This module contains some functions to export pyFormex mesh models to Gambit neutral files.
Classes defined in module neu_exp
Functions defined in module neu_exp
Write the heading of the Gambit neutral file.
nbsets: number of boundary condition sets (border patches).
Write nodal coordinates.
Write element connectivity.
Write group of elements.
Write boundary condition sets of faces.
BorderFace array: A set of border faces defined as a (n,2) shaped int array: echo row contains an element number (enr) and face number (fnr).
There are 2 ways to construct the BorderFace arrays:
# find border both as mesh and enr/fnr and keep correspondence:
brde, brdfaces = M.getFreeEntities(level=-1,return_indices=True)
brd = Mesh(M.coords, brde)
.. note: This needs further explanation. Gianluca?
(part of) the border of M, BorderFace array for the surface S can be obtained from:
bf = M.matchFaces(S)[1]
See also for the description of the neu file syntax.
Read a tetgen tetraeder model.
filename is the base of the path of the input files. For a filename ‘proj’, nodes are expected in ‘proj.1.node’ and elems are in file ‘proj.1.ele’.
Export a mesh as .neu file (For use in Gambit/Fluent)