/trailing whitespace. firstline = doc.split('\n')[0] info["DOC: "] = firstline for k in info: print(f"{k} {info[k]}")
[docs]def memory_report(keys=None): """Return info about memory usage""" import gc gc.collect() P = system('cat /proc/meminfo') res = {} for line in str(P.stdout).split('\n'): try: k, v = line.split(':') k = k.strip() v = v.replace('kB', '').strip() res[k] = int(v) except Exception: break res['MemUsed'] = res['MemTotal'] - res['MemFree'] - res['Buffers'] - res['Cached'] if keys: res = selectDict(res, keys) return res
def memory_diff(mem0, mem1, tag=None): m0 = mem0['MemUsed']/1024. m1 = mem1['MemUsed']/1024. m2 = m1 - m0 m3 = mem1['MemFree']/1024. print(f"{m0:10.1f} MB before; {m1:10.1f} MB after; " f"{m2:10.1f} MB used; {m3:10.1f} MB free; {tag}") _mem_state = None def memory_track(tag=None, since=None): global _mem_state if since is None: since = _mem_state new_mem_state = memory_report() if tag and _mem_state is not None: memory_diff(since, new_mem_state, tag) _mem_state = new_mem_state return _mem_state
[docs]def totalMemSize(o, handlers={}, verbose=False): """Return the approximate total memory footprint of an object. This function returns the approximate total memory footprint of an object and all of its contents. Automatically finds the contents of the following builtin containers and their subclasses: tuple, list, deque, dict, set and frozenset. To search other containers, add handlers to iterate over their contents: handlers = {SomeContainerClass: iter, OtherContainerClass: OtherContainerClass.get_elements} Adapted from """ from sys import getsizeof, stderr from itertools import chain from collections import deque try: from reprlib import repr except ImportError: pass def dict_handler(d): return chain.from_iterable(d.items()) all_handlers = { tuple: iter, list: iter, deque: iter, dict: dict_handler, set: iter, frozenset: iter, } all_handlers.update(handlers) # user handlers take precedence seen = set() # track which object id's have already been seen default_size = getsizeof(0) # estimate sizeof object without __sizeof__ def sizeof(o): if id(o) in seen: # do not double count the same object return 0 seen.add(id(o)) s = getsizeof(o, default_size) if verbose: print(s, type(o), repr(o), file=stderr) for typ in all_handlers: if isinstance(o, typ): handler = all_handlers[typ] s += sum([sizeof(i) for i in handler(o)]) break return s return sizeof(o)
def memUsed(): return memory_report()['MemUsed'] ########################################################################### #### Deprecated ##### # TODO: remove in 3.4 is_pyFormex = is_script @deprecated_by('utils.globFiles', 'Path.glob') def globFiles(pattern, sort=hsorted): # noqa: F405 return Path.glob(pattern) @deprecated_by('utils.listAllFonts', 'utils.listFonts') def listAllFonts(): return listFonts() # noqa: F405 @deprecated_by('utils.runCommand', 'utils.command') def runCommand(cmd, timeout=None, shell=True, **kargs): P = command(cmd, timeout=timeout, shell=shell, **kargs) return P.returncode, P.stdout.rstrip('\n') @deprecated_by('utils.removeTree', 'Path.removeTree') def removeTree(path, top=True): Path(path).removeTree(top) @deprecated_by('utils.removeFile', 'Path.remove') def removeFile(filename): Path(filename).remove() @deprecated_by('utils.mtime', 'Path.mtime') def mtime(fn): return os.stat(fn).st_mtime @deprecated_by('utils.listDirs', 'Path.dirs') def listDirs(path): return Path(path).dirnames() @deprecated_by('utils.listFiles', 'Path.files') def listFiles(path): return Path(path).filenames() @deprecated_by('utils.splitFilename', 'Path') def splitFilename(path, *args, **kargs): p = Path(path) return p.parent, p.stem, p.suffix @deprecated_by('utils.listTree', 'Path.listTree') def listTree(path, *args, **kargs): return Path(path).listTree(*args, **kargs) @deprecated_by('utils.tempName', 'Path.TempFile') def tempName(*args, **kargs): return tempfile.mkstemp(*args, **kargs)[1] @deprecated_by('utils.changeExt', 'Path.with_suffix') def changeExt(path, ext, accept_ext=None, reject_ext=None): p = Path(path) oldext = p.suffix if ((accept_ext and oldext not in accept_ext) or (reject_ext and oldext in reject_ext)): return str(p) + ext else: return str(p.with_suffix(ext)) @deprecated_by('utils.normalizeFileType', 'Path.ftype') def normalizeFileType(ftype): return ftype.lower().lstrip('.') @deprecated_by('utils.fileTypeFromExt', 'Path.ftype or Path.filetype') def fileTypeFromExt(fname): return Path(fname).filetype() @deprecated_by('utils.fileTypeComprFromExt', 'Path.ftype_compr') def fileTypeComprFromExt(fname): return Path(fname).ftype_compr() @deprecated_by('utils.fileSize', 'Path.size') def fileSize(fn): return Path(fn).size #### Removed #### # tildeExpand = os.path.expanduser # splitExt: replaced with fileSuffix # listDir: was only used in listDirs & listFiles # prefixFiles: use: [prefix / f for f in files] # unPrefixFiles: use: [f.relative_to(prefix) for f in files] # fileName: use: dir / (name+ext) # fileSuffix: use Path.filetype # currentScript # dictStr: use repr(dict) # procInfo, vmSize, memory_used: not useful ### End