This is the reference manual for pyFormex 0.9.1. It describes most of the classes and functions defined in the pyFormex modules. It was built automatically from the pyFormex sources and is therefore the ultimate reference document if you want to look up the precise arguments (and their meaning) of any class constructor or function in pyFormex. The Index and Module Index may be helpful in navigating through this document.
This reference manual describes the classes in functions defined in most of the pyFormex modules. It was built automatically from the docstrings in the pyFormex sources. The pyFormex modules are placed in three paths:
Some of the modules are loaded automatically when pyFormex is started. Currently this is the case with the modules coords, formex, arraytools, script and, if the GUI is used, draw and colors. All the public definitions in these modules are available to pyFormex scripts without explicitly importing them. Also available is the complete numpy namespace, because it is imported by arraytools.
The definitions in the other modules can only be accessed using the normal Python import statements.
The definitions in these modules are always available to your scripts, without the need to explicitely import them.
Together with the autoloaded modules, the following modules located under the main pyformex path are considered to belong to the pyformex core functionality.
These modules are located under pyformex/gui.
Plugin modules extend the basic pyFormex functions to variety of specific applications. Apart from being located under the pyformex/plugins path, these modules are in no way different from other pyFormex modules.
The main pyformex path contains a number of modules that are not considered to be part of the pyFormex core, but are rather tools that were used in the implementation of other modules, but can also be useful elsewhere.